Microsoft recently removed a number of the "components" used in the LOTRO install from "public" access.
I assume that the Crosstie is now failing because it cannot find those components.
I don't know anything about the Crosstie installer and am not the one who maintains it, so I can't fix it.
In any case, LOTRO on Crossover is being hit with a triple-whammie:
1- Microsoft's actions to remove certain kits from availability
2- Apple's update to 10.8.2
And the one you have not seen yet as it is still in Beta
3- Turbine's Riders of Rohan Update -- which has two items of particular concern, at least to Mac players.
First the good news.Turbine will be releasing a new native Mac Client at the time of the Riders of Rohan release. This client does work quite well and supports OpenGL as opposed to Microsoft's DX graphics.
Now the bad news; which is also not good news for either Codeweavers or Wine... Turbine has made significant changes to the technology involved in the Game engine, as of the latest release of Beta 5, (Beta 6 is due on 10/1) the Windows Client does not run under any version of WINE, i.e. Crossover.