I would like to start playing LOTRO on an EU server but I have a Macbook and am having some trouble installing the game. I have looked at the Tips & Tricks and read some forum posts but I seem to be missing a step - I get so far and can go no further. These are the steps I have followed:
- created a username and password on the LOTRO website (I have not bought the LOTRO discs or an electronic registration key as I intended on downloading the free trial before I realised I couldn't!)
- installed CXG and created a Windows 2000 bottle named LOTRO
- clicked the link in CXG 'CrossOver Games Software Installer'
- expanded 'Community Supported Applications'
- selected 'Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Murkwood
- clicked Proceed
And here is where I get stuck... it now asks me to select an Installer. The only options I have in this section are:
1) Choose Installer File...
2) Choose Installer Folder...
Where exactly am I supposed to get this installer from? Am I supposed to download it separately? If so, where from?
Furthermore, are these the steps I am supposed to take to access the EU servers?
I apologise if this has been answered previously. I have been looking for the answer but can't seem to find it. I am new to LOTRO and also new to Mac and CXG, so I need all the help I can get!
An idiots guide style of response would be most appreciated ;) Thanks!