Just trying this rather than a new install as I've had
a weird graphic problem caused by a custom UI.
Which kind... a skin or lua... there were MAJOR issues with both
following the November 2010 LOTRO update. Virtually all LUAs broke
because of changes to the api -- and only a couple of them have been
patched to run, although others claimed to have been patched to run.
I haven't run the skins for ages as they really didn't suit my
style, so I don't know what happened to them following that update.
This might sound more complicated than it is as there was a chain of events that led to it, but here goes.
For the last few releases of CXG I have been unable to alt/tab out of the game, which is a pain if I'm crafting or decide I need to load up Ventrilo etc. I can get around the problem by switching to windowed mode but this leads to....
I use Daimon Mini UI, which works fine if you have 1680 x 1050 resolution, but the layout gets irretrievably broken if you switch to window mode, so I thought I would.......
I used my Bootcamp partition to configure a Daimon Mini to work at 1680 x 1028, which means I can run in windowed mode but nearly full screen and not have to change my layout when I switch to Windows/CXG. However this didn't work, but for some reason I was stuck in 1680 x 1028 mode, even if I selected 1680 x 1050 full screen. There was a black bar at the bottom of the screen, and the mouse was 22 pixels out, for example I couldn't click buttons/icons near the top. (Hope that makes sense). I tried a few things but then thought it would be easier to reinstall than fiddle any more :)
Back to the present however, and the link idea didn't work. PYLotRO loads and patches (or checks for patches at least) and accepts my user name and password, I then get a blank screen. I tried installing Direct X Modern but that made no difference, and I then tried to install the latest C+ distributable, but I then go straight from PYLotRO to the PYLotRO EXIT/SAVE/CANCEL screen.
Deleted the bottle and about to start again to see if I can sort it out :)
Thanks for the help so far.
Remembered that I originally had the C++ 2005 Redistributable in my original install, I usually use the MoM European disk set to run. Followed the above instructions and put Direct X Modern and the 2005 C++ in and it worked, still have the weird resolution problem though, so I'm going to completely uninstall CXG and reinstall from there, following the tip and trick about the plist too :).
Removed CXG, reinstalled, followed the instructions above and added Direct X and C++ 2005, loaded game, switched to 1680 x 1050 res and the problem is still there.
Thinking that I must have altered some file on the windows side within the LotRO directory when I ran the batch file to try and customise the UI, but I'm at a loss to explain why it only effects CXG and not when I play on Bootcamp side. I've removed the folder ~/Documents/The Lord of the Rings Online, which as far as I know is the only place that should hold settings to be saved by the program.