I've got a Macbook Pro 13 inch, which came out in early 2011.
2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
8Gigs of RAM
OS 10.6.8
Intel HD Graphics 3000 is my video card.
I know this is not a great video card, but I've definitely been able
to get more out of it in games like Civ V than in LOTRO.
Basically, if I turn up the settings beyond Medium (individual
sliders, like Landscape Draw Distance, etc.) the world will
occasionally get very very dark. I look at the brightness sliders
and those haven't changed.
Similarly, sometimes all the ground textures in the area are...
rainbow coloured. Like, very bright neon rainbow colours.
Extremely jarring, and I remember the game running more smoothly on
my 3 year old Mac Mini. I THINK my MBP has a better graphics card
than my Mac Mini since Starcraft and Civilization look better on the
MBP, so I assume it is a problem with LOTRO and my card..
Anyone know any fixes?
edit: ok I looked at the ever useful McGill Society website and the
only solution was to lower my graphics setting. This I have already
done, but I'm hoping some people here might have other suggestions
as well :P
This is a hybrid problem -- between the Apple Graphics drivers and Turbine. Lowering the Graphics resolution is not the "solution." The solution is (probably) two pronged.
1- To immediately eliminate the "stripes" ... in advanced graphics toggle the setting of "distance impostors." (I think that is the first check-box") This causes "some kind of reset" to happen with the graphics drivers, and the problem goes away ... until the next game launch, when you need to toggle it again.
2- May not manifest itself as obviously... but the highest "texture filtering" which works is Very high. The Ansomophoric filter simply does not work. You need to quit the game and CXG (and maybe reboot) to force a reset of the graphics card AFTER you have lowered the Texture Filtering setting. (Symptom:Ground textures are obviously very "blocky" -- not visible on rocky or water terrain.)
So until Apple generates new Graphics Drivers, I don't see any other solution. Remember Apple computers do NOT employ Graphics Cards and Software from third parties -- nVidia, ATI, Intel... etc. they buy the chips and install them on their own designed "boards." Similarly, Apple does not distribute the Third party Graphis drivers, but rather license the technology and incorporate it into OSX. Which is to say, you cannot download Graphics Drives from Third Party sites and use them with OSX .... and drivers installed inside a bottle are not used by anything.