I have been trying to install it with crosstie but everytime
something doesn't install properly. Do I have to have the full
version or do I just need the trial. I always have to skip a step
that doesn't work. Any advice on what version to use would be
helpful then I will get straight onto the download and give you
results. I am on Lion as well. version 10.7
There is no difference between the "demo version" and the "licensed version". You simply register the "demo version" and it becomes the "licensed version."
1- What version of CXG are you using... 10.1.2 is the version which supports Lion.
2- The CrossTie installer should complete with ONLY one "error" -- that error occurs when you terminate the execution of the Turbine Launcher at the end. Any other errors prior to that imply a problem with your environment... most likely a corrupt download because of communication issues. What kind communication link are you using?
3- The PMB download take roughly 6-9+ hours on a 6meg DSL line. This can look like a problem, but it is quite normal... as the download is roughly 10 Gigabytes in size.
4- once downloaded the LOTRO install itself will take another 4+ hours depending upon the speed of you system and the space available on your hard drive.
One final comment.... it is best to clear out your old versions of CXG and LOTRO first.
Under Lion, before you try again...
1- open a Finder window.
Select prferences, select the "Sidebar" tab,
make certain that YOUR "Hard disks" is checked.
2- In your Finder window select your hard drive.
Select the Applications folder
Right click on the CrossOver Games and select "move to trash"
(If the application is running quit it first.)
Empty the trash
3- REBOOT your system; un-check the box: Reopen windws when logging back in.
4- When your system has rebooted, log back in. (Assuming you have Automatic
login turned off.)
5- Delete the ENTIRE folder...
"<you>/Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games"
NOTE: under Lion your Library folder is no longer visible.
launch the "Terminal" window -- from the system
Applications/Utilities folder.
In the terminal window type... INCLUDING the quotes:
cd "Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games"
ls <return> ... you should see something like:
Bottles CrossOverGames.conf.10.1.0 desktopdata
CrossOverGames.conf CrossOverGames.conf.10.1.1 installers
CrossOverGames.conf.10.0.0 CrossOverGames.conf.10.1.2 tie
CrossOverGames.conf.10.0.1 Helpers usage.log
rm -r * <return> ... this will delete all of
the files and directories found there.
This might take a minute or two depending on how
much "stuff" is found in that folder.
6- Delete the CrossOver Games preference files
cd library/preferences<return>
ls com.codeweavers.*<return> .... you should see something like:
ls com.codeweavers.*
com.codeweavers.crossover CD helper.plist
rm com.codeweavers.*<return> ... this will delete all of
preference files relating to CrossOver Games
7- Download a fresh (i.e. the latest) copy of CrossOver Games.
Click "Download FREE Trial Now
8- Visit http://www.mcgillsociety.org/PyLotRO/index.html
Especially see the section "Step-by-step Instructions for installing LOTRO and
DDO on the Mac under OSX and CrossOver Games"
9- Go to the Codeweavers LOTRO home page
click the orange "Install via CrossTie button.
You should have no problems from there on out.
At the moment, I do not know if Turbine had updated their "installer" to include the ROI update. If they have, patching will be very fast (that is, not needed). Otherwise, the patch process for ROI takes about 45 minutes.