Hello all,
So i have been having troubles getting all of this to work again with migration, i followed instructions and after trying to follow lots of instructions on the net, naming files renaming deleting everything! i new there were only one way to sort this out....
If you want to try this ill post some simple steps, but doing this has allowed me to get back, but I do have the cross grid thing going, im not sure how to do that exactly but i dont really care atm, im playing again.... Well im not, im helping those still with troubles!
Ok these are the steps/things i did - and Working
(Note: I imagine most people are mac users? i will go bak to this note later)
Here goes!!
DELETE EVERYTHING refering to lord of the rings online, i know this may be difficult, all that time spent however do it!
Go to http://www.lotro.com/support/download-lotro and dont download the either of the first two! at the bottom - download now from file planet is the one you want cause then you get the whole thing as a zip (when downloading the above files i had the Upside down inverted pando problem) and couldnt get tht sorted
Whilst that is downloading you can read this info part, I am using a Macbook, not a pro, i previously had the High res version and almost had to turn all effects etc off, i mention this and refer bak to the note here also, this file you are dowloading is the standered version, however in my opinion it looks so much better as i can run all the frill detail landscape detail clothing detail.... blah blah the list goes on.. All detail looks better, smoother but better. makes me feel more in tht universe :P
After you have watched great posts on youtube or maybe television or even had a snooze and your download is done, put it where you want it to be and un-zip it
Top right is install via cross- as a post i read someone mentioned about safari doing this fine firefox asks which program and obviously use crossover g,
When it asks about an installer you are to go to the folder where you just unzipped the contents and there should be LOTROsetup . exe You are to use this as the installer, it should do what it has to do and youl be ready for the next bit
Right so you have it all done ok? yes i hear? brilliant, now run pylotro and it should winge about no files found etc - you click on TOOLS/Settings Wizard, and find the game. click the game file
now simply patch it, shouldnt take to long (I have a theory that with the situation they posted an updated version?) so any way my point is it shouldn't take too long
8.So it has patched yes? ah, brilliant, now enter your details and server, (Im on withyw..summit)and away you go!! should be no problems except for the cross grid screens but so far this hasnt caused n e errors for me :D
some more info about my experience with this:
I have the latest version of Crossover i do believe
And i am runnig Mac OS X version 10.6.7
So as i leave you with this feel free to ask questions ill answer to the best of my ability MY TECH SKILLS are not amazing and i really have no idea what the error message logs mean and tht stuff but as i say, i shall try!
Good luck!
IMPORTANT Update: The server has gone into service I got on earlier, commented on here to let people know how and wondered what happened!! but the service is 6 - 11 but this is GMT - 4 note in english gmt + 1 time this is 11 oclock untill 5 oclock