I just reinstalled Legacy Family Tree 9.0 in the current version of CrossOver (22.1.1) on Ubuntu 20.04. I used Crossover's tie to install it.
I reinstalled because while the main Legacy window is normal, every window within it is truncated. In every window, the content on the right side and the bottom is clipped off.
I also see that there are two icons to start the program Legacy 9.0 when I click on the Legacy Family Tree tab.
I have screenshots of both issues, but I don't see a way to add them.
When I installed it it automatically opened the software and crashed, giving me Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x7bc2539c). But when I right clicked and selected run on the second of the two icons, it opened with the truncated windows problem, but otherwise seems to act normal. - if you can find what you need to click on or add to.
Before reinstalling, I tried changing screen resolution in the bottle, which did not work and added more problems, like the entire window too big and loading over the task bar on the bottom. I had to use a shortcut to open terminal to run xkill to kill the program. I may not have done it right - it's not like I found instructions somewhere on how to do it.