Legacy Family Tree 9.0.0 is now available, time for a test drive using CrossOver 16.2 running on OSX 10.12.4 Sierra.
Installing LFT 9 from scratch was quick and easy. Previous files were found and converted to the new format seamlessly. My first impression was wow! The quirkiness of running LFT 8 on CrossOver is largely gone. LFT 9 is stable, tooltips display, and all the core functions appear to operate as expected.
LFT 9 feels like a larger program than LFT 8 and runs a little slower. On my MacBook Air it consumes up to 30% of CPU time and 4 GB of RAM. That said, responsiveness is not a problem.
The few quirks encountered so far are display related. Sometimes the right half of tooltip boxes is blank. Also, the border around the LFT screen sometimes blinks black/grey, seemingly prompted by using a Mac program simultaneously.
All that said, I am much encouraged. LFT 9 is a huge leap forward for us in the Windows Free community.