Hello Code Weaver world, I just wanted to do my part and provided information that I did to get Left 4 dead 2 to work with out any crashes. My specs are as follows:
Debian Wheezy
Kernel 3.2.0-4-686-pae
nVidia driver 310.19. Before I updated I was running driver version 304.48 and all worked just as fine. So I don't know if it matters
CrossOver 11.3.1
OK Now I experienced many of the problems that most if not all of you have experienced so this is what I did and I haven't had a problem yet.
1) Install nVidia PhysX form the community support column
2) Install DirectX 9 from the runtime column
3) In your set launch options (In steam under left 4 dead 2) type in " -dxlevel 90 -autoconfig -novid " Note without the quotes
Now before I did the " -autoconfig -novid " I would get sound crashes but not game crashes. I don't know if you need the " -novid " option but do put in the " -autoconfig " option and if there are any other options (I.E. screen resolution) that you want, put them in the set launch option after the " -autoconfig " do not configure the options in game.
I have played many of left 4 dead 2 maps both online and offline, restarted steam and my machine everything to try to get it to break and I have not been able to as of this moment. For now it is pretty rock solid!
I hope this helps someone out or even get's the ball rolling on getting this game to at least silver.
Also on a side not if you do get sound crashes make sure you have the console enabled and then bind a key to this command " snd_restart " Note With out the quotes So it should look like this " bind b snd_restart " again without the quotes That way if the sound crashes you just press the letter b and it will fix your sound without needing to leave the game or messing with the sound options while in game.
Again I no longer have sound crashes but just in case I am set. It's a small inconvenience but, I'll take it any day over game crashes.
Thank you all for reading and happy zombie killing to all. 😀