Well, I decided to install Itunes (what the hell, I try to install everything else in Crossover). I was diappointed to learn of the no CD burning support, but went and tried it anyway. Installation was a little flaky as it hung, but I ran repair and it installed fine.
Next, I wasn't getting any sound, so I consulted the FAQ and configured sound output accordingly. Still wasn't getting any sound, checked the FAQ and had to configure Crossover for an ALSA backend. Once that was done, I had no problems downloading, browsing, and playing music in Itunes.
My one dilemna was that I wanted the music in mp3 format, since I use jinzora to stream my music to my other computers. Without CD burning, I was going to have to find a different way. I ran across a program called JHymn which does the conversion process. I downloaded the source and built it for Linux (a little bit of a task) and I finally have what I need.
I now run Itunes in Crossover to download the songs I want, and then I convert and stream from there. I'm happy. :)