I'm running a fairly plain Fedora Core 4 install.
I'm using the 30 day free demo of CX 5, and trying to get iTunes 4.9
to see my iPod Nano. iTunes installed fine and can run but I have
been unable to get it to see the iPod.
A few notes on this process:
Fedora Core 4 auto-mounts an iPod as /media/ipod when it is plugged in.
It would be nice if "cxipod --user" detected this; as it is I changed the "d:"
symlink by hand.
It wasn't clear to me whether the various device permission tweaks were still
needed (the ipod is auto-mounted with the "pamconsole" option, i.e. it is owned
by the current user). I made them anyway, but they didn't help.
The sg devices don't seem to exist any more, so cxipod doesn't actually
notice that I have an ipod attached. However, from what I can tell, cxipod only
uses this information to change device permissions. According to this site:
... the SG_IO ioctl was pushed into the block subsystem (I assume this is the
magic ioctl referred to elsewhere in this forum) in the 2.6 kernels. HTH 😊
Installing dcom95 into my win2000 bottle caused iTunes to completely stop working.
It simply won't start up now (I waited for several minutes "just in case").
It doesn't seem possible to remove this (or iTunes for that matter) once it is installed
in a bottle.
At this point I am stuck. I know iPod connectivity is not supported; unfortunately
my main intended use for CX is to buy music via iTunes and transfer it to the iPod.