I am trying to install iTunes on Crossover free trial under Ubuntu 7.10. Right at the beginning of the installation I get a screen titled: CD Warning. It says that Crossover detected problems with my CD drive configuration and two possible explanations: 1. I am running Mandrake, which I am not, and 2. My system doesn't have the Joliet ISO 9660 extension enabled in the kernel and that it cannot handle long names. If I tell it to go ahead it gets several errors, the first being:
Starting '/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader' 'winewrapper.exe' 'cxoffice' '--no-convert' '--run' '--'
'/opt/cxoffice/lib/wine/assocscan.exe.so' '--scan' '--icon-dir' '/home/ralph/.cxoffice/itunes_cd_winxp/windata/Associations'
err:reg:SCSI_getprocentry SCSI type line scan count error (fscanf returns 1, expected 2)
trace:cxassocscan:do_ext L".avi"
trace:cxassocscan:do_ext mimetype=L"video/avi"
trace:cxassocscan:get_value unable to get the size of L".avi"->(null) (2)
trace:cxassocscan:do_ext L".bmp"
plus many more lines in the log.
Does anyone know how I can check if the Joliet extension is enabled, and if not how do I enable it? Also, if anyone can suggest a fix for the above err I wouold appreciate it. I also would be interested in other ways to support an iPod Nano under Linux. I wanted the Windows iTunes so that I could execute the restore function, which apparently reloads the firmware. I have had to do this on multiple occasions.