Hi again,
My best guess is your issues are related to the GMA-950 video
chipset ; any resolve here is going to be app specific (what may
work for one app may not work for another), and some apps won't
work with this video chipset at all - the first thing I would try,
is the tip titled "Intel GMA 950 series cards... " on the following
C4 page...;
..specifically the bit about pixel/vertex shaders. You may have to enable
emulate a virtual desktop to get some apps running...the following registry
keys may well have some bearing on how things perform;
Note: They are the default values, change "xxx" to suit the amount of video
ram your GMA-950 has ; perhaps "UseGLSL"="disable" is more appropriate here,
along with "OffscreenRenderingMode"="backbuffer"...but I'm not sure - your
own experimentation will be the key to any success. The above registry keys
are documented here (most of them anyhow ;)...;
Hope this helps....