1° install crossover-office
2° install heredis v10 pro, an unsupported application in a XP bottle
3° copy the following XP DLLs in the folder of Heredis10 program : mshtml.dll msls31.dll shdocvw.dll shlwapi.dll urlmon.dll
4° copy the following XP DLLs in the folder of Planete Genealogie program : shdocvw.dll shlwapi.dll
5° replace the running script by the following one :
exec "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine" --bottle "winxp" --check --wait-children //
--start "C:/windows/profiles/All Users/Start Menu/Programs/BSD Concept/Heredis 10/Heredis v.10.lnk" "$@" &
exec "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine" --bottle "winxp" --check --wait-children //
--start "C:/Program Files/BSD Concept/Heredis 10/Heredis10.exe" "$@"[/b]
The // means that both lines have to be on one line only !!