I installed H&R Home + E-file + State on my Ubuntu 9.04 box, using CrossOver v 8.0.0.
I first attempted the install using the defaults, starting from the Start > Cross Over > Install Windows Software, checking the Install Unsupported box, and allowing the installer to select the default bottle, and proceed from there.
It SEEMED to install without errors. But, when launched, the fonts were unreadable, and the boxes to start, next, and so-on did not work. However, the tool bar, File > (whatever) did work.
I decided that the unreadable fonts was reason enough to kill it, and start over. I deleted the taxcut09 bottle I had named for this, and from the Start > Cross Over > Configuration > Manage Bottles I added a new winxp bottle. After the new bottle was created, naming it taxcut09, I went to Add/Remove, hilighted the new taxcut09 bottle, and installed the fonts, then installed Internet Explorer 6.
Although H&R 2009 will successfully import data from your financial software, e.g. Quicken, MS Money, etc., if that financial software program is not installed in the same bottle, it chokes, and will not continue. For this reason, I installed my Quicken 2009 into the taxcut09 bottle, again, from the Add/Remove > (hilight taxcut09) Install software. After getting Quicken 2009 completely set up and functioning, I next installed H&R 2009, again from the Add/Remove > (hilight taxcut09) Install software.
Now, the fonts are the typical Windows fonts, easily readable, and all buttons and functions of the H&R 2009 work.
Compared to running H&R 2009 from a virtual Windows machine on this same computer, Cross Over runs significantly faster, with no loss of functionality.
Since I can demonstrate a fully functional program using the alternative installation methods described above, I would recommend that users NOT install this product using the conventional Start > Cross Over > Install Software method.
I'm pretty new here, and I don't know how to submit this information into 'Tips/Tricks.'
I'm afraid that, unless users install with my method, they will be frustrated and disappointed.