Suprisingly good!
CW Version:
6.0 (6.0.0)
MBP 2.33 15" 2G
Launch Options:
-console -heapsize 512000 -dxlevel 80 -width 1280 -height 800 -window -novid +cl_drawmonitors 0 +r_shadowrendertotexture 0 +r_WaterDrawReflection 0
Graphics Options:
Model detail: High
Texture detail: High
Shader detail: High
Water detail: Simple reflections
Shadow detail: Low
Antialiasing mode: None
Filtering mode: Trilinear
Wait for vertical snc: Disabled
HDR: None
You'll notice my launch options fire up in a window. This is due to the fact that I can't seem to play full screen. I've tried a slew of varied settings (including DX7) and full screen mode fires up with the dock area blackened which skews my where my pointer "thinks" it is -- and leaves a black bar accross the bottom of the screen the same size as my dock.
Playing in windowed mode works suprisingly well so far. I haven't had a chance to play into the game very far so I haven't pushed the engine very hard. But what I have played has been mostly flawless.
Sound is nice and clear and I haven't had any skips of just sound yet.
I have had what I assume to be disk access pauses, but they are minor annoyances at best (and I seem to recall having them from time to time on my PC anyway).
[And one more edit before anyone replies... I had iMail, Safari, a torrent of CentOS and iTerm all running during testing.]
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