I have a macbook pro 2.4 ghz. Its brand new and currently a trial version of crossover 6.1 is installed running steam.
Counter Strike, Condition Zero, Deleted scenes run exceptionally great.
However, I am unable to fire up half life 2 to any miserable measure. The screen first goes into full screen mode. Then turns white for a moment, afterwhich it displays a blurry outline of a city-scape with the words Loading in the corner.
Then it just hangs there and never loads. I've even left it there for four hours just to see if it is a computer issue or a software issue and I think its most likely to be a software one. Counterstrike works great. Half Life 2 doesn't even go beyond the original 800x600 resolution because the menu never displays and the game never gets beyond the load stage.
Any help would be wonderfully appreciated!