Hello there, I am really haven't it in mind to be outstanding person over whole forum with my claims. Therefore I still hasn't found even a reasonable solution regarding the troubles caused by persistent crashing once I'd tried entering any in game mission. Most of all it makes me real mad if I play with my PvP character - thus i am just unable to enjoy PvP at all unluckily isn't it? Hope you do realize that.
Now I wish to claim for tech support and suppose it's naturally. Once I've claimed the NCsoft programers staff I received the quit polite feedback with a bunch of questions but particularly :
run with flag
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -diag
grab one NetworkDiag.log file and retrieve it to our head-quarter so we may inspect it issues within.
Yes unexpectedly and I was much wander that this trick has worked! However when I begin reading the strings I've caught a pretty interesting line called 'video card section' and there the X video system was clearly stated.
What should I do next? I know it for sure that neither Ncsfot not ArenaNet no longer hasn't providing any 'alternate' OS with a support :(
From the other hand as I has been notified by one famous guy from a local Cross Over stuff it isn't should be connected to their program issues but may caused my poor hardware or so.
Please I hope to your much understanding and charity
Kindest regards