It may not be a GuildWars only issue but I was trying GuildWars when it happened. I'm sorry to post this here but I cannot open a support ticket because I haven't purchased CrossOver yet.
In GuildWars, the Alt-key highlights every NPC, this is very useful and I always keep Alt pressed when wandering in towns.
The problem is, the iMac keyboard being what it is, I often find myself pressing the Command-key instead of the Alt-key.
As move commands are Q,S,D,Z on my AZERTY keyboard, I often press Command-Q (trying to highlight NPCs while turning left) which close CrossOver, the bottle and my game.
In the Preferences/Keyboard and Mouse, there is a message saying that Command can always be used to invoke CrossOver shortcuts. It would be nice to have a checkbox here in order to completely disable CrossOver shortcuts during an emulation.