Guild Wars 2 Forum

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Note: Guild Wars 2 is still unsupported in Crossover

Friendly reminder (especially for new and potential users): Guild Wars 2 is still officially unsupported in Crossover.

Our staff is working hard to bring it to a more stable state, but for the time being our regular support staff will be unable to help you with GW2 issues. Everything we know is listed in the discussions on these forums.

Note that some users can get GW2 running with Crossover on their machines, but at present we cannot guarantee that it will work for everyone.

No problem Jack. Most of us dedicated CX users understand. In the meantime, I have put windows on a seperate hard drive just for GW2 until GW2 becomes supported.

have any fix for it saying my video card Isn't good enough even if I know it is? I tried your "tips and tricks" for it but that didn't work. I was wondering if you know any other trick for this?

This particular thread is just a reminder that

  • GW2 is still officially unsupported, and

  • we are still working on improving it.

Information regarding specific known issues and our general strategy for rolling out support (or, more likely, updates to our official "unsupported build" that's geared specifically for GW2) will be posted to the appropriate forum threads.

Well thanks for giving it a bronze medal, i bought this program for nothing now... :/ I thought it was supported.

Philippe Chartrand wrote:

Well thanks for giving it a bronze medal, i bought this program for
nothing now... :/ I thought it was supported.

Medals are given by users. And there is a reason for it having that medal. Whilst it is unsupported it does run. I personally have it running really well and it's great to be able to play! The Crossover team has been doing some great work and has even worked on special builds of Crossover specifically to make things in GW2 run. I'm sure it will be fully supported soon!

How did you do it ?

Zac Aquino wrote:

How did you do it ?

If you let us know what in particular you're having trouble with then we can try and help you out?

i get to the command part and the downloading screen starts but nothing downloads stays at 0

Curious about 2 things...

So it sounds like crossover DOES plan to support guild wars 2? I mean it seems like what else is crossover for except exactly things like this. Gw2 is the most anticipated mmo at this time and so I imagine official support is coming? When that does what will it look like, a patch?

I have gw2 running but its almost unplayable particularly because of rain and snow creating the white out effect. I suppose I'm wondering if when support does come online, will it involve the whole stuttering downloader issue again or will we simply be able to patch somehow.. or will we open our installed gw2 with a new version of crossover?

So maybe its 3 things:

  1. Does codeweavers plan to fully support crossover?

  2. Does anyone know fixes for the white out from weather effects?

  3. How will the updated support for gw2 be integrated?

Thanks soo much.. looking forward to getting past these annoying weather issues. There are also major distortions of the environment.. even on high settings.. but the white out from weather effects is the worst.

I can't patch the game, i tried -image and everything in the help section, but There is no way i can possibly download the whole game at this rate. it crashes way to often

Philippe Chartrand wrote:

I can't patch the game, i tried -image and everything in the help
section, but There is no way i can possibly download the whole game
at this rate. it crashes way to often

It takes a long time but if you have the time just bring a book or something. I noticed it crashed about every 7 minutes. And you have to start it up again about 20 times before it completes. Even though it says 0% its still dling. So just hang in there.

The thing thats really going to bug you is how distorted the graphics are. Its almost unplayable if there is weather.. and I started a Norn >:I

mike branch wrote:

Curious about 2 things...

So it sounds like crossover DOES plan to support guild wars 2? I
mean it seems like what else is crossover for except exactly things
like this. Gw2 is the most anticipated mmo at this time and so I
imagine official support is coming? When that does what will it
look like, a patch?

I have gw2 running but its almost unplayable particularly because of
rain and snow creating the white out effect. I suppose I'm
wondering if when support does come online, will it involve the
whole stuttering downloader issue again or will we simply be able to
patch somehow.. or will we open our installed gw2 with a new version
of crossover?

So maybe its 3 things:

  1. Does codeweavers plan to fully support crossover?

  2. Does anyone know fixes for the white out from weather effects?

  3. How will the updated support for gw2 be integrated?

Thanks soo much.. looking forward to getting past these annoying
weather issues. There are also major distortions of the
environment.. even on high settings.. but the white out from weather
effects is the worst.



Just tried to play Guild Wars 2 in Parallels 8 (by using my virtualized Windows 7 Boot Camp installation). With comparable graphics details it runs with approx. 35FPS, without any hassle. For those who do not want to boot Windows, this might be a alternative. But I cannot wait to see the CROSSOVER & GW 2 performance, once it is fully supported.


I have a Collector's Edition of Guild Wars 2 but I'm not sure I want to run it on my Crossover program just yet... Is there anything I'd need to know about a collectors edition or is it just the same?
Plus I'm still new to crossover so I'm not entirely sure how to use it. 😕

I downloaded the special version of Crossover

It installs most of the game from the CD's and then downloads about 60,000 files.

Getting frame rates all over the place at present. Between 25 - 30. I did update to the latest version of Crossover and had to go back to the special version.

Hope this helps.

What's the code to download the link plz...

I can't get acces to the download...


Christophe wrote:

What's the code to download the link plz...

I can't get acces to the download...


The Password is guildwars as indicated in this post;forum=1;msg=130750

Werner Bauer wrote:


Just tried to play Guild Wars 2 in Parallels 8 (by using my
virtualized Windows 7 Boot Camp installation). With comparable
graphics details it runs with approx. 35FPS, without any hassle. For
those who do not want to boot Windows, this might be a alternative.
But I cannot wait to see the CROSSOVER & GW 2 performance, once it
is fully supported.


How did you fix the mouse/ camera problem with parallels 8?

I too am waiting for crossover to complete their guild wars 2 fix. Checking everyday :D

Alexander Paras wrote:

Werner Bauer wrote:


Just tried to play Guild Wars 2 in Parallels 8 (by using my
virtualized Windows 7 Boot Camp installation). With comparable
graphics details it runs with approx. 35FPS, without any hassle.
those who do not want to boot Windows, this might be a
But I cannot wait to see the CROSSOVER & GW 2 performance, once it
is fully supported.


How did you fix the mouse/ camera problem with parallels 8?

I too am waiting for crossover to complete their guild wars 2 fix.
Checking everyday :D

If I knew more of programming, I'd be trying to help them with it. Sadly, I am unversed in such things.

Werner Bauer wrote:

How did you fix the mouse/ camera problem with parallels 8?

I also had some issues but, I then changed settings in Parallels regarding the mouse behavior. In the virtual machine settings you need to go to extended settings and set the smart mouse feature to off. And turn on "Optimize additional Buttons for Games".

Then it worked properly.


I have a nvida graphics card on my mac and I definitely get the white splotches everywhere when there is heavy rain or snow. Ive managed to level, pvp etc. but its definitely a huge handicap.

I'm wondering if there are plans for a supported port? What else is crossover for? Its freakin gw2 man!! The game is an instant classic!

Also... when a new build comes out.. will we have to uninstall and reinstall the whole stop and start gw2 thing again?

mike branch wrote:

I'm wondering if there are plans for a supported port? What else is
crossover for? Its freakin gw2 man!! The game is an instant

Also... when a new build comes out.. will we have to uninstall and
reinstall the whole stop and start gw2 thing again?

Certain things we are working on actively - e.g., proper mouse support in the mainline. The 'white rain' bugs and the graphics glitches on Mac ATI are much harder problems. We may be limited by drivers available on the Mac, or it may be that there is sufficient graphics work to do in wine that it will be a while to get to supported.

Quite a few people can play credibly with ATI cards or nvidia that don't suffer from the 'white rain', and when we get the necessary mouse handling into the mainline we would hope that will alleviate the need to download these 'special builds' for those folks.

Getting rid of the white rain on nvidia, though, it still, frankly, an unknown.

Hi I also have this problem : i get to the command part and the downloading screen starts but nothing downloads stays at 0 - what do i need to so to get it downloading? Please, please help.

i downloaded the test version for gw2 all that unpacks for the download is folder labled sources. i can find no install script. should it be dragged into the crosover icon in apps folder. i am new to tinkering with my mac with add ons and such but willing to learn some things

jack stewart wrote:

i downloaded the test version for gw2 all that unpacks for the
download is folder labled sources. i can find no install script.
should it be dragged into the crosover icon in apps folder. i am new
to tinkering with my mac with add ons and such but willing to learn
some things

You just downloaded the wrong thing: there is a sources tarball, but also, as a separate download from the same place, are regular installers.

Just get something without the word 'sources' in the download filename.

whoopsie. guess i should not try that stuff at midnight. thanks so much for rapid response. i am a new user and really like what i have seen


Has anyone got an answer to my post from the 2012-09-07 11:33 please? Please, please, please???

stefanie syring wrote:

Hi I also have this problem : i get to the command part and the
downloading screen starts but nothing downloads stays at 0 - what do
i need to so to get it downloading? Please, please help.

I never got the game installed correctly with the new build, however the game runs, what you have to do is select "Manage Bottles" from within Crossover (see the manual for how to do this @ this site) then select the Guild Wars 2 bottle.
1) Select Run Command on the right side of manage bottles panel
2) In the Command Dialogue click Browse
3) Navigate to where Guild Wars 2 was installed (check the Program Files directory)
4) Select the GW2.exe file
5) Back in the Run Command dialoge click Run, this should launch the GW2.exe which will then continue the installation.

If the program crashes and/or drops to 0 download speed again simple close out the installer, go back to the Run command window and relaunch the exe.
It took me a couple of times for the game to install this way , bad thing about this (at least on my system) is that i am unable to create a desktop shortcut from the Run Command window probably because the game didnt install correctly so everytime i have to use the method described above to launch the game.

I still have never gotten this to run. Every time I try to run the launcher, it shows the graphic for a second before turning completely black. After checking my data connection bandwidth, it looks like it is downloaded a portion of the game before slowing down to speeds that would literally make it impossible to download in a reasonable amount of time. I've tried all of the commands for the launcher and the new specialized built and nothing seemed to work. I'm running this on a 2010 13" MacBook Pro. I was able to tinker around a little bit with the bottle and application settings (I have absolutely no idea what I did) and I am able to keep a consistent download speed between .5-1 mb/s. I'll let it continue to download and tell you how it runs afterwards.

Any new news? Hows it going? cant wait to play gw2 on my mac :P

you could atleast respond, you just lost a customer because of your poor communication. You should really treat better your customer. HUH

Mac users may download the Guild Wars 2 beta client for Mac as described here

Can't wait to play GW2 on my Linux box :)

Edit: link corrected

Magoo wrote:

Mac users may download the Guild Wars 2 beta client for Mac as
described here

Can't wait to play GW2 on my Linux box :)

Edit: link corrected

SO EXCITED!! The graphical issues Ive been having are pretty frustrating, I think I will probably crush teh game once I can actually see whats happening lol!

mike branch wrote:

Magoo wrote:

Mac users may download the Guild Wars 2 beta client
for Mac as described here

Can't wait to play GW2 on my Linux box :)

Edit: link corrected

SO EXCITED!! The graphical issues Ive been having are pretty
frustrating, I think I will probably crush teh game once I can
actually see whats happening lol!

Don't delete your crossover version yet! I've read that this beta version may be unplayable even on the lowest settings.

Im at 70% right now(this version doesn't have the whole crashing installer thing) I think I might play the crossover version now and intall the beta overnight and see how it goes tomorrow. Pretty bummed, the system requirements are even more cutting edge than the windows version so I guess props to codeweavers for making a better port than arenanet's own release. :/

mike branch wrote:

mike branch wrote:

Magoo wrote:

Mac users may download the Guild Wars 2

beta client for Mac as described here

Can't wait to play GW2 on my Linux box :)

Edit: link corrected

SO EXCITED!! The graphical issues Ive been having are pretty
frustrating, I think I will probably crush teh game once I can
actually see whats happening lol!

Don't delete your crossover version yet! I've read that this beta
version may be unplayable even on the lowest settings.

Im at 70% right now(this version doesn't have the whole crashing
installer thing) I think I might play the crossover version now and
intall the beta overnight and see how it goes tomorrow. Pretty
bummed, the system requirements are even more cutting edge than the
windows version so I guess props to codeweavers for making a better
port than arenanet's own release. :/

the mac beta is working perfectly for me(except the mouse wheel doesnt work at all). Still using crossover for path of exile though.

The client provided by ArenaNet is only "fake-native", they're using TransGaming's Cider to make their Windows client run on on Mac, which is roughly same as running it with Crossover or Wine.
My framerate however is slightly better as stated in this thread;forum=1;msg=131469

Regarding your mouse wheel:
uncheck the "Mac Beta: Use scrolling gestures to change direction." option to make it work.

Magoo wrote:

Regarding your mouse wheel:
uncheck the "Mac Beta: Use scrolling gestures to change direction."
option to make it work.

regarding this, i found that using the zoom feature (aka the pinching to zoom out) worked in the mac beta, so i found that really enjoyable actually. Im personally keeping the scroll to change direction feature, while using the macs zoom features to zoom in and out as i need (though i only really keep my camera at maximum distance.

Hmm, this thread is weird.

Unsupported? Really?

Then please explain this screenshot I just did: BTW, this is the "normal" version of Crossover, not the "special" GW2 version :)
And the game installs fine (is still downloading files though, so I have no idea how it runs yet)


Or perhaps this thread is just outdated and should not be pinned anymore...

Yep, old thread. Back when the original post was made, GW2 was unsupported.

Silviu Cojocaru wrote:

Yep, old thread. Back when the original post was made, GW2 was

We still have it listed that way on OS X owing to the fact that there's a native client there and we had issues with the grapchis drivers. However, 10.8.3 may have addressed some of those, although it looks like a game update may have caused breakage that we'll have to check into.

I see! Thank you :)

Well on the bright side, any support for Steam/Valve-games are no longer needed. All that support can now be used on something else, like GW2 for example ;)

Thanks for all the work so far, looking forward until GW2 can be run in Crossover!

How is it going with enabling the black lion trading? As I understood it's been working with 12.2.x, but not in the current 12.5.x.

Assuming that this is the generic market issue related to the Awesomium browser then it should work in the soon to be released CrossOver 13. We have a proper fix now, so it shouldn't break any more like it did in 12.5. Mouse look should be good as well.

That's good news, will bee looking forward for the google+ message that it's been released.
For me the mouse pointer looks okey, like the a bit larger size too.

I'll confirm what Stefan is saying. If you play Guild Wars 2 you are going to love Crossover 13, it is an entirely different game. Beyond the Trading Post and Mouse Look, it is an entirely different game.

For those of you getting a black screen in Guild Wars 2 this is important:
Due to security reasons you can only log in once you have authorised your login and this means to check your email.
This affects Mac, Windows and Linux. I am running Ubuntu Linux and had a lot of trouble until I got to the black screen. Forums here did sort of help.
I logged in on that super flickering launcher and saw "Waiting for authorization...". Once I used the link in my email, the game loaded fine and I could see my character screen.

Never saw that google+ announcement that 13 was released, but anyhow first in the beginning there was some issues on my Desktop Machine to "exit to desktop", it looked up and had to use "kill -9" to get crossover to end, mouse could be moved all the time and the background music played. Looking at the ~/.xsession-errors it seems that wine still used parts of crossover 12.5.

Overall the 13 release is a step forward, specially trading post now works. I have to say I felt like the character in 12.5 moved more smoothly, in 13 it feels they move in a kind of slow-motion. 13 has crashed twice on the Desktop and once on the MediaBox, compared to 0 times running 12.5. Keys feels to respond better in 13.
In 13 I got an increase of FPS from ~14 to ~22 (bit less on the MediaBox), so slightly better than running GW2 in VMWare Player (think I got ~12 FPS). CrossOver vs VMWare Player, CrossOver does win.

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