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The white rain bugs

I was surfing through the other threads and I found semi-fixes for this bug but they were mixed in with other problems. So I thought why not create a thread for this problem by itself.

Also, I'm having the problem as well. I see many fixes involving creating and changing registry keys, but that is all before the newer version of the GW2 build went up. My problem now is since they implemented some changes in the registry keys already, what is left for me to do to help fix the white rain bug?

I really hope all that was understandable. I'm still new to all this.

There is no known fix for the white rain right now. Sorry :(

It's ok. The fact that you guys crafted an actual build for us so fast is simply amazing.

I - along with several other players - told ANet that it was a problem, to see if they could fix it, and to at least give us the chance to turn it off. Whether or not they have, however, I do not know. I suppose I shall find out tonight.

Nicholas Rankin wrote:

It's ok. The fact that you guys crafted an actual build for us so
fast is simply amazing.

I - along with several other players - told ANet that it was a
problem, to see if they could fix it, and to at least give us the
chance to turn it off. Whether or not they have, however, I do not
know. I suppose I shall find out tonight.

They won't. From my experience on the official forums during the betas, the second they find out you're using a mac they just throw the whole "Guild Wars 2 is only supported on windows at this time" thing at you. Which is entirely fair really.
I am curious though, does it get fixed if you turn post processing effects off in the graphics options menu?

I had seen a few people tweak some stuff and they didn't have the white rain bug. I was hoping to find a get around to it or if i had to wait.

I am very very very thankful that we have a special version of crossover for this, don't get me wrong. I can play with the white rain since a lot of areas I'm in at the moment don't have it. And I've managed so far in the few that have. It would be nice for Anet to give us the ability to turn weather off, though.

Megan wrote:

I had seen a few people tweak some stuff and they didn't have the
white rain bug. I was hoping to find a get around to it or if i had
to wait.

I am very very very thankful that we have a special version of
crossover for this, don't get me wrong. I can play with the white
rain since a lot of areas I'm in at the moment don't have it. And
I've managed so far in the few that have. It would be nice for Anet
to give us the ability to turn weather off, though.

If anyone actually turned off the 'white rain' I'd be very interested to hear how. I've seen references it, but I don't think people saying they've gotten rid of it actually have that problem. I think it's a matter of mis-communication: e.g., someone sees some other graphics glitch (there are other things one might think of as 'white rain' - odd 'snowflake' effects, etc.), and manages to get rid of that, then describes it has having fixed the 'white rain.'

Maybe I'm wrong, and some folks with the truly terrible bug have rid themselves of it. Nothing I've tried has worked, though.

I been playing with the normal Crossover build 11.2.1 and have not had any graphics problems - inclucind white rain - since I tweaked my Registry (shader Limit, Use GLSL, and one more I forgot). But I have not got the gem store, in game mail, or mouse to work since I cannot install the special GWCrossover build on my computer (see other post by me concerning this).

I am running.

Ubuntu 12.04
8 Gig Ram
Intel® Core™ i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4
GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

Any help getting the special build running in Ubuntu would be great.

It's fair, but I (and a few others) were requesting a GW1 Mac client YEARS ago. We even put up a GW2 Suggestion ticket via the official means to have it done. The market is there; it's just sad they're not capitalizing on it. I mean, I completely understand why - MacBooks are NOT necessarily the greatest in gaming machinery - but that doesn't mean such a thing wouldn't go unnoticed. Heck, it would probably open them to an EVEN WIDER fanbase.

Sorry. /endrant.

Megan, I'll have to mess around with post-processing effects to see if that's going to work.I'd like to ixnay the rain/snow stuff and the confetti. That'd help a LOT.

Nicholas Rankin wrote:

It's fair, but I (and a few others) were requesting a GW1 Mac client
YEARS ago. We even put up a GW2 Suggestion ticket via the official
means to have it done. The market is there; it's just sad they're
not capitalizing on it. I mean, I completely understand why -
MacBooks are NOT necessarily the greatest in gaming machinery - but
that doesn't mean such a thing wouldn't go unnoticed. Heck, it would
probably open them to an EVEN WIDER fanbase.

Sorry. /endrant.

Megan, I'll have to mess around with post-processing effects to see
if that's going to work.I'd like to ixnay the rain/snow stuff and
the confetti. That'd help a LOT.

It's not that there isn't a market, it's that they can't justify the production and maintenance costs. To shift GW2 over to OSX wouldn't be a simple case of porting like how Wine works. Every single aspect of the game would have to be converted over to OpenGL.
Games on windows run on Direct X which isn't compatible with OSX (which uses OpenGL instead). As you might imagine it would be a bit of a nightmare for them to run the game both ways. If it had been something planned from launch then sure, but otherwise the cost of having permanent staff just to manage the conversions of everything and the maintenance of everything isn't justifiable by the potential profit :(

I realise that i have no programming skills or understanding in the slightest, but i figured that this piece of information may help in the slightest.

Specifically in the human starting area (i presume elsewhere as well), the smoke from the buildings on fire shows up IN FRONT the rain.


not highest graphics

However, in the sylvari area under a giant tree where the risen are, there seems to be some very consistent rain effects that ARENT marred by the white rain issue:


If you can't see it properly, if you look at the pools of water ahead, you can see the splashes that the water droplets make

All taken with highest graphics settings (i figured it might help show the rain a bit more, but there was barely any difference)

Also, In Rata Sum (Asura home city), Giant yellow bubbles mar the place, i figured that it might be connected with the white rain issues.



Also highest graphics settings

I have no idea if this information is of any use at all, but i figured that anything that can be pointed out (especially the inconsistencies with the rain) may help point out what programming issues it might be. If this is just a waste of space then i apologise, i have no programming experience or knowledge in the slightest and this is just a layman trying to help.

Also, computer information may be helpful:

Macbook pro 15 inch (not the latest one)

Mac OSX 10.6.8

processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

NVIDIA GeForce 9400

I also have an NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, but it says its not connected to any monitor, so i dont know if that's relevant information.

Hai Japperdapper,

I also have the same macbook as you with the same specs.
I was wondering how playable Guildwars 2 on your macbook is?
The first time I got loaded into the game I had the white rain bug.

But do you play guildwars and can you play it on high graphics or is it lacking with high graphics?

Hey, everyone.

I'm not using crossover. I am using WINE, but I had the exact same issue in the snowy areas around Hoelbrak - big white chunks of snow and the nasty white fog that prevented me from seeing anything. I managed to get around this by setting the registry value HKCU\Software\Wine\Direct3D\OffscreenRenderingMode to "backbuffer" (without the quotation marks).

This does not fix the issue. The snow does not go back to normal, it is just gone - all of it, but I can play the game and I'm happy.

I did this on a Late 2009 Macbook with Nvidia GeForce 9400M and Mac OS X 10.6.8.
I hope you will find it helpful.

EDIT: It seems changing the rendering mode to backbuffer also fail to render the names of all characters/nps/creeps and introduces other issues with the special effects for some skills.

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