Guild Wars 2 Forum

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Guild Wars 2 - release-day post & thread.

To have the best chance of running Guild Wars 2 in CrossOver, you must download this special build here:

(enter 'guildwars' when prompted in order to download).

If you are on a Mac with NVIDIA graphics hardware, you are quite likely to experience graphics problems which will make the game unplayable. Users of ATI cards may also experience serious graphics problems.

If you are on an ATI Mac and experience poor performance, you can try tweaking the

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D\FixedVShaderLimit registry key to something lower than 275. For many users, however, this will result in graphics bugs.

Note: you will see reference to a need to pass '-dx9single' to the installer, reference to downloading 'Gw2.exe' instead of 'Gw2Setup.exe', and reference to setting various registry keys throughout the forums. You may disregard these with the latest build, posted around 5:00 p.m. on August 29, 2012. This should recognize a CD installer, should work with the Gw2Setup.exe file, should not need the -dx9single parameter, and should set all the likely needed registry settings for you. (Updated linux registry settings may be forthcoming - I've got a Mac, and there may be things a linux box needs that aren't automatic). The Gem Store should work, also.

Please give your feedback in our forums - we want to know how things are going for people who try.

Please, Please!! try before you buy. Guild Wars 2 is still unsupported and, as noted, is likely to run poorly on many systems. If it does run for you, tell us!

Thank you, and good luck.

Thanks to your work getting a build thrown together and a combination of other pointers I've gleaned throughout forums, I've had a playable GW2 install on my Macbook for the past couple days. Here is the combination I performed to get to my current state. Thanks to everyone for correcting these steps as needed!

1 - Installed GW2 Crossover build
2 - Created bottle and installed GW2 by following the instructions in your other thread.
3 - Enabled the DirectX Modern setting for the bottle. This is done by performing the following steps:
Configure -> Install Software, then choose in Runtime Support Components the package Microsoft DirectX Runtime Modern. Install it in the Guild Wars 2 bottle.

3 - Created the following registry keys in the bottle:
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/FixedVShaderLimit = 275
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/SafeVsConsts = enable
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/UseGLSL = enabled
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/VideoMemorySize = 512

4 - Upon launching the game, I accessed the graphics options menu and changed the following:
Preset = Optimized For Performance
Shadows = None
Shaders = Low

I am getting decent FPS and haven't experienced graphic rendering issues since I performed this configuration. Hope this helps!

EWB4 wrote:

I am getting decent FPS and haven't experienced graphic rendering
issues since I performed this configuration. Hope this helps!

Do you mind posting your hardware (graphics card in particular)?

Josh DuBois wrote:

EWB4 wrote:

I am getting decent FPS and haven't experienced graphic rendering
issues since I performed this configuration. Hope this

Do you mind posting your hardware (graphics card in particular)?

Let me know if you need more info :)

Hardware Overview:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
Processor Name: Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 6 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B27
SMC Version (system): 1.69f3

AMD Radeon HD 6750M:

Chipset Model: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x8
VRAM (Total): 512 MB
Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x6741
Revision ID: 0x0000
ROM Revision: 113-C0170L-573
gMux Version: 1.9.23
EFI Driver Version: 01.00.573
Color LCD:
Display Type: LCD
Resolution: 1680 x 1050
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Built-In: Yes

Intel HD Graphics 3000:

Chipset Model: Intel HD Graphics 3000
Type: GPU
Bus: Built-In
VRAM (Total): 512 MB
Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
Device ID: 0x0116
Revision ID: 0x0009
gMux Version: 1.9.23

Memory Slots:

ECC: Disabled


Size: 4 GB
Type: DDR3
Speed: 1333 MHz
Status: OK
Manufacturer: 0x80AD
Part Number: 0x484D54333531533642465238432D48392020


Size: 4 GB
Type: DDR3
Speed: 1333 MHz
Status: OK
Manufacturer: 0x80AD
Part Number: 0x484D54333531533642465238432D48392020

Capacity: 500.11 GB (500,107,862,016 bytes)
Model: ST9500325ASG
Revision: 0009APM1
Native Command Queuing: Yes
Queue Depth: 32
Removable Media: No
Detachable Drive: No
BSD Name: disk0
Rotational Rate: 5400
Medium Type: Rotational
Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified

Thanks :)

Also ... did you perhaps mean Software\Wine\Direct3D for the reg. keys? (I may edit if you don't mind, as this is sticky'd to the top, & it may be read by others looking for config info).

Josh DuBois wrote:

Thanks :)

Also ... did you perhaps mean Software\Wine\Direct3D for the reg.
keys? (I may edit if you don't mind, as this is sticky'd to the
top, & it may be read by others looking for config info).

Oops, you are correct, I updated the previous post. Good catch!

This worked for me! Good work :)


Mac Hardware:

Model Name:    MacBook Pro
Model Identifier:    MacBookPro7,1
Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:    2,4 GHz
Memory:    8 GB


Chipset Model:    NVIDIA GeForce 320M
VRAM (Total):    256 MB

Sebastian wrote:

This worked for me! Good work :)



Mac Hardware:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro7,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2,4 GHz
Memory: 8 GB

> **Graphics:**  
> ```

Chipset Model:    NVIDIA GeForce 320M
VRAM (Total):    256 MB

I see you've got nvidia hardware. Have you played in any areas where there is rain in-game? Do you not get pretty bad graphics glitches in those places, and, if you do, how unplayable does that make things for you?

Josh DuBois wrote:

I see you've got nvidia hardware. Have you played in any areas
where there is rain in-game? Do you not get pretty bad graphics
glitches in those places, and, if you do, how unplayable does that
make things for you?

Here is a screenshot of the Tutorial with rain. No graphics glitches, the registry keys solved the problems with glitches. FixedVShaderLimit = 275 alone didn't help. I have about 10 fps.


More screenshots of the Intro, no graphics glitches:


Did you experience the 'white rain' bug without those reg. settings? Do you know which specific combo fixed it for you?

Josh DuBois wrote:

Did you experience the 'white rain' bug without those reg. settings?
Do you know which specific combo fixed it for you?

without those registry settings (only the key FixedVShaderLimit is set), there are some graphics glitches like in this screenshot. No 'white rain'. The error does not seem to occur with all nvidia graphics cards.


Hi guys. New user here, using a trial version of Crossover.
I did the walkthrough on this thread (piecing together some infos from other threads) on day 1.
The GW2 Build solved the mouse problem.
Running with -dx9single allowed me to bypass blackscreen and download the game (in increments but hey, unsupported means that).
These keys solved a lot of issues too:
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/FixedVShaderLimit = 275
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/UseGLSL = enabled

Some registry keys i hadnt seen until EWB4's reply:
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/SafeVsConsts = enabled
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/VideoMemorySize = 512

Tried them out and i kept getting game crashes (trying to send a report to arenanet).
Disabled and tested them individually. Still crashed.
Took them out, and (amazingly) many of the texture problems disappeared (im thinking maybe just by inputing them, solved something even though i still took them out).

Although white rain/fog are still present.

One thing i didnt do on EBW4's reply was about "DirectX Modern setting ". How would i go about doing that?

Mac Hardware:

Model Name:    iMac
Model Identifier:    iMac9,1
Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:    3.06 GHz
Memory:    4 GB


Chipset Model:    NVIDIA GeForce GT 130
VRAM (Total):    512 MB

Some other tip for changing video size:
Manage bottles > wine configuration > grafics > emulate a virtual desktop, and setting the size you want (i dont like playing full screen and preferably i like reducing window size) and in game setting "Windowed Fullscreen" worked like a charm.

Im very interessted in knowing if Sebastian did something different than me for his nVidia machine work so well.


i have another registry key unmentioned:
HKCU/Software/Wine/Gw2.exe/Direct3D/SafeVsConsts = enabled

bronze wrote:

One thing i didnt do on EBW4's reply was about "DirectX Modern
setting ". How would i go about doing that?

I'm not sure, but I installed the DirectX modern package in the Guild Wars 2 Bottle. Configure -> Install Software, then choose in Runtime Support Components the package Microsoft DirectX Runtime Modern. Install it in the Guild Wars 2 bottle.

I have the same hardware specs as EWB4 (except with 4GB of RAM instead of 8GB) and I'm also getting really good performance with few graphical hitches.
I don't have the UseGLSL registry edit but I will try with it and see what that does :)

Really important question regarding both

Is it enable or enabled?

Installed Microsoft DirectX Runtime Modern (thx Sebastian). Unfortunately, no change.

Took away my differential key:
HKCU/Software/Wine/Gw2.exe/Direct3D/SafeVsConsts = enabled

And put back
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/SafeVsConsts = enabled
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/VideoMemorySize = 512

No more crashes now.
But still got white rain/fog.


bronze wrote:

No more crashes now.
But still got white rain/fog.


@Sebastian, bronze: what versions of the Mac OS are you running? Maybe there's a driver difference? (I notice you have slightly different nvidia cards also)...

Sebastian wrote:

bronze wrote:

One thing i didnt do on EBW4's reply was about "DirectX Modern
setting ". How would i go about doing that?

I'm not sure, but I installed the DirectX modern package in the
Guild Wars 2 Bottle. Configure -> Install Software,
then choose in Runtime Support Components the package
Microsoft DirectX Runtime Modern. Install it in the Guild
Wars 2 bottle.

Sorry, performing the above listed steps is the correct way to implement this portion of the config I listed earlier. I apologize for any inconvenience.

@Josh: Running 10.7.4
Im on a 24-inch, Early 2009 iMac model.

@EBW4 no inconvenience, i was glad to be pointed out something different and your keys have made a huge difference. thx mate!

Deleted to avoid confusion. Trying to update initial post to clarify since thread is sticky.

Philip James wrote:

Really important question regarding both

Is it enable or enabled?

SafeVsConsts is 'enable' (no 'd')

UseGLSL is 'enabled' (with a 'd')

... sadly, they're not consistent. :(

Hi everyone,

Could someone please tell me exactly how I go about creating these registery keys?

I've done everything else - installed the game (with the 400 crashes that entails) and installed the Direct X Modern.

I just have no idea what I'm supposed to do with these registery keys. Do I add to a file in the bottle? If so, where is the file? And where do I add them...

I know nothing about these things, so any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you guys so much for all your work. I've been following the whole discussion, tried the special GW2 Build and VShaderlimit Reg key but kept experiencing issues with weird texture stretching, blue haze, and white rain. Seems like adding those additional registry keys made all the difference for me. I can actually play the game now on lowest settings with none of those glitches and at 21 fps. There's probably even more tweaking that can be done to get a little more power out.

CORRECTION: WHITE RAIN issue still exists

I added these keys to the registry as mentioned by EWB4:
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/FixedVShaderLimit = 275
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/SafeVsConsts = enable
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/UseGLSL = enabled
HKCU/Software/Wine/Direct3D/VideoMemorySize = 512

Here's what I'm running:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,2
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 6 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x16
VRAM (Total): 512 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

OSX 10.7.4 (Lion)

Thanks for all the great feedback, what an awesome community.

I'm having the white rain problem. You guys keep talking about registry keys but the only way i can insert the values that you guys are talking about is through setting a new string value. Am i doing something wrong? is there a specific way to set the keys the way you guys are talking about it?

As a first timer with registry editing, any directions or tips would be helpful.

Also, i do not have a Direct3D key anywhere, even if i have installed the software into the GW2 bottle, do i have to create the key?

Japperdapper wrote:

I'm having the white rain problem. You guys keep talking about
registry keys but the only way i can insert the values that you guys
are talking about is through setting a new string value. Am i doing
something wrong? is there a specific way to set the keys the way you
guys are talking about it?

As a first timer with registry editing, any directions or tips would
be helpful.

Also, i do not have a Direct3D key anywhere, even if i have
installed the software into the GW2 bottle, do i have to create the

Thats right, you have to create the Direct3D key yourself and create the new string values.
Make sure you have DirectX Modern and Direct X 9 installed (you can do this from the Crossover install menu)

Can someone please explain how to make these registery edits so that someone like me who knows nothing about such things can do 'em?


Josh DuBois wrote:

bronze wrote:

No more crashes now.
But still got white rain/fog.


@Sebastian, bronze: what versions of the Mac OS are you running?
Maybe there's a driver difference? (I notice you have slightly
different nvidia cards also)...

Hi Josh,

I'm running OS X Mountain Lion.


thought I add my "experiences" so far:

I started out with graphic glitches, but thanks to the new D3D settings, those are over. I run the game in windowed mode on 1024x768 with around 15-20 FPS on lowest settings without shadow. Not exactly beautiful, but playable.

I still do have the snow / pollen / volcanic ash graphic bug though. Looks to me like it's some sort of problem with particle illumination or something. Just a guess.

Here are my specs:

Hardware Overview:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro4,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.5 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 6 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 800 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MBP41.00C1.B03
SMC Version (system): 1.27f3

NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT:

Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x16
VRAM (Total): 512 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0407
Revision ID: 0x00a1
ROM Revision: 3212

And here are some Screenshots with the "bug" described above:

"Before useGLSL = enabled"


"After useGLSL = enabled"


That's all, I can take log files or anything if someone's interested.



I have got the game installed and working, but am clueless on how to add registry keys to the GW2 bottle. can anyone give a quick tutorial on how to do this? thank you!

Dennis Schwarz wrote:


I still do have the snow / pollen / volcanic ash graphic bug though.
Looks to me like it's some sort of problem with particle
illumination or something. Just a guess.

NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT:

Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT
Type: GPU


@Dennis: This is interesting - some people with 8600 see the 'white rain', but you're getting playable results with an 8600? Would you mind saying what OS you're running? Can you confirm that you see the 'pollen' bug, but no 'white rain' (e.g., go to an area of the game where it's 'raining' (the tutorial has that, I think) ... can you see anything at all, or is your screen pretty well covered with white streaks and blobs?

Do i have to create the Direct3D key myself before i put in the above string values? and do you actually put the = 275 part in or do i leave that out and put 275 as the value? ive never tried to do this before so any help is appreciated

Josh DuBois wrote:

@Dennis: This is interesting - some people with 8600 see the 'white
rain', but you're getting playable results with an 8600? Would you
mind saying what OS you're running? Can you confirm that you see
the 'pollen' bug, but no 'white rain' (e.g., go to an area of the
game where it's 'raining' (the tutorial has that, I think) ... can
you see anything at all, or is your screen pretty well covered with
white streaks and blobs?

I am running Mac Os X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and after I created a new character (character creation / tutorial video worked fine, no glitches there) I came into a zone with heavy rain which was white like you described. What I realized though while comparing the game with my iMac on Win7 and Bootcamp that the "rain" inGame, just like the pollen and the snow with the illumination, has some sort of "foggy" effect like condensation. When I scrolled around a bit (turned the camera down almost to the ground) I could see the actual rain drop fairly clear.

So basically everything works fine 'cept the weather effects.

I did all the registry keys from above, and installed both Direct X's. I am getting around 24 FPS with settings set to performance, but seeing the white rain issue. Def. Playable everywhere except rain places.

Thanks for making it so playable!!!

My specs are:
OSX 10.6.8 SL

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,5
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.26 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz


Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
Type: GPU
Bus: PCI
VRAM (Total): 256 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0863
Revision ID: 0x00b1
ROM Revision: 3427

I've unsticky'd this post b/c there was getting to be a lot of traffic, and because I put up fairly different new builds tonight.


  • fix the gem store;
  • obviate the need to pass '-dx9single'
  • obviate the need to use 'Gw2.exe' instead of 'Gw2Setup.exe'
  • obviate the need to restart the installer continuously (that process is automated)
  • set most of the registry keys you'll need automatically (on the Mac, at least - a future update may be needed for linux, as I've built on a Mac)

... so, a lot of the fussing should not be necessary anymore, and I want to put a different sticky at the top of the forum. I will also likely lock that thread, so I don't have to keep moving it in case there are updates in the future. If that seems wrong or un-useful to anyone, please let me know! I'm just trying to put the most up-to-date info front & center, not to move useful stuff out of the way.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has posted their graphics experiences, video hardware, OS versions, etc. The 'white rain' seems to persist for many, but not all, cards (and it remains useful for us to know whether you have it if you have nvidia). Plenty of people are seeing acceptable framerates. I'm delighted that so many of you seem to be able to get good gameplay.



The full description in the post of EWB4 should definitely go into the Tips & Tricks section of the game.

I already had a decent installation (understand I could play the game) but the full list greatly improved the performance of the game for me (I added UseGLSL).

Running on mid 2010 MacBook Pro
2.66 GHz intel core i7
8GB ram
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512MB
Mountain Lion
Since patched Crossover and adding registry keys I've had no graphic bugs of any kind. Rain is completely fine. Running steady at ~25 fps.
All settings on low and best performance.

Had a few small bugs now that I've tried more classes and races, the female human thief is really bugged out for me for some reason. The thief mask is only showing bits and pieces and the wrong color. Also the model on the hero tab is colored incorrectly. Minor things, nothing game breaking yet.

Well Mr. Dubois,

    Thank you so much for all your efforts, patience and attention in this matter.  From all of us who are excited about GW2, I express our great appreciation for all you've managed to handle.  Despite the rain effect, so much has improved.  Perhaps later the last couple items can be ironed out.  

Ok, one more thing. I'm a little confused what to do with crosover-11.2.0.guildwarsspecial.src.tar since once downloaded I get that folder called "sources" filled with a lot of files. Is it the new build you spoke of or is there another? Are these various files we add into the build?

Ian I.A. Witter wrote:

Ok, one more thing. I'm a little confused what to do with
crosover-11.2.0.guildwarsspecial.src.tar since once downloaded I get
that folder called "sources" filled with a lot of files. Is it the
new build you spoke of or is there another? Are these various files
we add into the build?

I believe thats only for people interested in building from source code (i could be completely wrong of course) instead if you want to do it the easy way then mac users use the zip archive and linux users the bin file. Source code requires library dependencies etc.

Now my problem, i used the latest build tried to install it from the disks and it the install happens until it has to go download the updates, they app crashes but this time it doesnt close out instead my download speed falls to 0 and bandwidth activity drops off to nothing, so for me the install never completes. The GW2 bottle gets created with the GW2.exe file but i have to launch it from within the manage bottle section of crossover, i cant even make a shortcut from within crossover to the bottle and exe.

Finally the ingame gem store still refuses to work for me so i guess i will miss out on the unique free item unless i can find an actual windows pc to run the game from (a few months ago i completely ditched windows)

However other than those problems the game runs fine (i dont get no 30fps or 60fps) but it runs fine so its not a total loss.

Hi there... i downloaded and installed the custom crossover in link... however the custom recipe does not appear on the install software list... please advise

Dear Mr. Dubois,

I know how much time you must have put into everything to get Guild Wars 2 running appropriately with CrossOver. You Rock!

I will say, I still get the stretching and haven't quite figured it all out how to fix it all, but I am impressed with your tenacity to get it working! Thank you so much!


What's the proper process for replacing the old build, with the new build after downloading?

Samuel Cosby wrote:

What's the proper process for replacing the old build, with the new
build after downloading?

Drag new build into Applications folder. Click "replace". Done :)

Philip James wrote:

Samuel Cosby wrote:

What's the proper process for replacing the old build,
with the new build after downloading?

Drag new build into Applications folder. Click "replace". Done :)

You can also just open the newly downloaded Crossover and it will ask if you want it to move itself into the applications folder.

I downloaded the the new build and when I click on it it says "Upgrade" or "Quit", but I thought the post said do not upgrade? But if I dont update it quits?

Arya wrote:

I downloaded the the new build and when I click on it it says
"Upgrade" or "Quit", but I thought the post said do not upgrade? But
if I dont update it quits?

That's a fair confusion 😊

You should click 'Upgrade' at that point - it is asking whether you wish to 'upgrade' your bottles to run with the build which you've downloaded.

The point about not upgrading was that if either CrossOver or its built-in Crossties are upgraded after you download the 'special build,' you will lose some of the benefits.

Please note, though - the fact that you are being asked to upgrade bottles indicates that you already have things for which you use CrossOver. This unsupported guild wars build is, at least potentially, buggy, and not intended for general use outside of Guild Wars. There are several things in the build which are not part of any stable wine release (including some brutish, shameful hacks, as well as the 'raw3' patch for camera support). If you use CrossOver for something 'mission critical' such as Quicken or Word, and have financial data, etc. dependent upon it, I would caution that you may not want to install the special build, or may want to do so with extreme care. Simply upgrading the bottles probably won't hurt you, but you might want to switch back to regular CrossOver if you have to run something like Quicken, etc. (It's not that I know of any particular bug, I'm just encouraging caution).

thank you so much! so i figured that out a bit ago and finally installed it and did everything. Now the problem is the initial GW update crashes half way through therefore not letting me even log in. and everytime i log back in it restarts the update

used trial of crossover posted by josh (the first one in the sticky that still had all the black screen issues...i think he fixed, but not in the version i have)

after half a day screwing around with the restarts and looking at just the black screen (thinking it was downloading something, but hell i dunno it took way longer than even i was expecting)

i gave up and then used the run command to download it with the -dx9single addition---worked perfect (yeah it barfs every 10k files but this is expected, just restart)

i did the stuff instructed by EBW4 (the direct x modern thing in the bottle and all his registry changes except i changed the video memory to 1024)

fired the game up by just running the executable from the command line (no -dx9single or anything, just straight up)

i was quite timid at first and took ebw4's advice on in game settings...but now i have everything cranked to the max except shadows and shaders (which i plan on cranking up next time i log on) and i don't have some of the video option selection button features checked if i wasn't sure how my macbook would handle them, but i don't remember exactly which ones--res is set to

and my resolution is set to 2880x1800 playing full screen (my interface is set to "larger" so as to be able to read stuff)

it works awesome...i have pretty much finished the human starting area (level 11 atm), so i have seen rain i am sure with no problems--it was fine--and the big city was NOT very laggy--not sure where to get my FPS, but as a long time gamer i would feel very comfortable PVP'ing with what i have--was in the middle of several of the big "world boss" special events where there was TONS of video crap and effect going off and things worked reasonably well

very infrequently have a minor bug in an armor skin, like right after putting something on (very infrequent), but it quickly corrects itself, like after porting

i have the mouse sensitivity set to max, and it works well finally, that was bugging me until i cranked up the sensitivity since i live and die with mouse look, not sure why i need it that sensitive to work well, but possibly because i have a razer lachesis hooked up to my macbook (not a mac os supported mouse like the naga)

so rock and roll! had a little time to post (instead of game) since they currently have f-d up the email verification process and i cant log, just wanted to post with a thank you, ill be buying the codeweaver product just for this game...kind of curious what to do once crossover is updated and ready to handle gw2, like can i just install over the other? let it d/l an update or some such? i mean how does that work

my specs are the following:

Macbook pro retina, mid 2012
8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4
2.6 GHz Intel core i7
its got one of those big solid state drives and whatnot

happy to answer any further questions if my success can help others, if its a specific bit of info, just tell me where to look--im a mac noob, still making me nuts that i cant just simply see all my files in a file structure somewhere...

perhaps i posted too soon! the email authentication thing is fixed, I can log in to the account, but when i try and play, i get dumped out of the game...cant get to character select...whatever that little patch was / did is really harsh-ing my otherwise amazingly smooth gw2 on wine experience...i think they are patching again tonight, perhaps its a problem they introduced, but it seems quite strange...

as an edit here, and i feel kind of stupid, but a reboot of the computer fixed the dumping problem...not sure what that means


How were you able to set up everything to the max? I have a retina macbook pro too with 16 gb and I cannot set everything to the max without graphics being laggy. Also I am unable to set fullscreen.

Can you give me some advice?


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