I read all the other threads I thought were relevant and couldn't find an answer to my issue, so sorry if I missed something obvious, I guess I'm not at all a computer person.
Ok so I tried the whole installation as suggested in the Tips and Trick, and would only get a downloading screen (with the grey 'woman' on the right hand side), saying "Download 0%", and then this window instantly turns black.
After much fumbling I figured out how to X out of it and how to Run Command, but same thing, Download 0% then black.
I re-did that many a time and then after many attempts starting from the beginning, found the "Guild wars 2" option in the software installer, and it even worked with the Gw2Setup.exe and actually started downloading (same window with the grey woman, but then the downloading numbers were moving).
So it crashed, as expected, switching first to a "downloading 0%" window for a second, then black.
I Xed out and used the run command, and it downloaded a bit, etc...
Now my worry is that it always downloads exactly 10124KB before crashing, and I have also read about error messages but I don't get any.
Am I doing it right and I should just do it over and over again until it finally works? or am I stuck in a glitch?
I wouldn't mind returning to the old Guild War installer and using Gw2.exe, or even Gw2.exe-image as I have read here and there, but it has never done anything...
Any advice would be incredibly welcome
PS; Oh, and it probably is a stupid question, but would it be possible to download the game on the PC side of the computer, using Bootcamp I believe, and then transfer all those data into the 'bottle' ? I don't even know if that's the most ridiculous idea ever, I'm really clueless with computers...