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Black screen at 10124KB, again and again


I read all the other threads I thought were relevant and couldn't find an answer to my issue, so sorry if I missed something obvious, I guess I'm not at all a computer person.

Ok so I tried the whole installation as suggested in the Tips and Trick, and would only get a downloading screen (with the grey 'woman' on the right hand side), saying "Download 0%", and then this window instantly turns black.
After much fumbling I figured out how to X out of it and how to Run Command, but same thing, Download 0% then black.
I re-did that many a time and then after many attempts starting from the beginning, found the "Guild wars 2" option in the software installer, and it even worked with the Gw2Setup.exe and actually started downloading (same window with the grey woman, but then the downloading numbers were moving).


So it crashed, as expected, switching first to a "downloading 0%" window for a second, then black.

I Xed out and used the run command, and it downloaded a bit, etc...

Now my worry is that it always downloads exactly 10124KB before crashing, and I have also read about error messages but I don't get any.

Am I doing it right and I should just do it over and over again until it finally works? or am I stuck in a glitch?

I wouldn't mind returning to the old Guild War installer and using Gw2.exe, or even Gw2.exe-image as I have read here and there, but it has never done anything...

Any advice would be incredibly welcome

PS; Oh, and it probably is a stupid question, but would it be possible to download the game on the PC side of the computer, using Bootcamp I believe, and then transfer all those data into the 'bottle' ? I don't even know if that's the most ridiculous idea ever, I'm really clueless with computers...

Try to start gw2.exe with the parameter -dx9single with the run-command, that worked for me.

".../CrossOver/Bottles/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.exe -dx9single"

Thanks for the tip! I'll try that... as soon as I figure out how.
Now I know it will sound stupid, but should I type ' -dx9single' at the end of the .exe in the finder window, or only add it in the Run command box?

I guess I'll try both and fingers crossed ^_^

Also, is there really a space before the dash? should it read Gw2.exe -dx9single or Gw2.exe-dx9single?

Thanks so much for your help


Ok, so I tried adding ' -dx9single' in the Run Command box and some form of downloading seems to be happening!!!
I don't know how you came up with ' -dx9single', which seems a lot like computer witchcraft to me, but it does seem to have an impact. I'll keep you updated
At least we downloaded more than the dreaded 10124 KB, so thank you so much

I'm not really into computers too much so i need lots of help...I only see the "Gw2setup.exe" how do i get the "Gw2.exe" that you guys are talking about? and if this is the file i need i tried doing the run command thing but i only goes up to around 10,000 kb and then crashes. Do i just keep doing that over and over again, and if so how many times before it downloads? Thanks a bunch.

hi David

i encoutered the same problem as you. apparently the old launcher directly downloaded the Gw2.exe instead of the setup one.

the needed file is this one:
(found and provided from another thread by Voraka, many thanks!!)

From there just follow the many tips everyone else has.

As for your question about whether that installs anything useful, i find it highly doubtful but im not too sure. Since the setup file has the pre-installation software that is needed, it installs that every single time that it's opened. Since the problem starts after that's finished downloading, i don't know if any of the actual game files are installed or not. So just to be sure, make sure that the setup fully downloads before it quits itself. Then after that, when the black window appears, close the window down using the "close window" option provided by Crossover. Then near the button that says "file" at the top of your user interface, look for another button that says "program". Click it, click "run command" (by this time you should have downloaded the Gw2.exe, if not, download it before you complete this next step) then select the Guild Wars 2 bottle that was created before when you installed using the Gw2setup.exe (should be in a drop down menu of sorts for mac, i dont know anything for linux). After this, click the "browse" button and look for the Gw2.exe file you downloaded, NOT the Gw2setup.exe, then the file name should be surrounded by quotation marks, inside the quotation marks and after the Gw2.exe text, make a space and then type the command -dx9single. That command should still be within the quotation marks (i think) before you press run. click the "save the command" option afterwards to have quick access to that command for running the program in the future. I've currently run into the problem where it downloads at 4% at a time, but since the downloaded files remain downloaded, it's just a war of attrition at this point lol. You should be all set after this.

I hope that helped, and good luck!

The command -dx9single does not have to be in the quotations. Thank you so much this worked for me. I was so worried about this affecting my head start tomorrow night.

Just to keep those interested updated.
I left it to download while I was at work, came back to an error message from Arenanet, which seemed to be expected, closed the window and clicked on "Run" again, and it's back to downloading, hopefully not from the start.

Is there a way to make sure that it is actually not starting from the start? I have taken a note of how many "files remaining" there was on the download page and will compare it to what I have next time it crashes, but is there a better way to do it?


Oh, and once again, thanks so much Sebastian for your precious help! If I get it all to play, I will burn a candle for you ;)

Bruno Helbert wrote:

Just to keep those interested updated.
I left it to download while I was at work, came back to an error
message from Arenanet, which seemed to be expected, closed the
window and clicked on "Run" again, and it's back to downloading,
hopefully not from the start.

Is there a way to make sure that it is actually not starting from
the start? I have taken a note of how many "files remaining" there
was on the download page and will compare it to what I have next
time it crashes, but is there a better way to do it?


Oh, and once again, thanks so much Sebastian for your precious help!
If I get it all to play, I will burn a candle for you ;)

Hi Bruno,

a random crash is quite normal, it's a bug. The process resumes on application restart, the download is not starting from beginning.

Thank u for the candle! :)



It's all downloaded now, so hopefully it should work. Had to start it 25 times exactly, but that sounds roughly like what everyone is expecting.
Now, one last question (hopefully);
How do I open Guild War 2 if I wanted to log-on and play whenever it is available? the only way I found to do that was to run command again, surely there is a more elegant way? like an icon to drag on the dock? or a way to open it though Crossover without the run command?

I realise it's such a newbie questions but hey, I'm a newbie so, yeah, that's my question ^_^

Bruno Helbert wrote:


It's all downloaded now, so hopefully it should work. Had to start
it 25 times exactly, but that sounds roughly like what everyone is
Now, one last question (hopefully);
How do I open Guild War 2 if I wanted to log-on and play whenever it
is available? the only way I found to do that was to run command
again, surely there is a more elegant way? like an icon to drag on
the dock? or a way to open it though Crossover without the run

I realise it's such a newbie questions but hey, I'm a newbie so,
yeah, that's my question ^_^

Open the Run Command (Programs-->Run Command) and put in the whole program-path including the -dx9single command (in the command field). In the next step, click on "Save Command to Programs Menu". Done! :)

I redid all the steps with the Gw2.exe that you provided and now when i try to install/do run command all that pops up is a completely white window? I'm so stuck right now.

I'm having the "4%" downloaded issue too but it does seem to pick up where it left off each time I Run again.

Sebastian, you are my very personal hero.

It worked (of course) and I have a a one-click access, can't wait to play ^_^

I love you.

Hours of pouring over the internet trying to make it work on my mac.

You have no idea how much I appreciate it, thank you so much.

Anyone else seeing the ArenaNet error saying GW2 may already be running or has insufficient rights? Just wondering if I'm on the right track or not...

Guys i really need your help .... i followed every single step u mention using dx9single etc... i get a crush at 4% as most ppl ... but every time i run the command again it starts all over again and crushes at 4% AGAIN &AGAIN :S

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