Hello all!
I am putting test builds up for today's stress-test in this location:
When prompted, enter the key:
to access the downloads.
There are three builds: one for mac, two for linux. My hope is that they will address the camera movement issue. They are highly unsupported builds, but we hope to get something good from them. Please be careful with them if you have regular CrossOver installations - don't overwrite things, etc. etc., and don't use these for your other important personal data ... etc.
Getting the Launcher to Work
If you see either a 'white screen' or a 'black screen' when you start Gw2.exe, there is a known work-around. You must launch Gw2.exe from CrossOver's 'Run Command' menu. Be sure to select the correct bottle (the one into which Gw2.exe has been installed), then enter the path to the Gw2.exe executable. In the 'Run Command' text box where you entered the path to the executable, after the executable name, type one space, then the command-line option '-useoldlauncher' (with the dash, without the quotes).
Doing this will give you a 'white screen' instead of a 'black screen' during download. As mentioned elsewhere, download will fail several times but if you keep restarting you will eventually get what you need. You can view progress by simply using CrossOver's 'Window' menu to raise the window behind the 'white screen' to the front: that will give you a download progress bar. (On any given run it is unlikely to get past 10% - maybe only to 4%, maybe up to 13%, but several runs in a row will eventually get the game downloaded.)
For Linux:
The linux builds are marked with names 'plainri' and 'modifiedri'. I believe 'modifiedri' is the most likely one to work, but if that does not, 'plainri' would be a good test as well.
For Mac:
For Mac folks (where there is a lot of graphics trouble, I think), I uploaded another build to:
(access key : guildwars)
The newest one is just called 'crossover-11.2.0.zip'
Please note that this, as all these builds are, this is highly unsupported: (not even built on our build servers, just on my laptop).
Also, changing to a special 'gw2' build for the last round was, I think, a mistake ease-of-use wise, so this one is just a regular 'CrossOver' build and will look in ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles for your GW2 bottle. So ... sorry for that hassle (deploying these 'special' builds to look in different config dirs is something we're experimenting with, not sure how well I like it ...).
At any rate, if there's a Mac user out there with graphics bugs, this build has some fresh hacks.
There is a new registry setting which this build will look for:
So, if you go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D/ and make a string value called FixedVShaderLimit, you can play with something that seems to impact the graphics.
In my experience, setting it to 263 gives perfect graphics but bad framerates. (anything above 256 is thought to give bad framerates, but higher numbers are needed to avoid graphics problems. 261 (probably the same framerate) gave a few graphics glitches, but not as many as 256.
Two things would be useful to know:
1.) How bad, in your experience, is the framerate with this value set to 263 or higher? (really, playing with it above whatever setting makes the graphics render well shouldn't impact the framerate. Oh, but don't set it higher than 512 - this build doesn't check for that, but it might cause bad behavior).
2.) How low can you get it and still get reasonable gameplay, given the number of graphics glitches?
If you do end up experimenting with the above and report back here, please note that stating what your hardware & OS are (including video card) is helpful.
The particular issue this addresses is mac-only, so there's no linux equivalent to experiment with.