Can someone explain the following to me as if I'm a 7-year old? (I've been using Macs for a decade mainly for graphic design, but have never, ever used Terminal for launching, running, etc. anything.)
I've been following the basic instructions (as shown in "Tips & Tricks") but realized I was trying to use it with Gw2Setup.exe without much luck. I have just downloaded Gw2.exe as I read that Gw2Setup.exe doesn't work with Crossover.
The following is what I need explained to me:
Now, restart the installer with "Run a Windows Command" (Linux) or
"Run Command..." (Mac):
- For "Use Bottle:" set it to "Guild Wars 2"
- Click "Browse" and point CrossOver at the "Gw2.exe" file
- Click "Run"
At this point the Guild Wars 2 client should launch and begin
patching. Each time it crashes, restart it with the above method
(it usually downloads about 10,000 files before crashing).
I have a folder on my desktop named "Guild Wars 2" in which I put Gw2.exe. I opened Crossover, created a Win7 bottle called "Guild Wars 2" and told it to install from the folder on my desktop. Ran it, it installed about 10215KB, got a black screen... the whole nine yards.
I opened a Terminal window, not knowing what I was doing, and typed "run /Desktop/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.exe" and I get an error stating it can't find that command. I have a feeling I don't know what "Run Command..." means in the aforementioned steps.
What am I doing wrong? Can somebody please explain the above steps to me, again, like I'm 7 years old? Thanks immensely.
PS: Can I just re-start the download by selecting the executable file, selecting "open with...", and choosing Crossover? (Do I really need to use "Run Command..." trick?)