Guild Wars 2 Forum

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Bug instal

Hello, here is I followed the instructions of tutorial Following one:;tips=1 ;but when I arrive has the stage 8 and when him(it) to have lunch opens I have this image you can help me thank you (sorry for the faults I am not English.


(moved the screenshot to a location on our server so that the preview would work properly -Caron)

bellumore ugo wrote:

Hello, here is I followed the instructions of tutorial Following
;but when I arrive has the stage 8 and when him(it) to have lunch
opens I have this image you can help me thank you (sorry for the
faults I am not English.

My apologies that I cannot respond in French to make this easier. I can read French a little but actual communication in French is beyond my skills.

The error basically says (on the chance that someone has the same type of error in English):

Guild Wars 2 cannot access the local Gw2.dat file. Please make sure that you have read and write access to it and that it is not in use by another application.

Please note that the screenshot implies a Mac, so these instructions are specific to a Mac. Should someone need Linux instructions for this, please ask and they will be provided.

First, please make sure that CrossOver can install a different application... something small and easy like Internet Explorer 6 or even just Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (just into a separate bottle that can be deleted later):

  1. Launch CrossOver or click on the CrossOver icon so that the title bar at the top of your screen says "CrossOver" next to the Apple Icon.

  2. Go to "Configure" and choose "Install Software"

  3. In the "Runtime Support Components" section select "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable"

  4. Open the "Select a bottle into which to install" section by clicking on it

  5. Click "New winxp Bottle..." and then click "Install"

Expected result: CrossOver will create a bottle title "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable" and then start the installer. The installation should complete normally and without errors. When it finishes, click "Done" on the CrossOver Software Installer to complete the process. If it proceeds as normal, clean up and delete the bottle (go to Configure-> Manage Bottles, select the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable" bottle and then click the "-" to remove it). Should CrossOver be unable to install anything, contact our Support Team by emailing and request assistance.

If the above goes well then my assumption is that there is a process within Gw2.exe that has not exited cleanly. The following steps will attempt to triage that and should get the installer to at least 'working' order. These steps assume that one has followed the instructions in the Tips & Tricks section and has a bottle named "Guild Wars 2" with the folder "Guild Wars 2" moved into it.

  1. Launch CrossOver or click on the CrossOver icon so that the title bar at the top of your screen says "CrossOver" next to the Apple Icon.

  2. Go to "Configure" and choose "Manage Bottles"

  3. Select the "Guild Wars 2" bottle and choose the "Bottle" section

  4. Click on "Quit Bottle" and then "Force Quit Bottle" if the button is visible for more than a few seconds.

  5. Open the "Activity Monitor" (Finder Window, Applications->Utilities->Activity Monitor). Verify that there are no "wine" processes open (wineserver & wineloader)

    • if there are, close CrossOver down completely (Click on the CrossOver icon in the dock and then press "Command+Q" to close out CrossOver), check the Activity Monitor again. The only CrossOver process that should remain open is the "CrossOver CD Helper". No "wine" processes should remain.
  6. Re-launch CrossOver

  7. Go to "Programs" and choose "Run a Command..."

  8. Select the "Guild Wars 2" bottle and then click "Browse..." to point CrossOver at "Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.exe" (or if you never moved the folder, point CrossOver at "Gw2.exe" where you left it on your system.

  9. Click "Open" and then click the triangle next to "Debug Options"

  10. Check the box next to "Create log file", do not select any flags and click "Run". Choose to save the log file to a location that makes sense to you (I use the Desktop). The Guild Wars 2 patcher should now start. If it does not and instead gives the same error code, shut it down. Then, send an email to with the log file attached so that we can have a look.

Again, my apologies for not being versed enough to give these instructions in French.

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