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Known Bugs with Guild Wars 2 Beta

This thread will attempt to address/describe the issues we are currently seeing with Guild Wars 2 within CrossOver. I will post bug numbers with each issue so that you can write in to our Support Team regarding those issues (posting here to say "me too" will not help). What we would like to do is get a broad overview of each issue that is happening and have a base of people to ask about it (so that we can confirm the issue is only Mac/Linux/ATI/Nvidia/Intel or all of the above. The information we need when you write in about an issue is the Operating System used (Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, Solaris), the version of the Operating System, the graphics card you have, the bug number if it is a known issue and if it's not a known issue, a description of the issue. Screenshots are very useful with a graphical issue (as are debug logs if we've requested flags).

Please be sure to check out the "Tips & Tricks" tab as some questions are answered there.

Bug number 8334 - Client patchers are black where they should be transparent. All users affected. We do not need log files for this issue. It unfortunately affects many games and is difficult to fix. For Guild Wars 2 the bug looks like this:


Bug number 8340 - Guild Wars 2 now requires Raw Input support to change camera angles. All users affected. We do not need log files for this issue.

Bug number 9559 - Patching Guild Wars 2 leads to many crashes of the installer. All users affected. We do not need log files for this issue.

Bug number 9566 - Graphical issues on a Mac (specifically rain or other water effects make the screen mostly white). In-house we see this issue on Nvidia Macs (specifically the 8600GT) and we have had it reported on a number of Nvidia Macs (8800, 9600).

What we really need to know is... does this also affect ATI Macs?
Is there anyone on Linux that sees this issue?

Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event. The bug looks like this:


Bug number 9567 - graphical issues with light sources. We did not see this issue widespread but did occasionally see it in-house (depending on the system we tested on). Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event.

Bug number 9568 - Area around characters appears to be foggy. We did see this issue in-house, specifically on our 8600GT Nvidia Mac and have had it reported on Linux machines as well. We would appreciate a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event.


Bug number 9569 - Resizing Guild Wars 2 leaves the screen white until the game is restarted. (visible in-house on Linux systems without logging in, does this happen on any Mac systems?)

Bug number 9570 - Textures of characters appear stretched. We saw this issue on our ATI 2650 Mac in-house. This is a Mac-Only issue. We fully understand this issue and do not need screenshots or log files.

Solution to this bug

You will be setting a registry key, generic instructions are available for Mac users. We know that this key must be set specifically for the 'Gw2.exe' file name to work properly. We have added the key to the Tie file so that all new installs will automatically get this setting.


This bug looks like this:


Bug number 9571 - Characters and dialog text appear faded or not at all. We did not see this in-house and need more information. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event.

Bug number 9572 - Gem store behavior is different in CrossOver than it is on Windows. We did not see this in-house (probably because we didn't use this feature, we played and restarted the game ALOT) and need more information. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event. This bug looks like:


  • Bug number 9573 - Consistent crash while talking to Lord Farren during the Welcome Home Instance in the Human story line. Reported resolved.*

    Bug number 9574 - Consistent crash at the character selection screen when Guild Wars 2 is full screen. We did not see this in-house and need more information. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with no flags. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event.

    Bug number 9575 - Under water rendering is terrible. We did not see this in-house and need more information. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event. This bug looks like this:


    Bug number 9576 - Textures seem to be rendered in the wrong order. We see this issue in-house on our ATI Mac 2650. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event. This bug looks like this:


    It is most noticeable when the shadows are turned on:


    But is still noticeable when the shadows are turned off:


    Bug number 9659 - Some textures are rendered blue (not stretched). We did not see this in-house and need more information. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event. This bug looks like this:


    Bug number 9675 - Sound is glitchy on launch of Guild Wars 2. We have reproduced this bug in-house and have logged the provided sound clip. We do not need any log files for this issue.

    Bug number 9676 - Characters or objects are rendered half and half. We have reproduced this bug in-house but would like more information. Screenshots if you have them and a log file with the flags +seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9. We have tutorials for both Mac and Linux systems. We also understand that getting this information won't really be possible until the next Beta Weekend Event. This bug looks like this:

    character on the left

    Bug (not yet filed) - it seems like there are a lot of reports of bad lag... note that this may just as likely be due to the high volume of people playing. CrossOver users may see some decreased fps but until the crowd calms a bit we cannot really be sure which is to blame.

more to come

Note that if you respond to this with a known issue I will just forward that response to our Support Team. We need the issues in this to be tracked within our ticket system and bug tracker so that our developers can triage the issues quickly, tracking them in the forums becomes messy very, very quickly.

  • White Rain, Underwater bubbles are very ugly, floating flowers which just appear to not move near towns, snow, smoke

10.7.3 nvidia 8800

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

I have an additional bug from the one I reported in this thread yesterday.


It shows the issue I already posted about, it appears that polygons from models are stretching far away from where they should be, it seems to only originate from character models.

My other issue is that shadows are blocky, and that edges of objects in front of a shadow look even worse.

As I mentioned in the linked thread: I am using a Late 2011 Macbook Pro 2.2GHz i7 with 8 GB of RAM, a AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB VRAM. Running Mac OS 10.7.3 and using Crossover 11.0.3. The bottle has GW2 stored in it, DirectX runtime installed, and had the registry key for wine to use 512MB VRAM instead of 128 VRAM (had to do this to get GW2 to run.).

myheaditches wrote:

I have an additional bug from the one I reported
this thread[/link] yesterday.

Thank you! I'm working on filing that now and I'll add it to the initial post in this thread.

myheaditches wrote:

The bottle has GW2 stored in it, DirectX runtime installed, and had
the registry key for wine to use 512MB VRAM instead of 128 VRAM (had
to do this to get GW2 to run.).

I've added this to the tips and tricks section as well, thanks again!


I had serious issues with swimming underwater. The green splotches pretty much covered my entire view.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

More instances of character polygon/textures stretching. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but: First install of the game it seemed like character's faces would mostly be the problem (often creating a scary/hilarious two-face-esque character). I thought it might have been the .dat corrupting, so I tried running with -repair and it didn't help. I copied over another .dat from my virtual machine, and the stretching then started occurring on player's hands instead of faces.


Second bug I encountered was I occasionally saw faint dark lines across my screen. I'm not sure why it only happened occasionally, but I mainly seemed to notice it in Divinity's Reach.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

myheaditches wrote:

I have an additional bug from the one I reported
this thread[/link] yesterday.


It shows the issue I already posted about, it appears that polygons
from models are stretching far away from where they should be, it
seems to only originate from character models.

My other issue is that shadows are blocky, and that edges of objects
in front of a shadow look even worse.

As I mentioned in the linked thread: I am using a Late 2011 Macbook
Pro 2.2GHz i7 with 8 GB of RAM, a AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB
VRAM. Running Mac OS 10.7.3 and using Crossover 11.0.3. The bottle
has GW2 stored in it, DirectX runtime installed, and had the
registry key for wine to use 512MB VRAM instead of 128 VRAM (had to
do this to get GW2 to run.).

Wow, I have exactly the same issues. But also a bunch of other crashes with screen sizing and Gem Store display (not showing).

When the issue is not so bad:

Our systems are kind of similar too. Let's hope the guys here can find a solution!

My System info:
27" Mid 2011
ATI AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB

Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.7 GHz
Total Number of Cores: 4
Memory: 12 GB

Using Crossover 11, Windows XP bottle. With both Direct 9 and Modern version installed in same bottle as GW2.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

Bug number 9576

I encountered this bug too. It appears to be dependent on lighting. It looks like Arena Net applies a filter (pixel shader?) to the screen to achieve a diffuse lighting effect in some environments (though not everywhere in the game).

This bug is easy to reproduce as it is observable on the character selection screen.

Bug number 9570

I also encountered this bug. I have added the new registry value in my Guild Wars 2 bottle so I will be glad to test this workaround during the next beta week-end.

Other graphical bugs

I did not encounter any of the other currently listed graphical bugs with my system.

I cannot tell for gameplay bugs as I may not have experienced these areas and stories.


Model: iMac 2007 (iMac7,1)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz
OS: Mac OS 10.7.3
GPU: ATI,RadeonHD2600
VRAM: 256 Mo
CrossOver: 11.0.3

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

Minor update: I tweaked the registry setting mentioned in the top post for the character stretching issue. It had mentioned "gw.exe", but of course the right executable for Guild Wars 2 is "gw2.exe".

Hello, here is I followed the instructions of tutorial Following one:;tips=1 ; but when I arrive has the stage 8 and when him(it) to have lunch opens I have this image you can help me thank you (sorry for the faults I am not English.image

Bug number 9568

I experience this issue within Wine, although I am not using a mac.


CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo T8300
OS: Fedora 16
GPU: Nvidia, GeForce 8800M GTS
VRAM: 512 M
Wine: 1.5.1

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team


I have exctly the same issues than "myheaditches" on a 15' MacBook Pro (2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, bought in 2011) and I will try what was recommended at the next beta I can attend.

Additionally, my girlfriend has a completely different issue on her 13' MacBookPro (2.7 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, bought in 2011): as soon as she launches GW2, she just gets a "white screen" where nothing can be done beside "forcing" crossover to quit.
=> I was wondering if anybody experienced the same issue ... and found some solution ? (she really would like to play ...)

Many thanks in advance,


Ps: By the way, I notice a "strange" difference within Wine configuration under "Librairies"-Tab:

  • For the MacBook Pro 15', there is nothing
  • For the MacBook Pro 13', there are a lot of "Existing overrides" like AcroTray.exe (builtin), autorun.exe (native, builtin), and a lot more ...
    => might this impact the game (and give the white screen as soon as the game is launched ?)

PPs: I have copied the bottle of the MacBook Pro 13' and deleted all items in "Librairies"-Tab ... and still get only a white window when launching gw2

Mike Jilani wrote:

Additionally, my girlfriend has a completely different issue on her
13' MacBookPro (2.7 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, bought in
2011): as soon as she launches GW2, she just gets a "white screen"
where nothing can be done beside "forcing" crossover to quit.
=> I was wondering if anybody experienced the same issue ... and
found some solution ? (she really would like to play ...)

For the white screen issue... I haven't had that in-house at all. I suggest trying the VRAM registry key and the SafeVsConst registry key... if that doesn't work, what graphics card does your girl friend have?

So my girlfriend and I decided to spend our time during the stress test today screen capping all the bugs we can and get it logged in the process. We have the screen shots, but the logs we've collected have topped at around 65GB. We've set up the "run command" window to log: +seh, +tid, +d3d, and +d3d9. What exactly have we done wrong?

I figured I'd share some screen caps of bugs we took today:

Bug Number 9566
I think this one goes here, but it was the same problem with Bug 9575, but on land:

Bug Number 9575

Bug Number 9568

Unknown Bug
(Odd blued textures, but there wasn't any texture stretching)

I believe I categorized these bugs in their respective numbers, but like I said; we had issues getting a log for them that wasn't outrageous in file size.

Anthony Ogden wrote:

So my girlfriend and I decided to spend our time during the stress
test today screen capping all the bugs we can and get it logged in
the process. We have the screen shots, but the logs we've collected
have topped at around 65GB. We've set up the "run command" window to
log: +seh, +tid, +d3d, and +d3d9. What exactly have we done wrong?


You did nothing wrong... is the 65GB size one file or a few? Do you still have it/them? The +d3d,+d3d9 flags log "ALOT" of information but they are nearly useless without more information... the +seh,+tid flags give that information but they both log "ALOT" of information themselves.

I can set up FTP access for you to upload if it is individual files... and maybe that'll work for one large file... (or maybe we can skim the files for the important bits)

On the other hand, that's quite a bit to upload so I can understand any reluctance. I highly appreciate the screenshots and I'll spend some time tomorrow attaching them to bugs.

Thanks you and your girlfriend for the hard work!

Caron Wills wrote:

Anthony Ogden wrote:

So my girlfriend and I decided to spend our time
during the stress test today screen capping all the bugs we can
get it logged in the process. We have the screen shots, but the
we've collected have topped at around 65GB. We've set up the "run
command" window to log: +seh, +tid, +d3d, and +d3d9. What exactly
have we done wrong?


You did nothing wrong... is the 65GB size one file or a few? Do you
still have it/them? The +d3d,+d3d9 flags log "ALOT" of information
but they are nearly useless without more information... the
+seh,+tid flags give that information but they both log "ALOT" of
information themselves.

I can set up FTP access for you to upload if it is individual
files... and maybe that'll work for one large file... (or maybe we
can skim the files for the important bits)

On the other hand, that's quite a bit to upload so I can understand
any reluctance. I highly appreciate the screenshots and I'll spend
some time tomorrow attaching them to bugs.

Thanks you and your girlfriend for the hard work!

Unfortunately, we didn't keep the log files since they were actually maxing out the capacity of our hard drives! I wish we knew beforehand that the logs would be so large, but we'll definitely make some room next BWE to handle them.

BTW- the log was 65GB on each of our macs. We also weren't able to open the files through TextEdit, and I had issues compressing it. I emailed support about it and they gave me a link to upload it the next chance I get.

Anthony Ogden wrote:

Unfortunately, we didn't keep the log files since they were actually
maxing out the capacity of our hard drives! I wish we knew
beforehand that the logs would be so large, but we'll definitely
make some room next BWE to handle them.

BTW- the log was 65GB on each of our macs. We also weren't able to
open the files through TextEdit, and I had issues compressing it. I
emailed support about it and they gave me a link to upload it the
next chance I get.

Well... maybe for the next one just log in for a few moments and then log right back out. That will be more than enough for us (and might result in a GB all by itself). Many thanks either way!

I suppose it's taken me a little while to get around to posting what I did during the stress test monday a couple weeks back, but here it is.

Bug 9570

The proposed fix of "SafeVsConsts"="enable" worked perfectly and didn't seem to have a performance impact.


Bug 9576

For me this one seems to be always present if you look closely enough, but is much more noticeable with shadows turned on. You can see it in the previous "after" picture bordering the player character. Here is another scene comparing shadows on and off:

Shadows off:
Shadows on:

Audio static

When the launcher opens and again when the game launches I hear static very briefly, it also happens when the computer changes audio output, such as built in speakers to line out.

Weird half textures/models

As seen in this image the charr to the left has armor with different color split down the center, it doesn't appear on all armors. I've also seen it on world objects, such as this bridge:

Launcher visuals

The launcher has a black background instead of being transparent. Additionally, there are some weird black dots/static below the first line of text.


I created a log with the flags "+seh,+tid,+d3d,+d3d9" with the ""SafeVsConsts"="enable"" fix on. I logged in, stood around here for a bit and then logged off. This should cover Bug 9576, audio static, weird half textures, and launcher visuals.

Bug 9572

All of the commerce tabs except for pick up did not render anything. It appears that the commerce tabs are actually just web pages as at the time it was spitting out various http errors on Windows. Unfortunately I did not get a log for this.

Grass physics

This is an odd one. What should happen: Grass and various other doodads (mostly plants) should wave around when force is applied to them, such as if it is windy, something has exploded nearby, or if you are walking through it. What I experienced was that grass would stay perfectly still for several seconds, and then for several seconds they would wave around wildly for no apparent reason. Additionally, they would leave behind a blue gray mask of their idle position when waving around. I did not get a log for this one either.

Some info on my system, at the time of the stress test: 2011 Macbook Pro 2.2GHz i7 with 8 GB of RAM, a AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB VRAM. Running Mac OS 10.7.3 and using Crossover 11.0.3

Whew. I will leave you with the most awesome seesaw.

Thanks for posting the solution to Bug number 9570. I followed the instructions and made the changes in Regedit. Now the graphics stretching is completely gone!

But I still do have issues with the Gem Store, Trading Post not showing up. Just an empty window. I have a screenshot of this, but don't have a log file.

I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? I have two other friends with macs, running the same OS as me (OSX Lion). The friend on the Macbook Pro (2010) has same issues as me, but not the friend on a Macbook(2009). I have an iMac 2011.

Also if it helps, we are all using the same version of Crossover, all with Windows XP bottle. Installed Gw2.exe with same method.


This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

My girlfriend and I have the same problem with the trading post.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

Bugs that occurred during log.

9566 White rain snow ect.
imageimageimage9567 Maybe occurred but due to weird fog interface, couldn't tell.

9568 Fog around characters

9572 Gems store does not appear

9575 Underwater bubbles

Audio Static when starting, both on internal and head phones.

Reflective water bug


10.6.8 i7 2.66ghz
nvidia 330 15in dec 2010
CodeWeavers 11 Direct 9 installed into GW2 Files

I have to log with +sih and +tid and will send it to whom ever replies to this message. Thanks btw guys, great job on these bottles.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

RE: Bug 9570

Enabling "SafeVsConsts" as noted above fixed the stretched texture problem for me while in-game, BUT I was still seeing stretched textures during character creation during the step where you select character size, facial features, etc. The poor Guardian I was trying to create looked like an extra from "The Walking Dead".

Re: bug number 9573 (Consistent crash while talking to Lord Farren during the Welcome Home Instance in the Human story line)

This appears to be resolved. During this weekend's beta I was able to complete the instance in question and had no issues with any other storyline instances.

myheaditches wrote:

I suppose it's taken me a little while to get around to posting what
I did during the stress test monday a couple weeks back, but here it

No Worries! It's taken me a bit to get back to this, but I'm catching up with what is posted here, thanks for the extensive post!

myheaditches wrote:

Bug 9570
The proposed fix of "SafeVsConsts"="enable" worked perfectly and
didn't seem to have a performance impact.

Noted, thanks for testing!

myheaditches wrote:

Bug 9576

Noted, images updated above

myheaditches wrote:

Audio static

Bug filed for this issue, we reproduce it in-house.

myheaditches wrote:

Weird half textures/models

Bug filed for this issue, we reproduce it in-house.

myheaditches wrote:

Launcher visuals

For this I added to a bug we already have, we've been seeing this a lot lately.

myheaditches wrote:

Bug 9572

Thank you for the screenshots for this. We didn't actually test this feature because we were mostly testing the start of the game on lots of systems rather than playing for an extended period. So, it's not that this doesn't happen here; it is that we were doing the basics first.

myheaditches wrote:

Grass physics

I did not file a bug for this issue. I think the trouble you observed has to do with some of the other rendering issues. Should se get all of those solved and this somehow persists, we would then be more than happy to file a bug and focus on this issue.

myheaditches wrote:

Whew. I will leave you with the most awesome seesaw.

Indeed, that is awesome and "Whew" indeed. You've kept me busy! I've updated the images in the initial entry where applicable and attached the larger version of the images (I downsized them for the top post) to the actual bugs they apply to. Thanks again for your hard work!

Steve Jakob wrote:

RE: Bug 9570

Enabling "SafeVsConsts" as noted above fixed the stretched texture
problem for me while in-game, BUT I was still seeing stretched
textures during character creation during the step where you select
character size, facial features, etc. The poor Guardian I was trying
to create looked like an extra from "The Walking Dead".

Re: bug number 9573 (Consistent crash while talking to Lord Farren
during the Welcome Home Instance in the Human story line)

This appears to be resolved. During this weekend's beta I was able
to complete the instance in question and had no issues with any
other storyline instances.

Noted regarding bugs 9570 & 9573.

I love "The Walking Dead"! ahem

Still some texture stretching during character creation? I would love a log file from that but I'll also try it myself during the next BWE (should there be another... hrm).

Alright, I believe I have caught up with this thread. The bugs listed in the initial post have been updated, more bugs have been added and screenshots have been added (many thanks to everyone who sent items in).

Please let me know if I've missed a bug and I'll pull it into this thread as well.

[quote=49]> (quote:80714)

Still some texture stretching during character creation? I would
love a log file from that but I'll also try it myself during the
next BWE (should there be another... hrm).

Yup. On my Macbook pro with AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512 MB and on my 2009 27" iMac I still had texture stretching during character creation, but the registry edit fixed it everywhere else in game.
The one thing I did note which may be helpful to you, was that if I clicked hide armour during character creation the textures were fine, so it was easy enough to create my characters, they just had to be half naked to do so :P.

In response to the white rain issue (Bug number 9566) I didn't experience this on either of my ATI macs. I didn't see Bug number 9568 either, so perhaps those are both NVIDIA specific?

Bug number 9569 wasn't an issue, the screen would go white for a little while after resizing, but it would eventually work (5-10 seconds)

Bug number 9572, I also wasn't able to see the gem store.

In response to Bug number 9575, my own underwater rendering was great! The only issue I did have with water, if I was above water and the monster was underwater, their had a "reflection" that actually made it look as if they were standing ontop of the water ontop of themselves.. was weird and only happened ocassionally.

Bug number 9576, definitely had issues with this but only in areas with lots going on or that were particularly well lit, like in your screenshot up near the throne room in that garden. From memory, turning the shader down actually fixed that as well (but I put up with it anyway because turning the shader down changed the colouring of everything)

Bug number 9659 - THIS was probably the one I hated the most, I assume this is it, for me all grass would do this, grass was the only thing I saw it on and it would flash blue quite frequently, whilst also shaking a whole lot and then go fine for a few seconds.

Bug number 9676 was the other most noticeable one. My characters armour often had a sleeve or a patch that was a lot lighter than the rest, it also happened on some characters faces and other characters armour, but I didn't notice it on any structural textures.

^-- Unsure if any of this is helpful or not or if I'm just making mess then I apologise.
Sorry I couldn't do any log files, from what I could gather they were quite large and my internet data cap has already gone over.

Thanks so much though! It was great to actually be able to play GW2 this beta weekend and there were a lot of times when I had no issues and the game looked so beautiful :D!

Philip James wrote:

Yup. On my Macbook pro with AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512 MB and on
my 2009 27" iMac I still had texture stretching during character
creation, but the registry edit fixed it everywhere else in game.
The one thing I did note which may be helpful to you, was that if I
clicked hide armour during character creation the textures were
fine, so it was easy enough to create my characters, they just had
to be half naked to do so :P.

Interesting. I didn't try that. Next BWE I'll try to get a log file as well.

MBP 2011 (early version) here. ATI 6750m 1gb with 16gb RAM

things noticed:

1) graphics a buggy (already posted above)
2) game is slow, at low settings it stutters
3) window mode not possible. Its always in full screen. Crashes if you switch it.

Hope all this will be resolved :(

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

I think that definitely one of the biggest issues at the moment is the lack of ability to use the mouse to change the camera angle.
This has huge implications on gameplay so if anyone knows how to fix this then please share. I know that some people have been able to use patches to fix the problem while running GW2 in Wine, but I have no idea if this is transferrable to CrossOver or not?

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Weird graphics on any level (low/medium/high)


This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

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Alexander Paras wrote:

Weird graphics on any level (low/medium/high)


If you're referring the the slight fuzziness that occurs in bright areas (like around the legs in your screenshot) then that is already one of the issues listed in the OP :)

Philip James wrote:

Alexander Paras wrote:

Weird graphics on any level (low/medium/high)


If you're referring the the slight fuzziness that occurs in bright
areas (like around the legs in your screenshot) then that is already
one of the issues listed in the OP :)

No, I meant the pixelized environment. A lot of squares everywhere.

I'm not able to play in tomorrows Stress Test because my mac is off getting its main body panel replaced.
So is anyone else able to log in at least for a few minutes during the stress test and check whether or not the camera movement using mouse is possible or not? Am hoping that they have fixed that but would really love it if someone can confirm it :)

Since Stresstest 9 Aug 2012 there is a new Bug.. with wine too. That crossover or Wine will freeze when you try to Chat (just klick the Chat window or Push ingame Enter) or Write a ingamemail.

And there is a new Stresstest, should start in five hours!

Chris2009 wrote:

Since Stresstest 9 Aug 2012 there is a new Bug.. with wine too. That
crossover or Wine will freeze when you try to Chat (just klick the
Chat window or Push ingame Enter) or Write a ingamemail.

And there is a new Stresstest, should start in [u]five

This is a bug in the client that happens on Windows as well. It's not related to Wine or any wrapper.

Ceribis wrote:

This is a bug in the client that happens on Windows as well. It's
not related to Wine or any wrapper.

Oh ok.. don't know that cause with windows and at the same time it run without issues on my system. Hope the issue is fixed in the upcoming stresstest.

Chris2009 wrote:

Ceribis wrote:

This is a bug in the client that happens on Windows as well. It's
not related to Wine or any wrapper.

Oh ok.. don't know that cause with windows and at the same time it
run without issues on my system. Hope the issue is fixed in the
upcoming stresstest.

I didn't see it happening on windows myself either, but there were quite a few people complaining about it on the official forums.

Can someone update the original post to update some of the bugs as recent updates have changed a lot.

Bug number 8334 - Since the launcher has changed, this bug is much more critical as Guild Wars 2 now displays a totally black screen during update. The problem is that the new launcher requires you to login and click Play which is not possible with a black screen. A workaround is to use the start the game with "-useoldlauncher" argument in order to get the old way of login in game instead of in the launcher. You will still get a totally white screen during update.

Bug number 8340 - Test builds have been posted by Josh Dubois that successfully fixed this bug. I don't think anyone could find a bug in Josh's build that is not in the official release.

Bug number 9559 - The patching bug seems to occur after downloading 10000 files. Since the update window is now blank, you cannot see the number of remaining files but the 10000 limit may still be there. According to Tips & Tricks, some people may not be able to download any file at all because the launcher will immediately crash and using "-image" may help.

Bug number 9566 - I have not seen anyone report this issue with a Radeon card. Personnaly, I am not affected using a iMac/Radeon HD 2600 Pro/Mountain Lion.

Bug number 9567 - Looks like the issue is still reported on Linux systems. I have not seen any Mac user report this.

Bug number 9568 - Is it the same bug as 9567?

Bug number 9569 - I don't know about resizing but switching between fullscreen and windowed mode can leave the window completely white (on my iMac/Radeon HD 2600 Pro/Mountain Lion)

Bug number 9570 - This bug was fixed on previous Guild Wars 2 versions by the mentioned registry key. It has now reappeared in latests builds. Josh's test builds introduced a new parameter to limit the number of shaders (am I correct ?) to fix this issue. Althout he states that a value of 263 should fix all graphical problems, I had to bump it to 270 to have a perfect rendering (263 was buggy on character selection screen with a sylvari and an asura, and in the sylvari world). The problem is that performance are catastrophic since the shader compiler process will fire continuously taking 100% CPU instead of just at game start. I do have 1 FPS with this option instead of around 25 FPS in official release (at lowest settings).

Bug number 9571 - I have not seen this on my system. Can you share the system details this bug appeared on.

Bug number 9572 - Gem store is simply not visible at all for me. The window opens, the loading icon turns and the nothing is displayed and the window stays empty.

Bug number 9574 - Never had this one.

Bug number 9575 - Never had this one.

Bug number 9576 - I have not seen this in latests build. It may have been an incorrect rendering of a higher graphics feature that may now be correctly disabled when using lower settings (subsampling ? supersampling ?).

Bug number 9659 - A Linux user reported this issue (I think with log files). Is it related to bug 9567 ?

Bug number 9675 - Latest build still produces a crack sound on game launch.

Bug number 9676 - Never had this one.

There seems to be a new bug where game is frozen after completing step 9/10 of character creation. Although nothing can be done in game, the mouse cursor is still active and music is still playing. According to Josh, it may be related to the input text located on the next screen (10/10). This is a blocking issue for character creation as no workaround has been found yet. (Remember that character creation will be mandatory for game release in August 25th as all test characters will be deleted.)

To me, bug 9570 is the most critical. The test builds that fixed it reduced performance so much that the game is unplayable. Using official builds does not work either because texture stretching prevents from envoying the game, causes headaches and can also lead to bad performance when lots of large triangles are drawn on screen.

Regarding the freeze during text input (chat, character creation, etc.), apparently passing '-dx9single' during start-up will fix this problem. I don't know whether it has an impact on performance - I have not tried it myself, but others have reported success.

It also sounds like '-dx9single' will allow you to use the 'regular' launcher instead of passing '-useoldlauncher' during startup. That I did try (because you can see the impact even when a beta event / stress-test is not underway), and it appears to work.

Vincent. With the -useoldlauncher, yes there is a white box, but activating expose/mission control will allow you to bring the updater in front of it and see the remaining amount of files (allowing you to monitor the 10,000 crash)

Using -dx9single fixed all problems for me. New download/login screen now works (except trais still black) and character creation is possible. Do we have to install anything from Microsoft?

I had to set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D\FixedVShaderLimit = 275 to remove all stretching.

I have around 5-15 FPS (with a Radeon HD 2600).

Macbook pro 2011 with ATI 6570M,mountain lion:

extremely low framerate (known issue for many users : wierd osx ATI drivers force wine to default to software shaders rendering)
texture tearing present too.

In bootcamp on same machine everything works beautifully at medium IQ settings / 1600x900

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