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How to Download GW2 Open Beta Client on Mac/Linux

I am sure lots of you out there are attempting the above.

The client crashes as you approach 4% or so. Don't worry about this, just keep restarting the client, it will resume where you left off. A few users have reported success opening up the login screen.

So just keep going! (I am using a Windows XP bottle on a mac running Lion, and is working for me...)

For screenshots see:

To be slightly more specific, for those like myself who like to know EXACTLY what to do because we have trouble connecting the dots (derp) to actually do this (or at least how I'm doing it) is simply to open the Run Command tab, set up the bottle, select the installer, and click Run every time the error stops the client. When the client restarts, it will start at 0% again, however the file number is in fact starting where it left off prior to the error.

I know this is what matt said, I just thought rewording it might've been in order!


For me, the crash seems to happen instantly, rather than after 4% or so. Could I ask what you all are doing to get it to install 4% at a time?

I am using a 13" MacBook Pro I got last fall, 2.7 GHz core i7, 8 GB RAM, Mac OS 10.7.3, CrossOver 11.0.3. This is what I've done:

  1. set up a new bottle in CrossOver (tried both winxp and winvista bottles, same results for both)
  2. open Run Command, select my GW2 bottle and the GW2.exe file.
  3. click Run.

When I do this, (ArenaNet's?) error window pops up immediately. When I x out of the error window, a second later a CrossOver error message pops up:

Command results
The command "/Users/Connie/Desktop/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.exe" returned 1.

I click OK on this error and am back to the Run Command window with no progress in installing the file.

Thanks for any help or suggestions!

So... I've done this two ways and now one of my colleagues has seen the install fail in the same way you are. Here are the steps that worked for him so he could at least start the download.

  1. Start the CrossOver Software Installer
  2. Select "Guild Wars" from the long list
  3. Change the "Install From" location to be GW2.exe
  4. Change the bottle type to either XP or Vista (CrossOver will complain, but it will work)

And, you should be off to the races. Good luck!

And now that I have one system fully ready to go (my Mac cooperated and my Linux system did not so it's behind quite a bit...), I have a small piece of advice.

Create your Guild Wars 2 bottle first (winXP vs WinVISTA does not really matter). Then, put the GW2.exe file into your bottle inside of something like:

drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2

If not... it currently drops all of the game files in the same location as the GW2.exe file. Not a huge inconvenience but kind of annoying (especially if that file is on say the Desktop or in the Downloads folder).

Also, it took 19 restarts to get Guild Wars 2 fully downloaded. That does make for a long day so be prepared!

Caron, following those instructions, the install is still crashing immediately for me, or at least, as soon as the TrueType fonts are finished installing and before GW2 starts installing at all.


Thanks, that worked for me. . . now I'm just waiting to see what the beta weekend will look like!

Connie wrote:

Caron, following those instructions, the install is still crashing
immediately for me, or at least, as soon as the TrueType fonts are
finished installing and before GW2 starts installing at all.

Two ideas...

First thought is that the Guild Wars 2 download (Gw2.exe) is corrupted somehow. So, let's compare md5sums.

Open a terminal (if your are on Mac go to Applications, Utilities, Terminal and if you are on Linux it depends on how your system is set up... Ubuntu will bring you a terminal if you with alt+t)...

on Mac do:

md5 pathtoGw2.exe

on Linux do:

md5sum pathtoGw2.exe

my md5sum is:


But my Gw2.exe is fully patched. The md5sum of Gw2.exe according to Google should be:


    • note that I did go back and download the client and this is the md5sum I come up with*

Prior to patching. If you are getting a number other than those, I would suggest re-downloading the Gw2.exe file from Arena net.

Second thought is that something is going wrong with CrossOver. When you get done with the 'crash', CrossOver should be putting out a log file link that you can click on and view (not the error dialog but a link to a longer log file... the error message is somewhat generic and not very helpful). I don't really want the whole log file... but let's keep this simple. Send an email (not blank, preferably with a reference to this forum post) that has that log file attached. Post back here when that's all done and we'll see what the next step is.

The md5sum I'm getting is 2c720359773a7e1ac23ef44b01b8b4e5, which seems to match the one you posted.

Which email address should I send the log file to?

The md5checksum i got was f3a9e783b47957910dcdd29f10ce09bb but heres the thing i ran that new patched exe via crossover and it still crashed @ the 4% install point, i ran the old one in windows 7 on another machine and it downloaded the gw2.dat file with no problem and following the advise posted in this forum just imported that to the GW2 created bottle, created a custom desktop shortcut to the gw2.exe and i got to the login screen of the game.

So its not just the exe thats borked something in crossover doesnt work.

Hey Guys!
I am having errors with everything I try to make this work. I am running on my 2011 Macbook Pro 13-inch, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB, all on Mac OSX Lion. I am updated to 10.7.3 and I guess I barely make the system requirements for Guild Wars 2.

So every time I try running the Gw2.exe file - a blank white screen shows up with an error to send to ArenaNet. Any suggestions? All help appreciated. Thanks!

I followed your directions and my download page just says "Checking for updates" and it's stuck on 0%. Any idea what I should do??

Connie wrote:

The md5sum I'm getting is 2c720359773a7e1ac23ef44b01b8b4e5, which
seems to match the one you posted.

Which email address should I send the log file to?

Just send it to Sorry I didn't see this sooner!

Alex Picciarelli wrote:

I followed your directions and my download page just says "Checking
for updates" and it's stuck on 0%. Any idea what I should do??

The best thing to do is to send an email with your log file from us (not the Arena Net log file) to I'll check on them in the morning when I first arrive at work and see what help I can offer.

Akshay Singh wrote:

Hey Guys!
I am having errors with everything I try to make this work. I am
running on my 2011 Macbook Pro 13-inch, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB
1333 MHz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB, all on Mac OSX Lion.
I am updated to 10.7.3 and I guess I barely make the system
requirements for Guild Wars 2.

So every time I try running the Gw2.exe file - a blank white screen
shows up with an error to send to ArenaNet. Any suggestions? All
help appreciated. Thanks!

I am a little worried that barely making the requirements will not do well for you. I suggest creating a log file of your launch of Gw2.exe. You can either do this by following the instructions here:

There is no need to set any flags for this log. Once you have that, send the log file to and I'll take a look.

Thanks! Email with log sent!

Hi People, just my 2c.

I have both a 15" MBP duo , and a 13" MBP i5. I Have managed to get the game installed (will let you know if it runs tomorrow) but only on the Duo (15")
The 13" i5 =
--> Crash <--
Assertion: error
File: ......\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9Tex.cpp(1414)...

--> Error Logs <--
GetLogicalProcessorInformation failed, increase buffer bytes to 1536
Shader model 3.0 is required

The working install is in a Steam bottle -> ( I installed steam into its own xp bottle), It gave constant errors while downloading the client but I tracked the size and it was increasing. I did however decide to just copy the files from an install I had just completed from my windows machine, for the sake of time/frustration.

I'm finally getting the a-few-percent-before-a-crash thing that most of you experienced! It's still in progress, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

I may have been missing the obvious, but to any of you who are experiencing the same issue as I was (immediate crash with blank white window and ArenaNet error message), try running the GW2.exe command with -image tacked on at the end.

Again, this is still in progress for me, so I don't know if it will ultimately work or not. But it seems better than what I was seeing before, so I'm posting prematurely because there aren't that many hours until the beta starts, and this seems worth a try if nothing else is working.

Connie wrote:

I'm finally getting the a-few-percent-before-a-crash thing that most
of you experienced! It's still in progress, but I'm cautiously

I may have been missing the obvious, but to any of you who are
experiencing the same issue as I was (immediate crash with blank
white window and ArenaNet error message), try running the GW2.exe
command with -image tacked on at the end.

Again, this is still in progress for me, so I don't know if it will
ultimately work or not. But it seems better than what I was seeing
before, so I'm posting prematurely because there aren't that many
hours until the beta starts, and this seems worth a try if nothing
else is working.

Thanks for posting back. I don't think that's the obvious at all but it seems to be what some people are suggesting to do to get the installer off the ground. I looked over your log file, nothing really out of place there. It has actually got the same lines that mine has on a more 'successful' run. We do have developers looking at the stop/start patching/download issue. Unfortunately there is no ETA at this time.

I think if we can get the patching issue resolved that it will also clear up the issue you're seeing.

Either way, I'll add the "-image" tag to the tips and tricks section in hopes that it will help some people.

Okay, so by running GW2.exe with -image appended, I was able to successfully download the entire .dat file a few percent at a time, like the rest of you. But it seems like I still don't have the program installed, even though I have the .dat file... there isn't anything to click to actually open the client and run it. I tried "Save Command to Programs Menu" for the .exe file in Run Command, but nothing seems to happen when I click that... which I guess might not be too surprising, given that it crashes immediately when I try to run that command.

Connie wrote:

Okay, so by running GW2.exe with -image appended, I was able to
successfully download the entire .dat file a few percent at a time,
like the rest of you. But it seems like I still don't have the
program installed, even though I have the .dat file... there isn't
anything to click to actually open the client and run it. I tried
"Save Command to Programs Menu" for the .exe file in Run Command,
but nothing seems to happen when I click that... which I guess might
not be too surprising, given that it crashes immediately when I try
to run that command.

Will you use the "Run Command" dialog to gather a log file with +relay on it while running "Gw2.exe"? No need to attach the "-image" flag when you run it. This file should be decent sized... if you could attach it in response to the Ticket response I just sent you, that would be awesome!

I am trying to install the client, but it will not go past the connecting to ANET screen. The weird part is I have GW1 installed on the same mac and it connects with no problems, so unless the servers are that different, it shouldn't really be anything on my end, should it?

If anyone knows a way to check the connection, or knows how to solve this problem I will forever be in debt!

Erik Rahner wrote:

I am trying to install the client, but it will not go past the
connecting to ANET screen. The weird part is I have GW1 installed on
the same mac and it connects with no problems, so unless the servers
are that different, it shouldn't really be anything on my end,
should it?

If anyone knows a way to check the connection, or knows how to solve
this problem I will forever be in debt!

Have you tried adding "-image" to your Run Command for Gw2.exe? When in the "Run Command" dialog it should look something like:

"/path/to/Gw2.exe" -image

Yes. I am left with a window that looks like the starting window of gw1 where the updates happen, but it just says "Connecting to ArenaNet..." and hasn't changed in the past 11 hours.

Erik Rahner wrote:

Yes. I am left with a window that looks like the starting window of
gw1 where the updates happen, but it just says "Connecting to
ArenaNet..." and hasn't changed in the past 11 hours.

It looks like the starting page of Guild Wars 1? It should look like this:


without -image it looks that minus the 100% and red bar.


It looks like the screen in the first post, but for gw 2 instead of gw1.image

Erik Rahner wrote:

Yes. I am left with a window that looks like the starting window of
gw1 where the updates happen, but it just says "Connecting to
ArenaNet..." and hasn't changed in the past 11 hours.

same here, though I also get a different screen (the gw2 update screen)
both ways it stays at 0% though

  • image thing doesn't work here

Guess i was unclear. it was the guild wars 2 update screen. I just reminds me of the guild wars 1 update screen with a different background.

Erik Rahner wrote:

Guess i was unclear. it was the guild wars 2 update screen. I just
reminds me of the guild wars 1 update screen with a different

Can you enable debugging in the Run Command window and choose the "+relay" option? Then, send that log file to

if you tell me how? i can create a log file and check the +relay if thats what you mean. but it never fails so idk how much will be in the file.

Found the issue here
I was using an older version of crossover, that's why it didn't work
problem solved!

what version were your running and what version are you running now?

Okay, I ran GW2.exe -image again, it downloaded one more file, and now when I run GW2.exe, I'm getting a different error message, which says:

Guild Wars 2 has detected that your System's Video Card is an
unsupported hardware device. Please be certain that your Video Card
meets the minimum system requirements to play Guild Wars 2 as

However, my video card (Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB graphics) seems like it should be supported, based on the info at that link. When I click OK on that error message, I get another error message that reads:

Initialization Error

The graphics system failed to initialize. Please restart your

When I click OK there, a bunch of windows flash on the screen, and then I get yet another error message. This one says:

Unable to initialize 3D output. Please verify that you have
installed DirectX 8 and an updated video driver.

Click the URL below to open a web page with more information.

I just installed DirectX 9 and Microsoft DirectX Runtime - Modern into my Guild Wars 2 bottle, but these error messages are still happening. Any suggestions?

(I feel like I am making progress in being able to run this beta, but the rate of progress has been pretty excruciating...)

Connie wrote:

Okay, I ran GW2.exe -image again, it downloaded one more file, and
now when I run GW2.exe, I'm getting a different error message, which

Guild Wars 2 has detected that your System's Video Card is an
unsupported hardware device. Please be certain that your Video
meets the minimum system requirements to play Guild Wars 2 as

However, my video card (Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB graphics)
seems like it should be supported, based on the info at that link.
When I click OK on that error message, I get another error message
that reads:

Initialization Error

The graphics system failed to initialize. Please restart your

When I click OK there, a bunch of windows flash on the screen, and
then I get yet another error message. This one says:

Unable to initialize 3D output. Please verify that you have
installed DirectX 8 and an updated video driver.

Click the URL below to open a web page with more information.

I just installed DirectX 9 and Microsoft DirectX Runtime - Modern
into my Guild Wars 2 bottle, but these error messages are still
happening. Any suggestions?

(I feel like I am making progress in being able to run this beta,
but the rate of progress has been pretty excruciating...)

I'm at the point where I wish I would get an error so I know where to look.

More haunting! Now when I try to install GW2 it just says can not find local.dat. Anyone where I can get it or how to work around it?

I ran the install on an old PC laptop, then copied over the GW2.dat file to my winXP Crossover bottle. That way I could skip all the download errors. It still would not install fully, saying the install failed. But navigating to the bottle library, and running Gw2.exe will start the game.

To avoid this error i also copied over the other two files generated when you run the exe in windows so its three files you should copy over GW2.dat GW2.tmp and chrome.log.

Hi, is there a way to transfer my .dat file that i downloaded via crossover to my bootcamp windows 7 partition and have it work? Each time i try it has to repair the archive gets half way and not responding then it starts the download from scratch :S

Josh wrote:

Hi, is there a way to transfer my .dat file that i downloaded via
crossover to my bootcamp windows 7 partition and have it work? Each
time i try it has to repair the archive gets half way and not
responding then it starts the download from scratch :S

There are different ways to do so... but using a Windows install in CrossOver or a CrossOver install in Windows is often not successful. I suggest starting the installer on Windows so that the files are put where GW2 expects them to be. Once that has started, stop the install. Then, drop the .dat file from CrossOver in place on your Windows partition. Restart the installer and it "should" go more smoothly for you. Good luck!

So is there any word on Connie's latest post from 2012-04-27 13:56? It seems to have gone unanswered. This is identical to the issue that I'm experiencing minus the slight difference in computing power.
I am running a Feb 2011 13' Macbook Pro, 2.7GHz i7, Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB.
I have DirectX9 and Microsoft DirectX Runtime - Modern installed as well as the full .dat file from using the -image command.

Also looking for an answer to "guild wars 2 has detected that your system's video card is unsupported hardware device. Please be certain that your video card meets the minimum system requires..."

any help would be appreciated.

Caron Wills wrote:

Erik Rahner wrote:

Yes. I am left with a window that looks like the
starting window of gw1 where the updates happen, but it just says
"Connecting to ArenaNet..." and hasn't changed in the past 11

It looks like the starting page of Guild Wars 1? It should look
like this:

What he means is an image like this

I have the same issue trying to run the game in Crossover Games, it appears that you need to have the more recent Crossover release.

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