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April 27 Beta Weekend Event is planning a Guild Wars 2 beta weekend event for April 27. From the blog:

This is a public event, which means that you’re not bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). So go ahead, feel free to take screenshots, shoot video, blog, tweet, write, or compose a rock opera to share your Guild Wars 2 experience with the world.

This would be a great opportunity for someone to experiment with the game in Crossover and write about their findings.

I plan to 😊

I will also do so beta weekend. Can't wait!

Well i have bootcamp plus CX, so i hope they give us ample time to download and if so i will download on both CX and windows partition before Friday. My partition has higher priority though because I want to make sure I will be able to play at least, but if I have time I will do both.

I'm happy to say I just began to download the game and the .exe file for the Beta is running nicely in a Vista Bottle. Yah!

Spoke too soon, Crashed twice now about 5 min runtime each time. Gonna try different bottles to see what happens.

I'm having the same problem, in the error logs it states this:

--> Error Logs <--
GetLogicalProcessorInformation failed, increase buffer bytes to 1536
Download failed for 0x0002f3aa:0x00000000->0x0002f3aa with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [tries left: 5]

In the log it also states my system memory:

--> System Memory <--
Physical: 1535MB/ 2048MB 74%
Paged: 3070MB/ 3583MB 85%
Virtual: 4093MB/ 4093MB 100%
Load: 25%

Take note of the physical memory. I'm only guessing this might be the problem, but I have no idea what I can do about it. Does anyone have any suggestions or questions about the error log?


Using different bottles seem to have no effect.

Lol, I get the same memory stats. Weird.

At the botton it says:

--> Error Logs <--
GetLogicalProcessorInformation failed, increase buffer bytes to 1536
Download failed for 0x0002db6c:0x00000000->0x0002db6c with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [tries left: 5]

That mean anything to anyone?

This is the log Crossover gives me with none of the check boxes checked:

The program crashes more often now... =(

** Tue Apr 24 21:33:20 2012
Starting '/Applications/' 'winewrapper.exe' '--workdir' '/Applications' '--start' '--'

fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x1d57000 0 0x33fdd8 4
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (1): stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x33f0c8,0x33f6f4): stub
fixme:winsock:WS_getsockopt WS_SO_CONNECT_TIME - faking results
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x0,0x30f6e98c): stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x30f6e9b4,0x30f6e98c): stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x0,0x30f6e994): stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x30f6e9bc,0x30f6e994): stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x0,0x30f6e988): stub
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x30f6e9b0,0x30f6e988): stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x30f6eefc,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x30f6d96c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x30f6d87c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:ddraw:ddraw7_Initialize Ignoring guid {aeb2cdd4-6e41-43ea-941c-8361cc760781}.
err:d3d:context_create wglSwapIntervalEXT failed to set swap interval 1 for context 0x1c73a8, last error 0x591
err:xvidmode:ComputeGammaFromRamp ramp not uniform (max=15.255154, min=1.308457, avg=2.352089), rejected
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {33d9a760-90c8-11d0-bd43-00a0c911ce86} not found
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {33d9a761-90c8-11d0-bd43-00a0c911ce86} not found
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
err:avicap:query_video_device Video 4 Linux support not enabled
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:devenum:DEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x434f5441 (as fourcc: ATOC) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x434f5441) in the format lookup table
fixme:imm:ImmDisableTextFrameService Stub
err:d3d:context_create wglSwapIntervalEXT failed to set swap interval 1 for context 0x1b0d00, last error 0x591
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x3284f638): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION

The client is different from the one which was dropped here & there on the web since a while.
Downloading atm with a basic winxp bottle.

edit : crashes like the previous client, i have a mbp 17' early 2011 with a 6750M

arena log :

*--> Crash <--*
Assertion: m_ioCount
File: ..\..\..\Core\Platform\Windows\Exe\ExeIoConn.cpp(129)
App: Gw2.exe 
Pid: 53
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 14071
When: 2012-04-25T05:43:06Z 2012-04-25T07:43:06+02:00
Uptime:   0 days  0:12:02
Flags: 0

*--> System <--*
Name: r-punix-macx-go
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
OSVersion: Windows 5.1 (32 bit)

*--> System Memory <--*
Physical:  1200MB/ 2048MB  58%
Paged:     2400MB/ 3248MB  73%
Virtual:   4093MB/ 4093MB  100%
Load: 41%

*--> Process Memory <--*
Private:            0MB
WorkingSet:         0MB
PeakWorkingSet:     0MB
PageFaults:         0

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 5.1.2600.3264 (64/32-bit compatible)]

*--> ThreadPoolSocket01 Thread 0x3d <--*

*--> Trace <--*
Pc:0060c0dc Fr:30d6f544 Rt:0061087b Arg:08923068 00000000 30d6f570 0060c550 
Pc:0061087b Fr:30d6f554 Rt:0060c550 Arg:08923068 00000000 0816c770 00000000 
Pc:0060c550 Fr:30d6f570 Rt:0060ab6c Arg:08923068 00000000 0816c770 0816c7b0 
Pc:0060ab6c Fr:30d6f614 Rt:0060ac4d Arg:08922fe0 08923068 0816c7b0 0816c770 
Pc:0060ac4d Fr:30d6f630 Rt:0060acb5 Arg:00000001 81f601bc 0816d800 0060a2ff 
Pc:0060acb5 Fr:30d6f654 Rt:0084dfac Arg:0816d800 abe5de5f 81f601bc 01c4bfe0 
Pc:0084dfac Fr:30d6f68c Rt:0084e054 Arg:81f60f10 30d6f6a8 7bc6646c 01c4bfe0 
Pc:0084e054 Fr:30d6f698 Rt:7bc6646c Arg:01c4bfe0 00000000 30d6f728 7bc684ba 
Pc:7bc6646c Fr:30d6f6a8 Rt:7bc684ba Arg:0084dfd2 01c4bfe0 0000003d 907cef72 
Pc:7bc684ba Fr:30d6f728 Rt:7bc66432 Arg:0084dfd2 01c4bfe0 30d6f748 81f601bc 
Pc:7bc66432 Fr:30d6f748 Rt:7bc6eb97 Arg:0084dfd2 01c4bfe0 00000000 00000000 
Pc:7bc6eb97 Fr:30d6ff98 Rt:92f15ed9 Arg:81f60fb8 00000000 00000000 00000000 
Pc:92f15ed9 Fr:30d6ffc8 Rt:92f196de Arg:412dcc00 00004207 7bc6eaa0 81f60fb8 
Pc:92f196de Fr:30d6ffec Rt:00000000 Arg:00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 

*--> Thread registers <--*
eax=7b819345 ebx=7b82d77e ecx=00000000 edx=80000003 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=0060c0dc esp=30d6f524 ebp=30d6f544
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=1057 gs=000f efl=00000246

eax-32 7B819324  90000720 000217e8 c7a0ff00 90000720 
eax-16 7B819334  00020be8 bfa0ff00 90000720 0001ffe8 
eax +0 7B819344  b7a0ff00 90000720 0001f3e8 afa0ff00 
eax+16 7B819354  90000720 0001e7e8 a7a0ff00 90000720 
eax+32 7B819364  0001dbe8 9fa0ff00 90000720 0001cfe8 
eax+48 7B819374  97a0ff00 90000720 0001c3e8 8fa0ff00 
ebx-32 7B82D75C  00000000 04244c8d fff0e483 8955fc71 
ebx-16 7B82D76C  78ec83e5 89f44d89 7589f85d 0000e8fc 
ebx +0 7B82D77C  8b5b0000 04418b11 8b08718b 55890c49 
ebx+16 7B82D78C  01e08398 c79c4589 0000a045 838d0000 
ebx+32 7B82D79C  ffffffe2 85a44589 853974f6 b83574c9 
ebx+48 7B82D7AC  0000000f 0f0ffe83 4589c646 ac558da8 
edx +0 80000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 04000000 
edx+16 80000010  00000000 80000000 01000000 01000000 
edx+32 80000020  01000000 80000040 80000040 80000000 
edx+48 80000030  00000130 48425553 00110038 00110038 

*--> Code <--*
0060C0BC  cccccccc 568bf183 7e480057 8d7e4875 ....V...~H.W.~Hu
0060C0CC  14688100 0000bafc 741701b9 30751701 .h......t...0u..
0060C0DC  e8cf5800 008bcfe8 18b6ffff 5f85c075 ..X........._..u
0060C0EC  0a8b068b 50048bce 5effe25e c3cccccc ....P...^..^....
0060C0FC  cccccccc 568bf18d 4e08e845 b9ffffff ....V...N..E....
0060C10C  464c5ec3 ff494c83 c108e945 b9ffffcc FL^..IL....E....

*--> Stack <--*
30D6F524  0060c0e1 00000081 00000000 08922fe0 ..`........../..
30D6F534  0060f7c7 08922fe0 08923068 08922fe0 ..`../..h0.../..
30D6F544  30d6f554 0061087b 08923068 00000000 T..0{.a.h0......
30D6F554  30d6f570 0060c550 08923068 00000000 p..0P.`.h0......
30D6F564  0816c770 00000000 0816d800 30d6f614 p..............0
30D6F574  0060ab6c 08923068 00000000 0816c770 l.`.h0......p...
30D6F584  0816c7b0 0816d800 7bc3d30e 00110060 ...........{`...
30D6F594  00000200 00000200 00007dac c0000135 .........}..5...
30D6F5A4  30d6f5c0 30d6f608 7bc42bc5 30d6f634 ...0...0.+.{4..0
30D6F5B4  7b810000 00000200 00110000 00000000 ...{............
30D6F5C4  00000000 00110000 0000000a 7bc99d14 ...............{
30D6F5D4  30d6f63c 00000000 00110014 7bc99d14 <..0...........{
30D6F5E4  30d6f64c 30d6f610 00000000 00110000 L..0...0........
30D6F5F4  01c4bfe0 30d6f628 7b83696e 30d6f634 ....(..0ni.{4..0
30D6F604  81f601bc 7b818fe5 00000000 00000000 .......{........
30D6F614  30d6f630 0060ac4d 08922fe0 08923068 0..0M.`../..h0..
30D6F624  0816c7b0 0816c770 7bc6843c 30d6f654 ....p...<..{T..0
30D6F634  0060acb5 00000001 81f601bc 0816d800 ..`.............
30D6F644  0060a2ff 81f601bc 01c4bfe0 30d6f648 ..`.........H..0
30D6F654  30d6f68c 0084dfac 0816d800 abe5de5f ...0........_...
30D6F664  81f601bc 01c4bfe0 7bc6843c 80000003 ........<..{....
30D6F674  30d6f660 30d6ec30 30d6f6c0 0084e110 `..00..0...0....
30D6F684  9a7c2b13 00000000 30d6f698 0084e054 .+|........0T...
30D6F694  81f60f10 30d6f6a8 7bc6646c 01c4bfe0 .......0ld.{....
30D6F6A4  00000000 30d6f728 7bc684ba 0084dfd2 ....(..0...{....
30D6F6B4  01c4bfe0 0000003d 907cef72 ffffffff ....=...r.|.....
30D6F6C4  7bc7dce0 7b82d810 0000027f 00000000 ...{...{........
30D6F6D4  00001f80 7bc6843c 81f60000 7bc99cc0 ....<..{.......{
30D6F6E4  81f601bc 81f60f10 30d6f728 30d6f6b0 ........(..0...0
30D6F6F4  30d6f710 30d6f748 7bc68474 0015b160 ...0H..0t..{`...
30D6F704  7bcacb3c 30d6f748 7bc4080b 7bc99d14 <..{H..0...{...{
30D6F714  00000000 00000001 7bc599ba 7bc9a080 ...........{...{
30D6F724  7bc6eab1 30d6f748 7bc66432 0084dfd2 ...{H..02d.{....
30D6F734  01c4bfe0 30d6f748 81f601bc 81f60f10 ....H..0........
30D6F744  7bc6eab1 30d6ff98 7bc6eb97 0084dfd2 ...{...0...{....
30D6F754  01c4bfe0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F764  00000000 0084dfd2 01c4bfe0 00000000 ................
30D6F774  30d6f7d2 30d6fb7c 30330030 35663664 ...0|..00.30d6f5
30D6F784  66003432 3c74616c 36643033 34323566 24.flat<30d6f524
30D6F794  3631003e 303c3631 3a303030 30303030 >.1616<0000:0000
30D6F7A4  3033003e 35663664 66003434 3c74616c >.30d6f544.flat<
30D6F7B4  36643033 34343566 3036003e 63643063 30d6f544>.60c0dc
30D6F7C4  616c6600 30363c74 63643063 0000003e .flat<60c0dc>...
30D6F7D4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F7E4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F7F4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F804  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F814  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F824  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F834  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F844  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F854  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F864  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F874  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F884  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F894  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F8A4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F8B4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F8C4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F8D4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F8E4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F8F4  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F904  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
30D6F914  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

*--> Error Logs <--*
GetLogicalProcessorInformation failed, increase buffer bytes to 1536
Download failed for 0x0002ece4:0x00000000->0x0002ece4 with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [tries left: 5]
Download failed for 0x0002f3ef:0x00000000->0x0002f3ef with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [tries left: 5]
Download failed for 0x0002ea0a:0x00000000->0x0002ea0a with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [tries left: 5]
Download failed for 0x0002def8:0x00000000->0x0002def8 with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [tries left: 5]

*--> DirectX Device Info <--*
VendorId    = 0x1002
DeviceId    = 0x9620
Version     = 6.14.0010.8681
Description = ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
Compat      = 0x00000000
VidMem      = 134 MB

Is it possible that Codeweavers needs a copy of the client to address the issue?

Rob Ross wrote:

Is it possible that Codeweavers needs a copy of the client to
address the issue?

No idea but they should have it, I guess they are supposed to buy the game to work on it and prepaying the app allows you automatically the access to the beta.

As an FYI, we're gearing up to do some extensive testing on Friday (and onwards) in conjunction with the Beta Weekend event. We don't have any good answers, yet, but believe me - we know how important this game is!

Tyua wrote:

Rob Ross wrote:

Is it possible that Codeweavers needs a copy of the
client to address the issue?

No idea but they should have it, I guess they are supposed to buy
the game to work on it and prepaying the app allows you
automatically the access to the beta.

We have pre-paid, yes. For games that we really, really want to support we always buy our own copy. However, since buying copies of every windows game that's requested of us would make a serious dent in our financials, this is all very case-by-case. GW2 is an extra super important case.

If you really feel the need to post the output of a log file and it is more than a few lines long please select the entire output and then click the "#code" button so that the thread is more legible.

We do not actually need any output at this time and if we do we will request it, I promise. We are doing our best and know you are all excited.

People having issues with the downloader crashing, if you just keep reopening it, it will fully download. I'm staring at the login screen as we speak.

Dillon Curttright wrote:

People having issues with the downloader crashing, if you just keep
reopening it, it will fully download. I'm staring at the login
screen as we speak.

It takes quite a few restarts to get through... yesterday it took 19 on my Mac system. This seems to be a documented problem even on Windows machines that are properly set up (users that have run Gw2.exe & Gw2.dat set with read/write permission running Gw2.exe as admin). My Linux system is nearly complete (currently with 17 restarts). It could just be a while. If your client is not downloading at all you may be experiencing additional trouble like in this forum thread (;forum=1;msg=124928). If that is the case please chime in there or send an email to and we will do our best to help.

It´s the missing admin rights. It makes the same errors on windows without admin rights.
I think it would be cool if you can include this as a feature in Crossover.

I installed completely under Boot Camp (Win7) and copied the data over to Mac/Crossover. Then it just starts fine directly.

So, I've downloaded the full beta client with the crashing method and no more patching needs to be done.
(using Winxp bottle)

Now I've hit another problem. When the game tries to open, it gives the same serious error that occurs as with the crashing issue during downloading.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, is there a solution present?

Thanks in advance!

Kinda brute force to launch multiple times the install process but the game is ready to go now here.
I installed the GW polices and directX9 also.

Straining at the leash. Had this pre-ordered for like 2 years, lol

It's open early! Yah!

EDIT: I'm having problems with the rain. It's coming down so hard it whites everything out. Also, slow. Not sure if Its the server or my machine. Can't find where it states the ping.

I have the white rain also. Though I'm able to see enough to get through that stage of the tutorial. Things also tend to lag and are a bit choppy. I'm on a Macbook Pro i7 2.8 GT330M. 10.7.3. Playing windowed.

Changing to full screen at a lower resolution seemed to run significantly better for me. I think it was 1200 x 800ish. Some where in there. Previously I was using Windowed mode and had a very difficult time doing with lag.

Lots of people complaining about the lag. Played for an hour and my thoughts are:

-Too many people in one world, makes for a super laggy experience.
-Too many people fighting one monster makes for the monster being dead before I have a chance to cast a single spell.

  • Pay to be revived at the teleporter points?
  • Rain in the beginning is annoying. Once you get though the mission it stops though.

-On the bright side, in areas where there wasn't too many people the game ran brilliantly. Though the FPS needs to increase...

I agree with this as well though i wonder if its a crossover thing or the game code itself , i'll have to try in windows 7 to see later this weekend.

I just wanted to confirm that I have the lag issue too, as well as the white rain. I did comment about this in the survey prompts that came up during the initial battle with the centaurs, I was confused and unable to act coherently and I'm sure everyone thought I was some crazy dude spinning in circles and trying to figure out the controls with the blinding rain coming down. I solved some of the lag by dropping all of the resolution settings as much as possible, except for the full screen.

I have the white rain and it was so bad I couldn't even play. I went to windows 7 partition and tried to transfer my .dat file across but it just always tries to redownload it from scratch (25 hours worth). So basically I cannot play BWE.. :( Not that anyone can sign in right now anyway. TERA must be laughing lol. I hope codeweavers can sort out this white rain issue as well as the resizing window with just white screen issue because I really hate windows. I hope they can do it before May 4th because I have a 20% off coupon to buy it and yeah.. lol Right now it doesn't look promising for crossover :(

Josh wrote:

I have the white rain and it was so bad I couldn't even play. I went
to windows 7 partition and tried to transfer my .dat file across but
it just always tries to redownload it from scratch (25 hours worth).
So basically I cannot play BWE.. :( Not that anyone can sign in
right now anyway. TERA must be laughing lol. I hope codeweavers can
sort out this white rain issue as well as the resizing window with
just white screen issue because I really hate windows. I hope they
can do it before May 4th because I have a 20% off coupon to buy it
and yeah.. lol Right now it doesn't look promising for crossover :(

We have to give them time to solve the issue. I installed DirectX Runtime - Modern from the "manage bottles" dialogue, and now it's lagging a lot less, and I'm able to get more done. But that might be because I was in the overflow server, idk.

I have some artifacts, problems about 3D so.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

Tyua wrote:

I have some artifacts, problems about 3D so.

I'm getting a lot of graphical artifacts as well in the form of trigangular "rays" extending out from some objects. I used to see this in the original Guild Wars, but it was fixed in Crossover some time ago (at least for that game).

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

I also seem to be able to get the game to crash consistently after login at the character screen when it's in full-screen mode. If I switch to windowed mode at the login screen, then no crash (Mac OS X 10.7.3, CrossOver 11.0.3).

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

I also seem to be able to get the game to crash consistently in the "Welcome Home" instance (human character storyline) at what I'm guessing is the end of the conversation between Lord Faren and my character.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

I don't have the 3d or artifact issues, but often during the dialogue sequences the characters and their respective subtitles appear faded, or not at all, even though you can hear them just fine. And for some reason, I got this email about how I can get free gems in the gem store, but there's no link to "get more gems" in the gem store and all of the tabs are empty except for the second one from the bottom. I thought this might possibly be ArenaNet's issue, so I did shoot them a support email about it as well.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

Rob Ross wrote:

I don't have the 3d or artifact issues, but often during the
dialogue sequences the characters and their respective subtitles
appear faded, or not at all, even though you can hear them just
fine. And for some reason, I got this email about how I can get free
gems in the gem store, but there's no link to "get more gems" in the
gem store and all of the tabs are empty except for the second one
from the bottom. I thought this might possibly be ArenaNet's issue,
so I did shoot them a support email about it as well.

Are you on Mac or Linux? And have you done anything different than people here on the forums? Also, have you been in an area when it's raining and had no problems? Just trying to find a solution.

The gems store issue seems to be a crossover thing. When i tried it in windows 7 the gem store was in the tab but of course it didnt work it gave an "unspecified error" message when i attempted to get the free gems.
It looks like this time around they built the store directly into the game interface unlike with GW1 where the store interface wasnt buil into the game one while you were playing.

This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.

Thank you!
The CodeWeavers Team

Alright, I'm locking this thread. This beta weekend is over. If you experienced issues and your post did not get forwarded into the ticket system please read through the stickied post here:;forum=1;msg=125157

Then, write in about the bug you saw OR make a post to that thread with the bug you saw that I have not yet filed.

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