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[Crossover 21, M1, MacOS Monterey] Crashes after loading

I'm running OSX Monterey on an M1 Macbook Air using Crossover 21.0. I installed GW2, DXVK, and ESync on a Win10 x64 bottle.

I also have the issue where you need to do "Run with options" to get it to run, but otherwise the launcher and character select screen work fine in both DX9 and DX11.
I've let GW2 completely finish updating/downloading and tried settings all graphical settings to their lowest.
However shortly after loading, 1-30 seconds or so, the game crashes with:

0x000000007b01126e EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff in kernelbase: nop    
Module    Address                    Debug info    Name (103 modules)
ELF                1000-            a000    Deferred        <wine-loader>
PE              220000-          2ae000    Deferred        msvcrt
PE              2b0000-          369000    Deferred        ucrtbase
PE              370000-          42a000    Deferred        winmm
PE              430000-          549000    Deferred        ole32
PE              550000-          5a3000    Deferred        combase
PE              5b0000-          5d1000    Deferred        msacm32
PE              5e0000-          667000    Deferred        gdiplus
PE              670000-          688000    Deferred        imm32
PE              690000-          698000    Deferred        usp10
PE              6a0000-          6ab000    Deferred        msimg32
PE              dd0000-          dd8000    Deferred        api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0
PE             1250000-         1280000    Deferred        dxdiagn
PE             1280000-         12d4000    Deferred        dsound
PE             12e0000-         12ef000    Deferred        msacm32
PE             1fc0000-         2032000    Deferred        ddraw
PE             2160000-         218a000    Deferred        gameux
PE             2220000-         2228000    Deferred        api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1
PE             40d0000-         40ff000    Deferred        devenum
PE             4100000-         4122000    Deferred        msdmo
PE             4130000-         4154000    Deferred        msvfw32
PE             4960000-         498a000    Deferred        propsys
PE            61540000-        6157f000    Deferred        advapi32
PE            62980000-        62988000    Deferred        api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1
PE            62b40000-        62bf9000    Deferred        windowscodecs
PE            62c80000-        62cba000    Deferred        wbemprox
PE            62dc0000-        62e46000    Deferred        rpcrt4
PE            63000000-        630d0000    Deferred        quartz
PE            63280000-        6328e000    Deferred        version
PE            639c0000-        639d9000    Deferred        shcore
PE            64840000-        64895000    Deferred        shlwapi
PE            64cc0000-        64df2000    Deferred        oleaut32
PE            65380000-        6538d000    Deferred        wtsapi32
PE            659c0000-        659cd000    Deferred        midimap
PE            66040000-        66055000    Deferred        bcrypt
PE            66c40000-        66c48000    Deferred        api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2
PE            67640000-        6764b000    Deferred        psapi
PE            67a80000-        67d06000    Deferred        d3d9
PE            67b40000-        67b66000    Deferred        mmdevapi
PE            67d40000-        67dbc000    Deferred        wineps
PE            68000000-        68009000    Deferred        wineloader64
PE            680a4000-        680ac000    Deferred        libwine.1.0.dylib
ELF            68200000-        682a6000    Deferred
ELF            6a900000-        6a919000    Deferred
ELF            6a98a000-        6a9a8000    Deferred
ELF            6aa1c000-        6aa3a000    Deferred
PE            6aa80000-        6aa87000    Deferred        api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1
ELF            6aaae000-        6aad5000    Deferred
ELF            6ab55000-        6ab97000    Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE            6ab60000-        6ab8f000    \               ws2_32
ELF            6ab97000-        6abb6000    Deferred
PE            6abf8000-        6ac10000    Deferred        libobjc-trampolines.dylib
ELF            6ac34000-        6ac4f000    Deferred
ELF            6ac4f000-        6ac90000    Deferred        secur32<elf>
  \-PE            6ac50000-        6ac89000    \               secur32
ELF            6ac90000-        6acaa000    Deferred        kerberos<elf>
  \-PE            6aca0000-        6aca5000    \               kerberos
PE            6acaa000-        6ace0000    Deferred        libcxpng16.16.dylib
ELF            6ad2f000-        6ad65000    Deferred        netapi32<elf>
  \-PE            6ad30000-        6ad5e000    \               netapi32
ELF            6adf4000-        6ae26000    Deferred        iphlpapi<elf>
  \-PE            6ae00000-        6ae1f000    \               iphlpapi
ELF            6aeb2000-        6aed8000    Deferred        dnsapi<elf>
  \-PE            6aec0000-        6aed2000    \               dnsapi
PE            6af55000-        6afe8000    Deferred        libcxfreetype.6.dylib
PE            6b200000-        6b283000    Deferred        libgmp.10.dylib
PE            6b40c000-        6b619000    Deferred        libgnutls.30.dylib
PE            6ba00000-        6ba2b000    Deferred        sechost
PE            6bac0000-        6bb40000    Deferred        setupapi
ELF            6bb40000-        6c53c000    Deferred        shell32<elf>
  \-PE            6bb50000-        6c51c000    \               shell32
ELF            6c53c000-        6c5f1000    Deferred        winemac<elf>
  \-PE            6c540000-        6c5dd000    \               winemac
ELF            6c700000-        6c722000    Deferred
ELF            6c722000-        6c73a000    Deferred        avicap32<elf>
  \-PE            6c730000-        6c735000    \               avicap32
PE            6c7c0000-        6c93e000    Deferred        gdi32
PE            6ca40000-        6cb82000    Deferred        comctl32
PE            6e22c000-        6e2cc000    Deferred        applemetalopenglrenderer
PE            6e6c0000-        6e78d000    Deferred        crypt32
ELF            6e78d000-        6e8f3000    Deferred        opengl32<elf>
  \-PE            6e790000-        6e8e5000    \               opengl32
PE            6eb00000-        6ed24000    Deferred        user32
ELF            6ed24000-        6eeba000    Deferred        wined3d<elf>
  \-PE            6ed30000-        6eeab000    \               wined3d
ELF            6f1f3000-        6f22a000    Deferred        winecoreaudio<elf>
  \-PE            6f200000-        6f223000    \               winecoreaudio
PE            6f2c0000-        6f2ea000    Deferred        wintrust
PE            6f880000-        6f8ed000    Deferred        dbghelp
ELF            7a600000-        7a645000    Deferred        dxgi<elf>
  \-PE            7a610000-        7a63f000    \               dxgi
ELF            7a6dc000-        7a725000    Deferred        winspool<elf>
  \-PE            7a6e0000-        7a71d000    \               winspool
PE            7b000000-        7b0d3000    Export          kernelbase
PE            7b600000-        7b812000    Deferred        kernel32
PE            7b812000-        7b98a000    Deferred        coreaudio
PE            7bc00000-        7bc9d000    Deferred        ntdll
PE            7d400000-        7d409000    Deferred        wine64-preloader
PE           140000000-       1428d2000    Deferred        gw2-64
PE           180000000-       180114000    Deferred        coherentui64
PE        7ff819b5c000-    7ff819b94000    Deferred        libsystem_kernel.dylib
PE        7ff819b93000-    7ff819b9f000    Deferred        libsystem_pthread.dylib
PE        7ff819bab000-    7ff819bb7000    Deferred        libsystem_platform.dylib
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000020 winewrapper.exe
    00000024    0
00000030 services.exe
    00000034    0
    00000038    0
    00000044    0
    00000060    0
    00000078    0
    000000a0    0
    000000c8    0
0000003c winedevice.exe
    00000040    0
    0000004c    0
    00000050    0
    00000054    0
00000058 plugplay.exe
    0000005c    0
    00000064    0
    00000068    0
    0000006c    0
    00000088    0
    00000190    0
    00000294    0
    0000029c    0
00000070 winedevice.exe
    00000074    0
    0000007c    0
    00000080    0
    00000084    0
    00000090    0
    00000094    0
00000098 svchost.exe
    0000009c    0
    000000a4    0
    000000a8    0
000000ac explorer.exe
    000000b0    0
    000000b4    0
    000000b8    0
000000c0 rpcss.exe
    000000c4    0
    000000d0    0
    000000d4    0
    000000d8    0
    000000dc    0
    000000e0    0
000000e8 (D) C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe
    000000ec    0
    000000f0    0
    000000f4    0
    000000f8    0
    000000fc    0
    00000104    1
    00000108    1
    0000010c    1
    00000110    1
    00000114    1
    00000118    1
    0000011c    1
    00000120    2
    00000124    0
    00000128    0
    00000130    0
    00000134    0 <==
    00000138    2
    0000013c    0
    00000144    0
    00000234    0
    0000023c    0
    00000240    0
    00000244    2
    00000248    0
    0000024c    0
    00000250    0
    00000254    2
    00000258    2
    0000025c    0
    00000318    1
00000260 CoherentUI_Host.exe
    00000264    0
    00000268    0
    0000026c    0
    00000270    0
    00000274    0
    00000278    0
    0000027c    0
    00000280    0
    00000284    0
    00000288    0
    0000028c    0
    00000290    0
    00000298    0
    000002a0    0
    000002a4    0
    000002a8    0
    000002ac    0
    000002b0    0
    000002b4    0
    000002b8    0
    000002bc    0
    000002c0    0
    000002c4    0
    000002c8    0
    000002cc    0
    000002d0    0
    000002d4    0
System information:
    Wine build: wine-6.0-9012-gd301d556740
    Platform: x86_64
    Version: Windows 10
    Host system: Darwin
    Host version: 21.1.0

Did some process of elimination and narrowed the issue down to ESync. Disabled that and everything runs fine so far.

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