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Guild Wars 2 on macOS Big Sur/Monterey (including Apple Silicon) -- CrossOver 21

Hi everyone,

I wanted to open a thread so everyone can share their experiences and maybe tips and tricks about playing Guild Wars 2 on modern Macs with up-to-date operating systems. Looking at the forum, all threads are quite old now and most of the advice seems to be not really applicable. Also with ArenaNet no longer offering an official Mac version of the game, I feel like there might be some people coming back to CrossOver now looking for ways to keep playing. Certainly with the new expansion coming out soonish.

Personally I've been playing on my M1 Mac installed via the CrossTie profile. On low graphics settings the game runs mostly smooth enough (up to ~50 FPS) but crashes on me after a while. So I'm restarting the game every hour or so when possible in order to minimize losing progress. Has anyone been able to find a way to work around this?

I'd also be interested in trying out the 64-bit version, as it seems to me that currently the 32-bit version is used (the application icon in the Dock says "wine32on64" at least). I'm not sure how I can do this in CrossOver and if it would help at all with performance or the crashing issue. Also feel free to use this thread to speak about compatibility with modern macOS in general, regardless of Intel or Apple chip.

Edit: I now updated to CrossOver 21. Didn't really change anything as far as I can see. I also couldn't get the 64-bit version to work at all so far.



I’m currently playing GW2 in a M1 Mac using Big Sur and Monterey beta. I use the 64 bit executable installed in a win 10 64 bits bottle and i get 25-40 fps on medium settings.
The only issue I found is that if I run the game directly from the shortcut in crossover the game crashes, instead if I right click on the shortcut anche choose “run with options…” and then run the executable leaving the options empty the game start.
Other than this little issue i didn’t find any glitch or bugs in 1-2 hours sessions.

I didn’t do anything special to install the game but if someone need help with the 64 bit version I can try to help.
These are the steps I made to install the game.
1- Select GW2 from the install menu
2- Change the bottle to win 10 64 bit (the crosstie choose the 32 bit one)
3- Download the installer from the official site and change the one used by the installation wizard to the one downloaded
4- Wait for the normal installation
5- (optional) copy .dat file from old installation
6- When the game crash right click on the crossover shortcut, select “run with options” and the run leaving blank the options text


Great tip. For me, it always just crashed. But when I do the trick with the window and leaving the command line options blank, it actually starts up when I install the 64-bit version. I also installed d912pxy and enabled DXVK in the Win 10 64-bit bottle which seems to work just fine so far, with good performance (on my M1 machine). Haven't got the chance for more extensive testing yet, but this is very good to see it working.

I have Big Sur on an Air M1 and Crossover 21 and I can't even install Guild wars 2. It says creating a bottle failed because one already existed (but it didn't) and then each step in the installation, fonts and game alike, all fail as well. Any tips on a workaround?

Hi there,

Are you able to create any bottles, or is this Guild Wars 2 specific? And are you running any antivirus software?


I think the problem with the bottle creation is not related with GW2, I tried a fresh install on a M1 Mac mini and found no issues.

Hi, I'm trying to run GW2 using crossover on an M1 mac mini (Monterey 12.4). I followed all of the suggestions here, but I'm getting consistent crashes when I hit "play" on the login page.
I am not familiar with how to read the log and fix errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the log from my most recent attempt:

Running launcher: Guild Wars 2 (StartMenu.C^3A_users_crossover_Start+Menu/Guild Wars 2.lnk)
Command-line options: 
Bottle: Guild Wars 2-3
Debug channels: 
Extra environment variables (null)

macOS Version 10.16 (Build 21F79)
Mac model: Macmini9,1
Install location: /Applications/
Mac Locale: en_CA

CXConfig->read(/Users/liz/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/CrossOver.conf)
8399: Grabbing the '/var/folders/xl/lwb316wj7tv3cbkxt6rdl12h0000gn/T//.wine-501/bottle-100000d-272396.lock' lock
8399: Got the '/var/folders/xl/lwb316wj7tv3cbkxt6rdl12h0000gn/T//.wine-501/bottle-100000d-272396.lock' lock
CXConfig->read(/Users/liz/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Guild Wars 2-3/cxbottle.conf)
8399: Releasing the '/var/folders/xl/lwb316wj7tv3cbkxt6rdl12h0000gn/T//.wine-501/bottle-100000d-272396.lock' lock
Bottle environment variables:
 CX_BOTTLE_CREATOR_APPID -> com.codeweavers.c4.7951
CXRWConfig->new(/Users/liz/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Guild Wars 2-3/cxmenu.conf)
'/Users/liz/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Guild Wars 2-3/cxmenu.conf' not modified -> no need to save
Starting 'StartMenu.C^3A_users_crossover_Start+Menu/Guild Wars 2.lnk'
system encoding='UTF-8'
Exec-ing '"/Applications/" --bottle "Guild Wars 2-3" --check --wait-children --start "C:/users/crossover/Start Menu/Guild Wars 2.lnk" --cx-log -'
005c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
005c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
005c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0094:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x8f03
0094:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x8f07
002c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
002c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
002c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0024:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0024:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0024:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
00b0:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
00b0:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
00b0:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0024:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0024:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00004100
00ec:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
00ec:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
00ec:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
00ec:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000010000 0 000000000021FD60 4 stub
00ec:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000950000 0 000000000021FD40 4 stub
00ec:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000950000 1 0000000000000000 0 stub
00f4:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000018FFE10
00f8:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000001A0FE10
00f0:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000017EFE10
00ec:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
00ec:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 000000000021FD70
0128:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0128:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0128:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0128:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000010000 0 000000000021FD60 4 stub
0128:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000950000 0 000000000021FD40 4 stub
0128:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000950000 1 0000000000000000 0 stub
012c:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000017EFE10
0134:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000001A0FE10
0130:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000018FFE10
0128:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0128:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 000000000021FD70
0164:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0164:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0164:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0164:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000010000 0 000000000021FD60 4 stub
0164:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000950000 0 000000000021FD40 4 stub
0164:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000000950000 1 0000000000000000 0 stub
0168:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000017EFE10
016c:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 00000000018FFE10
0174:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000001B1FE10
0170:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000001A0FE10
0164:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0164:fixme:gameux:GameExplorerImpl_VerifyAccess (0000000001245C30, L"C:\\users\\crossover\\Desktop\\Guild Wars 2\\Gw2-64.exe", 000000000021F430)
01b0:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {529a9e6b-6587-4f23-ab9e-9c7d683e3c50} not registered
01b0:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {529a9e6b-6587-4f23-ab9e-9c7d683e3c50} could be created for context 0x1
01b0:fixme:imm:ImmDisableTextFrameService Stub
00b0:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0x92870, 0): stub
00b0:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0000000000010022, 0000000000092870): stub
01b0:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0000000000010064, 0000000000000000): stub
016c:fixme:winsock:WS_getsockopt WS_SO_CONNECT_TIME - faking results
016c:fixme:server:invoke_system_apc syscall frame changed in APC function, frame 0x0, saved_frame 0x18ffad0.
01b0:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (000000000303DAB0 0000000000000000): stub
01b0:fixme:d3d9:D3DPERF_GetStatus (void) : stub
01cc:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
01cc:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
01cc:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
01cc:fixme:seh:get_thread_times not implemented on this platform
01cc:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0032FA48 00000000): stub
01cc:fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (3): stub
01cc:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 00000000 1 00000000 0 stub
01cc:fixme:nls:RtlGetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000038, 0032F814, 00000000 0032F818
01cc:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x38 0032F814 00000000 0032F818) returning a dummy value (current locale)
01cc:fixme:nls:RtlGetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000038, 0032F814, 03A15D20 0032F818
01cc:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x38 0032F814 03A15D20 0032F818) returning a dummy value (current locale)
01cc:fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x32f6e8 0x00000ff0 0x32f724) Stub!
01cc:fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x32f850, overlapped 0x3a23d6c): stub
01cc:fixme:service:I_ScRegisterDeviceNotification Notification filters are not yet implemented.
01cc:fixme:service:I_ScRegisterDeviceNotification Notification filters are not yet implemented.
01cc:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0214:fixme:ntdll:EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW (004DF270, 02813FD0, {3dada31d-19ef-4dc1-b345-037927193422}, 1, 027CF3D4, (null), (null), 02813FE8): stub
0214:fixme:ntdll:EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
022c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
022c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
022c:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0260:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0260:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
0260:fixme:font:opentype_enum_font_names handle name format 1
022c:fixme:seh:get_thread_times not implemented on this platform
022c:fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (3): stub
022c:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 00000000 1 00000000 0 stub
0260:fixme:seh:get_thread_times not implemented on this platform
0260:fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (3): stub
0260:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 00000000 1 00000000 0 stub
0260:fixme:ntdll:EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW (004DF270, 02813FD0, {3dada31d-19ef-4dc1-b345-037927193422}, 1, 027CF3D4, (null), (null), 02813FE8): stub
0260:fixme:ntdll:EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
0260:fixme:gdi:GdiInitializeLanguagePack stub
0260:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0290:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (04EFFF20 00000000): stub
0260:fixme:dwrite:opentype_decode_namerecord handle NAME format 1
0260:fixme:dwrite:opentype_decode_namerecord handle NAME format 1
0260:fixme:dwrite:opentype_decode_namerecord handle NAME format 1
022c:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0298:fixme:wgl:get_dc_pixel_format DC for window 0x200a4 of other process: not implemented
0298:fixme:wgl:get_dc_pixel_format DC for window 0x200a4 of other process: not implemented
0298:fixme:wgl:set_pixel_format DC for window 0x200a4 of other process: not implemented
0298:err:d3d:wined3d_context_gl_set_pixel_format wglSetPixelFormatWINE failed to set pixel format 21 on device context 0x270049.
022c:fixme:d3d9:d3d9_device_CreateTexture Resource sharing not implemented, *shared_handle 00000000.
022c:fixme:d3d9:d3d9_device_CreateTexture Resource sharing not implemented, *shared_handle 00000000.
022c:fixme:d3d9:d3d9_device_CreateTexture Resource sharing not implemented, *shared_handle 00000000.
022c:fixme:d3d9:d3d9_device_CreateTexture Resource sharing not implemented, *shared_handle 00000000.
02d4:fixme:wgl:get_dc_pixel_format DC for window 0x10022 of other process: not implemented
0244:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
0298:fixme:d3d:state_linepattern_w Setting line patterns is not supported in OpenGL core contexts.
0298:fixme:d3d:state_lastpixel Last Pixel Drawing Disabled, not handled yet
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log Info log received from GLSL shader #1:
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:6: extension 'GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:8: extension 'GL_EXT_texture_array' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:9: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_instanced' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log Info log received from GLSL shader #2:
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:6: extension 'GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:8: extension 'GL_EXT_texture_array' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:10: extension 'GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions' is not supported
02e4:fixme:cryptnet:verify_cert_revocation_from_aia_ext OCSP URL = L""
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log Info log received from GLSL shader #5:
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:6: extension 'GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:8: extension 'GL_EXT_texture_array' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:9: extension 'GL_ARB_draw_instanced' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log Info log received from GLSL shader #6:
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:6: extension 'GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:8: extension 'GL_EXT_texture_array' is not supported
0298:fixme:d3d_shader:print_glsl_info_log     WARNING: 0:10: extension 'GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions' is not supported
021c:fixme:server:invoke_system_apc syscall frame changed in APC function, frame 0x0, saved_frame 0x592eff0.
01cc:fixme:iphlpapi:CancelIPChangeNotify (overlapped 0x3a23d6c): stub
01cc:fixme:ntdll:EtwUnregisterTraceGuids deadbeef: stub
01b0:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0x13a0f00, 1): stub
01b0:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {529a9e6b-6587-4f23-ab9e-9c7d683e3c50} not registered
01b0:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {529a9e6b-6587-4f23-ab9e-9c7d683e3c50} could be created for context 0x1
01b0:fixme:imm:ImmDisableTextFrameService Stub
01b0:fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0000000000020066 0x00000000
[mvk-info] MoltenVK version 1.1.3, supporting Vulkan version 1.1.170.
    The following 71 Vulkan extensions are supported:
        VK_KHR_16bit_storage v1
        VK_KHR_8bit_storage v1
        VK_KHR_bind_memory2 v1
        VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 v1
        VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation v3
        VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve v1
        VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template v1
        VK_KHR_device_group v4
        VK_KHR_device_group_creation v1
        VK_KHR_driver_properties v1
        VK_KHR_external_fence v1
        VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities v1
        VK_KHR_external_memory v1
        VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities v1
        VK_KHR_external_semaphore v1
        VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities v1
        VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 v1
        VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 v2
        VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 v1
        VK_KHR_image_format_list v1
        VK_KHR_maintenance1 v2
        VK_KHR_maintenance2 v1
        VK_KHR_maintenance3 v1
        VK_KHR_multiview v1
        VK_KHR_portability_subset v1
        VK_KHR_push_descriptor v2
        VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout v1
        VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge v3
        VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion v14
        VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters v1
        VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 v1
        VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types v1
        VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class v1
        VK_KHR_surface v25
        VK_KHR_swapchain v70
        VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format v1
        VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore v2
        VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout v1
        VK_KHR_variable_pointers v1
        VK_EXT_debug_marker v4
        VK_EXT_debug_report v9
        VK_EXT_debug_utils v2
        VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing v2
        VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock v1
        VK_EXT_hdr_metadata v2
        VK_EXT_host_query_reset v1
        VK_EXT_image_robustness v1
        VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block v1
        VK_EXT_memory_budget v1
        VK_EXT_metal_surface v1
        VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage v1
        VK_EXT_private_data v1
        VK_EXT_robustness2 v1
        VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout v1
        VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export v1
        VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer v1
        VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control v2
        VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace v4
        VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment v1
        VK_EXT_texture_compression_astc_hdr v1
        VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor v3
        VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float v2
        VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height v1
        VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod v1
        VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax v1
        VK_IMG_format_pvrtc v1
        VK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2 v1
        VK_GOOGLE_display_timing v1
        VK_MVK_macos_surface v3
        VK_MVK_moltenvk v31
        VK_NV_glsl_shader v1
[mvk-info] GPU device:
        model: Apple M1
        type: Integrated
        vendorID: 0x106b
        deviceID: 0xa120
        pipelineCacheUUID: 00002777-0400-03ED-A1A3-C2482C031CDB
    supports the following Metal Versions, GPU's and Feature Sets:
        Metal Shading Language 2.2
        GPU Family Apple 5
        GPU Family Apple 4
        GPU Family Apple 3
        GPU Family Apple 2
        GPU Family Apple 1
        GPU Family Mac 2
        GPU Family Mac 1
        GPU Family Common 3
        GPU Family Common 2
        GPU Family Common 1
        macOS GPU Family 2 v1
        macOS GPU Family 1 v4
        macOS GPU Family 1 v3
        macOS GPU Family 1 v2
        macOS GPU Family 1 v1
[mvk-info] Created VkInstance for Vulkan version 1.1.0, as requested by app, with the following 2 Vulkan extensions enabled:
        VK_KHR_surface v25
        VK_EXT_metal_surface v1
0308:fixme:d3d:adapter_vk_init_driver_info Failed to retrieve GPU description for device "Apple M1" 106b:a120.
0308:err:winediag:wined3d_adapter_create Defaulting to the Vulkan renderer for d3d10/11 applications on macOS.
0308:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_output_GetDesc1 iface 0x15383d0, desc 0x829ede0 semi-stub!
0308:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_output_GetDisplayModeList iface 0x15383d0, format DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, flags 0, mode_count 0x829ed80, modes 0x0 partial stub!
0308:fixme:dxgi:dxgi_output_GetDisplayModeList iface 0x15383d0, format DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, flags 0, mode_count 0x829ed80, modes 0x148f6d0 partial stub!
0308:fixme:dxgi:DXGID3D10CreateDevice Ignoring flags 0x21.
[mvk-info] Using MTLFence for Vulkan semaphores.
[mvk-info] Created VkDevice to run on GPU Apple M1 with the following 4 Vulkan extensions enabled:
        VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge v3
        VK_KHR_swapchain v70
        VK_EXT_host_query_reset v1
        VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor v3
[mvk-info] Created 3 swapchain images with initial size (106, 2).
0308:fixme:dxgi:wined3d_swapchain_flags_from_dxgi Unhandled flags 0x800.
0308:fixme:d3d:wined3d_swapchain_init The application requested more than one back buffer, this is not properly supported.
Please configure the application to use double buffering (1 back buffer) if possible.
0308:fixme:d3d:wined3d_swapchain_init Unimplemented swap effect 0x2.
[mvk-info] Created 3 swapchain images with initial size (1592, 848).
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
0308:fixme:d3d11:d3d11_device_CheckFeatureSupport Unhandled feature 0x2.
01b0:fixme:seh:get_thread_times not implemented on this platform

LizBell - Make sure you've installed DXVK and enabled these settings on the bottle:

  • High Resolution Mode
  • Performance Enhanced Graphics
  • DXVK Backend for D3D11

That will make it playable. (It did for me, anyway.) Might be worth looking into other plugins or crossover options for better performance.

Hi there are some bugs when High Resolution Mode is turned on. For example, you can't see your character in the Hero dialog box. The cutscenes also have very large text when the mode is on. I do think that High Resolution mode increases performance a bit but the bugs are really annoying. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix the issues w/o turning off High Resolution mode? I'm on Crossover 22.

It was running fine for me on Monterey 12.6, but when I went to Ventura a couple weeks ago, I started getting an occasional crash when zoning. Finally, with the Mar 1, 2023 update I kept crashing in the launcher. I deleted GW2 and have tried reinstalling, but it wont install anymore - it crashes at the end of setup when it says "Initializing..."

This is an M1 Max Mac Studio

I started a new thread about no longer even being able to install. It still runs the Mar 1 ANet update on my older Monterey iMac though...

This definitely seems related to the Mar 1 update, so maybe it will start working again with future ANet updates...

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