update: ..."the power of the human memory is only as strong
as one's ability to remember to take notes at the time"...and
I did - somehow, they didn't end up in here .. they were in
the cxarchive B).../me blames Ken Rosenburg...
...obviously it's a bug in the game, right, 'coz Windows users
suffer from the same issue -- I didn't try the win32 patch you
mentioned, as you found it doesn't work (and that is probably
what I'd expect there ;) It it perhaps incorrect to say that the
mouse_y is for example 2x mouse_x in usage (in game) ; I just
checked it closely, and it's more a case of mouse_y being either
unresponsive to (or fixed at a certain) acceleration rate adjustments,
and that is vastly disproportionate to mouse_x .. I didn't try hard,
but I think mouse_y is on a fixed value, and mouse_x moves around
...so, you can recreate that I reckon...get gta-vc up and running,
go into the options for mouse sensitivity -- there's a 'sweet spot'
at about 35% of graduation, where mouse_x & mouse_y movement will
be equal -- once you have that setting saved, mouse will be equally
quick across x/y - next, go into your window manager prefs for the
mouse, and make it really slow...slower than would normally be deemed
usable in the desktop. uh-huh? Alt-tab back into the game, bingo ;)
..possibly this is why I got the xpad involved (although I do use
xpad for a lot of games)...but that is the only workaround I know
of - you have to handle the mouse input at the host OS layer, and
just use the game options to balance the x/y values...let us know
how it goes...