If you've installed Gemini Rue via the crosstie, you should be able to play right now. But if you'd like to adjust the video display, you'll need to run the "Gemini Rue Setup" program.
Take a look at the screenshot to see what this program looks like:
We're mostly concerned with the first three options.
1. "Run in a window instead of full-screen" If you want to change the "Graphics filter" to make the display bigger, you might need to check this box. On my 1440x900 screen, fullscreen cause the mouse to be too sensitive.
2. "Graphics driver" Leave it in DirectDraw 5.
3. "Graphics filter" This is the main attraction:
- None means the game's native resolution, a paltry 320x200.
- 2x nearest-neighbour is the default, a still meager 640x400.
- 3x nearest-neighbour is not bad at 960x600. The crosstie is set to an odd virtual desktop resolution of 960x632 so that this filter can be set along with windowed mode from option 1, without needing to dig into other programs.
- 4x nearest-neighbour is 1280x800, but you need a tiny bit of extra vertical room if you're running in windowed mode from option 1.
- Hq2x and Hq3x do not work.
If you wish to use the 4x filter, I recommend running winecfg and changing the virtual desktop resolution to 1280x832, at least. Winecfg details can be found here:
(Please note: These suggestions were tested on an amd64 box with CrossOver Games Linux 10.2.0 and an nvidia graphics card with recent drivers.)