I recently installed FM 11.3 on my MAC and it is running fine.
Here is my advice.
- If you have been mucking around before you got here, you need to clean things up. Be sure both programs are up-to-date.
- To get going with a clean start of FM in Crossover, first go into Crossover's Configure>Manage Bottles menu, and use the "-" key to delete any previous Fund Manager bottle(s).
- Then, download the "fundmn113.exe" file, if you don't already have it, and install it into a new bottle as per the instructions, here: http://www.codeweavers.com/support/wiki/mac/mactutorial/unsupported_install_file
- The program choose winxp for my Wine bottle and that is working fine.
- As things move along, suddenly the FM screen will pop up live. HOLD IT, you're not there yet. Do not try and enter any data or mess with it. Just shut FM down and then shut CrossOver down. Pause for a deep breath.
- Now start CO and then using the Programs botton at the top find FM and start that. NOW you are ready to go.
- While FM is open, you may want to keep it in your dock by right clicking the dock symbol.
Good Luck, Maury56