The Direct2Drive release of this title is a 172mb .zip file
which you have to download and unzip into a new directory.
Once you have unzipped the archive, point the cxinstaller
at the 'setup.exe' file in that directory - game itself did
install correctly and without issues.
Like other Direct2Drive releases, this title incorporates an
online securom system to register/activate the installation,
and it's a version that currently works for us - that said,
the normal hiccup here has a resolve of installing IE6 into
the same bottle, then the securom system works. As I track
the devel wine releases a bit, I had a hunch the new CXO 9.0
release would have a better go at it, and I was right - no
IE6 needed at all. This will lead me to suspect that things
here will get better in CXG 9.0 when it's released, as it will
also be based on a newer wine engine...but for now, with CXG
8.1.4 you have to go with plan A or plan B ;
A => Create a new bottle in CXG 8.1.4, winXP profile
Use winecfg to enable 'Emulate a virtual desktop' - desktop size 1024x768
Install the Flock! game software -- do not start the game, just exit the installer
Archive this bottle, and once complete, delete the bottle in CXG-8.1.4
Restore the above archive into CXO-9.0 (download the demo if needs be)
Register/activate the software installation
At this point, the game may lockup or be unusable -- close the main wine window/reboot the bottle
Archive this bottle again (to a different name), and once complete, delete the bottle in CXO-9.0
Restore the above (registered) archive into CXG-8.1.4
B => Create a new bottle in CXO 8.0.3 (download the demo if needs be), win2000 profile
Use winecfg to enable 'Emulate a virtual desktop' - desktop size 1024x768
Install Internet Explorer 6 into this bottle
Install the Flock! game software -- allow it to start at the end of installation
When the registration process begins, enter your keycode and activate the game
At this point, the game may lockup or be unusable -- close the main wine window/reboot the bottle
Archive this bottle, and once complete, delete the bottle in CXO-8.0.3
Restore the above (registered) archive into CXG-8.1.4
Getting it to run...okay, this is the real trickery, caveat to some usage issues
and lack of fonts/menu overlays ingame and inability to select options menu and
some other overlay occlusion problems and the occurrence of disappearing bodies
of sheep and so forth...I'm able to play the game itself using the following
only wants to seem to run if started from within game $installdir
you have to throw it a debug flag at runtime to achieve mystical enlightenment
you have to know what the game wants you to do without being able to see what the game wants you to do...
best to use the game in a manner that takes into account these various anomalies ;)
there's probably other ways to do this, but this is linux centric in an xterm CLI
Open an xterm, and cd into the game $installdir as shown below,
where [bottle_name] is the name of the bottle you installed Flock
into - with the Direct2Drive version this is;
cd ~/.cxgames/[bottle_name]/drive_c/Program Files/Capcom/FLOCK!/
Now launch the game with the following command;
~/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle [bottle_name] --debugmsg +d3dx9 Flock.exe &> /dev/null
It takes a little time to load, but you should see the capcom splash screen,
followed by a visual of the animated menu background. If so, good, now the
fun begins. Click in the middle of the screen once with left_mouse - you will
hear a weird sound -> hit the enter key three (3) times - this should progress
you to the select game/level screen. Note that if you mouse about this window
(don't click on anything) you can see your current score and other menu items
not displayed 'through' the mouse cursor. Click the mouse on the background to
move the mothership above the next/a level stone - an indicator will appear to
prompt you to right mouseclick to select - when you do select a level like this,
wait until you hear the chicken, then hit enter once again. Now that level will
start and the gameplay itself is good. When you finish a level, you will hear
your score getting points (but not see it), hit enter here again to move forward
onto the level select page again (where new unlocked levels appear).