After install, Notepad may complain about being unable to access "Maestro font default.ftm". The reason seams to be some strange file access rights being set during install. For my German language version, I solved this issue as follows:
I found the directory "~/.cxoffice/Finale NotePad 2012/drive_c/users/crossover/Application Data/MakeMusic" to be unaccessible. After executing "chmod a+rx MakeMusic" and restarting Notepad, appeared another directory "Finale NotePad 2012" inside. Notepad still complained: The new directory was unaccessible again.
After executing "chmod a+rx Finale\ NotePad\ 2012", and restarting Notepad, appeared some files and directories inside. Notepad still complained.
After executing "chmod a+rx Konfigurationsdateien MIDI\ Device\ Annotation Noten Schriftbeschreibung", and restarting Notepad, appeared a new directory "Startdokumente" inside "Noten". Notepad still complained.
After executing "chmod a+rx Startdokumente", newly started Notepad still complained.
After executing "touch Maestro\ font\ default.htm", newly started Notepad runs perfect.
Maybe creating the missing tree and files by hand in only one step also solves this issue. However, I have not tested the latter.