Dear Customer,
We would like to inform you that access to your FINAL FANTASY XIV account has been restored.
After careful investigation, we have confirmed that your account was compromised by an unauthorised third party, who was to blame for the initial violation. Therefore, we have lifted the ban on your account and removed the violation from your record.
To ensure your account does not incur further sanctions, please delete any retainers with inappropriate names that were created while your account was compromised (if any) and hire new retainers instead. Similarly, please delete any characters with inappropriate names that were created by the third party.
If you discover that your account has suffered any unauthorised in-game modifications such as missing items, missing characters or missing gil, we can investigate and attempt to restore the game data.
If you would like to request a game data recovery, please log in to the Square Enix Support Centre using the Square Enix account that was compromised and click the below URL to contact us.
If you haven $B!G (Bt done so already, to maintain the security of your account, we suggest adding a security token to your SQUARE ENIX Account. A free software token is available or you can purchase a physical security token to use our One Time Password system.
For more details on our One Time Password system, please visit:
We thank you for your patience while we resolved this issue.
Kind regards,
SQUARE ENIX Support Centre
Note: Please do not reply to this email. For all questions or concerns related to this matter please contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Centre.