Ok, I know I'm reviving a thread that has been closed down for the last few years, but I'd love to play FFXI on my Ubuntu distro and I'm having trouble. The issue is, I got the game from Steam. I'm not sure if that makes any difference or if I'll need to get the installation disks etc. I've followed all the instructions to the letter (installed the windows 7/Vista client via CrossOver, downloaded & updated the content etc), I've gotten the Play Online viewer to work, I can log into FFXI etc. When I launch the game itself, even though I have FFXI fully installed (all 11 gigs of it!! :P) it still says "game not installed, error 020." I've tried the registry edit suggested in the other thread (you put in C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI\ as a string value in the registry editor etc etc) but all to no avail. The game absolutely refuses to acknowledge that I have FFXI sitting inside the square enix folder within the wine bottle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As a side note, I'd play this game on Win 7 if I could, apparently my PC is so new and up to date that FFXI runs like crap (talking insanely low fps, game skips alot and is just unbearable. General consensus states that my Nvidia GTX 460M is to blame, I don't know). Yes, I know you're wondering why it would be any better on Ubuntu using CX, but I've heard that people having issues w/ FFXI on Win 7 w/ an Nvidia card have gotten FFXI to run perfectly on other OS's (Win XP, Ubuntu, etc). Thanks again!!