Final Draft 6 seemed to install okay, but when I run it I get the splash screen, followed by a wait, and then it just bombs out with no error message.
I'm told by the ISV that one possible reason for FD not running is that it needs to find its own font on the system (Final Draft Courier). As far as I can see, this was installed along with the software - indeed, running Photoshop under CXO reveals that the font is there and available for use (though it doesn't appear under the list of fonts in CXO Setup). Given that the font seems to be installed, is there any reason why the app might not see it? Is there any other bit of configuration I can set?
The .TTF files for the font are in: ~/.cxoffice/dotwine/fake_windows/Windows/Fonts/
My ~/.cxoffice/dotwine/config file has the entries after [FontDirs] commented out.
Any thoughts welcome.