FIFA 12 Forum

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First try

Downloading the demo, hopefully going to buy the full version soon- I'm assuming things are pretty similar to FIFA 11, so starting with the .NET Framework, then seeing what happens.
I'll be back with results tonight (GMT) or tomorrow!


Okay, the game kept freezing on the start page of FIFA 12 after the Play/Settings/Exit page of the demo- a similar thing as to what has been happening in FIFA 11 for me. However, I have tried about 6 times and each time the screen has not unfrozen- I'm running it in a 1280x750 emulated desktop fyi, which worked for FIFA 11 for me.

Updates to follow

I've come across a 'fix' for the freezing which works on windows- see here:

So I'm downloading the software and will test it soon.

Here's the link to the freeware which is supposed to help with the freezing:

Okay the above doesn't work, but I have a sneaking suspicion the freezing is due to my graphics card- according to, my Mid-2010 2.4Ghz 13" MBP is not up to the graphics requirements...

If I can get hold of another Mac, I'll test it with that. I'm sure that a computer with better graphics can run it.

One thing I've come across is that FIFA 12 apparently needs .NET 3.5, which isn't supported yet- however, according to this quote from PaultheTall forums:

[i]I did some research and i found out you need to install NET. "FIFA 11 requires Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 – you can download this (free) from this location. Note that having a higher version installed (ex. v4.0) does not solve this issue."

Yet I can run FIFA 11 perfectly fine with .NET 2.0, so the framework may not be an issue here. Again, when I have access to another system I'll run it. Updates to follow!

I've tried it on Parallels 7 with Windows 7 and it works perfectly!
I installed the redists which come with the game- VC 2008++ and DirectX components. .NET 3.5 doesn't install for some reason, but the game runs perfectly in Parallels. Now to get it working in CXG...


Edit: This was on my friends 15" Mid2010 MBP which has a better graphics card than mine and so can run it- my FIFA 12 doesn't run in Parallels either, coming up with E0001.

Okay, I realised that I forgot to install VC 2008 ++.
Once I did that, it all worked fine- ran up straight off from the start.

Again, same issue as with FIFA 11, the dodgy shadows flying around everywhere- I'm going to try the fix for FIFA 11 and report back.

There is a crash error when I try to run fifaconfig.exe and then click Game Settings- here's the link for the photo:

Any ideas? I've just installed DirectX 9, will see if that helps after lunch...


*Edit- DirectX 9 installation was no help...

All good now!
A bit of Googling found the answer to the Game Settings crash= I downloaded and ran the file suggested on the Quo Forums: (I'll put all of this in a Tip&Trick)

The Xbox 360 controller was messed up, but apparently thats a general problem, not CX/Wine related- I've found a fix which works as well.

And also the fix for the shadows works here as well!

I'd say that this game is fully compatible for CXG!
This should be the last post here, since everything works now.


Although, one thing I forgot to point out is that FIFA 12 has Securom v7.x protection (I think), which means that you can play the game without a CD after the install, and also that the game needs to have the CD on activation and also reactivation, which occurs upon downloading online content, installing patches, etc.


I hope you read this because I'm having trouble even finding Fifa 12 on the game list. It's not there? I see Fifa 08,09 and 10. I don't see 11 or 12? How did you get these games to work with crossover? All the help is appreciated. I do own a i7 2.3 Ghz Intel Mac, I am pretty new to the whole PC game thing on a Mac since I usually use an Xbox, but do to a freak accident which left my Fifa 12 game with a perfect circle game burn ring, I am unable to use the game now which has forced me to play on the Mac. I am using the Fifa 12 windows edition. I heard it had ultimate team on it, so thats why I got it so I got it over the Mac version.

Ouch, unlucky with the Xbox game

No, it's not I'm afraid.
To install it, read my Installation Tip (;tips=1) - first install the 4 things that I have said.
For the first three, go to Runtime Support Components (which is at the bottom of the list) and select the appropriate ones.
For the fourth, choose Other Application, which comes after Community Supported Applications, and for the install file, choose the one you should have downloaded from the link I have given.

Then, after installing these, you can install FIFA 12 by choosing Other Application, then the disc as the installer location, then the bottle.

If you need more detail, just say!

NB-For any application not on the list of Supported/Community Supported Applications, choose Other Application.

Thanks, I'm starting now with all the installs needed. One by one. I am downloading the program now for the 4th needed component. I don't have the CD exactly. I have gotten the game from my friend. There is a Fifa 12 file, but it has a bunch of odd looking files inside, here is what I see.

  1. autorun.ico 35KB
  2. autorun.inf 2 KB
  3. Crack Folder >fifa.exe 23.1 MB
  4. setup-1.bin 2.1 GB
  5. setup-2.bin 2.1 GB
  6. setup-3.bin 2.1 GB
  7. setup-4.bin 975 MB
  8. setup.exe 500 MB

I have no idea what the heck I should do with these files?


Heh, sorry that you have do install each individually...- many apps have a Crosstie which installs all the other things in one go, but I haven't done one for FIFA 12 sorry... Actually, I should get round to that now.

Okay, so when it says 'Select an installer', choose the option for selecting a whole folder, i.e. the folder that those files are in. That should run the installer, since it will choose the setup.exe as the install file.

When I got the files from my friend, the Fifa 12 folder had an .iso file inside. I opened it and it brought up that folder with all the different components inside. which one should i use when I choose the select file? The original iso fifa folder or the opened fifa folder with the .exe inside? Also should i take out the crossover HTML engine inside of the bottle with the 4 components you said should be in there direct x, etc. ? thanks

Choose the fifa folder which contains the exe and everything else. The iso image just contains that folder.

No, leave the Crossover HTML engine, its something that is in each bottle- not quite sure what it does, but I'm sure it has some use in something...
Also, in the bottle there appears to be two .NET Framework 2.0s. This is normal, don't worry about them and don't uninstall one of them.

thanks for all the help, if i need some more assistance I will write back again tomorrow night. should take a bit for me to get all these programs going.

Sure, I'm around almost all day.
Heh sorry again about that... Gotta get this Crosstie done...

I don't see Microsoft C++ 2009 just 6.0 is that the same thing?

Well I installed the following:

Crossover HTML engine
FIFA 12 (c) EA version 1
Managed DirectX Installation
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Microsoft .NET framework 2.0
Microsoft DirectX Runtime - Modern
Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 Redistributable

I got the following error.

The program fifa_activation.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

What now?


Forget all that. I got it to work! :) Much thanks. But, how do you get the Xbox Controller to work? Your instructions are very complicated for me to follow. I don't really understand where to put what. Is there a chance you could put that on youtube?

Or just break it down ABC like, lol.


Woops thanks for pointing out the typo on the Visual C++, I'll correct that sharpish.

Hmmm not sure about a video on youtube, not much of a video maker. I can walk you through here if you want?
I'll try to make it more clear in the Tip as well...

*(Also, sorry for not replying sooner, I got up veerryy late this morning...)

Okay, I've updated the Tips and Tricks to try to make it a bit clearer, but if you still don't get it (don't worry if you don't, it took me ages to work it out myself...), just come back here!

I got it. Better instructions now. How do you adjust game settings like resolution/ crisper graphics? Will more then just Xbox Controllers work with this game?

Joshua Anderson wrote:

I got it. Better instructions now. How do you adjust game settings
like resolution/ crisper graphics? Will more then just Xbox
Controllers work with this game?


..on the mac, you should be able to map in most any USB
HID with usboverdrive ... see ->


For the graphics you have to run fifaconfig.exe in the Setup folder.
Go to Programs- Run Command, choose the FIFA 12 bottle, then navigate to Program Files/EA SPORTS/FIFA 12/Game/Setup and run the fifaconfig.exe.
Go to Game Settings, and there you have all the options.

With the xbox wired controller, am I plugging this in before or after launch of fifa 12. do i need any type of driver built within my bottle or put on my mac?

Stick it in before you load up FIFA 12, otherwise it doesn't see it- or at least for me it doesn't. Also, don't just take the controller out mid-game, it will crash. And you also can't add another controller mid-game, it won't be detected, you have to restart the game.

About drivers, I think you need this:
So that your Mac recognises the controller and the controller works as it should.


You said I think you need this:

but there is nothing there? did you forget to type the link?

Woops you're right:
It's this-


i tried the xbox controller copy and paste and it makes the game freeze from the start up. all you see is the fifa 12 logo and you can hear the game playing but cannot see it. when you change the button.ini back to the original it works perfect. is there something messed up in the script? i pasted the new script under controller 45 like you said and followed the instuctions to a T. so whats up?

Hmmm... I think this happened to me as well.

Go to Programs- Run Command, then choose regedit.exe in the windows folder.

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine, and see if there is a key called Direct3D. (This is looking at the shadows fix- I recommend you do it now, unless you've already done it, since it has happened every time I or someone I know has tried it.)
Compare the string values within that key to those I have laid out here:;tips=1
...and make sure they are all correct.

I think that the controller fix messes them up, because I remember getting the controller fixed, then not being able to progress.

Alternatively, if they are all correct, it is simply a matter of quitting FIFA and trying again- I should have put this up somewhere- the game may freeze on the opening screen whilst the sounds etc seem to continue, so just restart the game. It happens, and happened in FIFA11 as well, its just a lag problem I think.

Get back to me with what happens, but I strongly recommend you apply the shadow fix, because you will see it as soon as you play.


Shadows are fixed. But the controller scripts make the game freeze at the start. You switch back to the old script and everything works fine. I tried restarting the game, but to no difference other than it not working right.

Xbox Controller:

Goto Finder > under Places go to Documents > Fifa 12 > buttonDataSetup.ini

only way it worked was through this route

Yeh I think it is that file...
I remember that when searching 'buttondata' it come up with 3 files I think, so it must be that one.
But in-game without controller fix the controller is messed up again, right?
Also, sorry for doubting you, but are you sure you've replaced the right bit in the file with the fix?
I'm just trying to think what could be wrong, but nothing else is leaping to mind right now, and I don't have the game on hand either...

Yeah, it's working, but the buttons are messed up. Any other fixes?

to be more specific.... the X button is the A button. The A button works in the game. The RT/LT are the LB/RB buttons. No in game change. The L Stick doesn't work, just the R Stick. The D pad does not work. Other than that everything works.

to be more specific.... the X button is the A button. The A button works in the game. The RT/LT are the LB/RB buttons. No in game change. > (quote:460825)

The L Stick doesn't work, just the R Stick.
The D pad does not work. Other than that everything works. [/quote]

Whoops, I can tell me Left from my right, lol. I meant the L stick works and the R stick does not. Sorry about that.

Yeah that happened to me- its like all the buttons have been shifted down the controller, is how I thought of it...

Well, I'm asking my friend whos currently using the computer which has FIFA on to send me a copy of my buttondata.ini, so I can email that to you or something? To be honest, I think this is the only way to do it until EA Sports release a patch later which might or might not fix the controller bugs...
Hopefully if I send you my (working) copy and you replace it, it should work....
If not, I've no idea what's going on... I probs shoulda held onto the other mac as well, but I only needed one for the hols...

He's not at his computer atm, I asked him a few hours ago, and he said he'll send it over tomorrow when he's got it...
Sorry bout that.

Otherwise, I'll have to have a look at it when I have it in front of me, which will be on Monday at the earliest...

sounds good, keep me posted.

Hullo there,
Here's the link to the ini file:

Hope that works, if not I'll need to have a look at my own...

so this says buttondatasetup.ini i am renaming this to buttonsetup.ini and replacing the buttonsetp.ini already in there? or does this go somewhere else or with buttondata.ini?

I'm pretty sure its meant to be called buttondatasetup?
Cos there were (i think) two other button... files when I searched them- the others were (i think) buttonsomething to do with xenon or something like that... and button something else

Did you change a different file?? It's definitely meant to be buttonDataSetup.ini-
(quoting the forums where I got the fix from)
I had the same problem but i came upon a script that change the setting in the file buttonDataSetup.ini.*

Maybe you edited the wrong one?
So you replace the file at Users/username/Documents/FIFA 12/buttonDataSetup.ini with the my one...

OK..So to break it down. I did use the shadow fix. I did use the updated Controller fix. In addition I used the updated button setup where you said it should go and now everything works awesome. The wired xbox controller does fully work with this game and all the buttons are working perfect, no misaligned buttons or non-working ones either. I am using also the xbox tagglebot or however you say it hid as well that is on my mac, not in the bottle. I am using C++2009 and C++6.0. It would not let me remove 6.0 even though alone this does not make the game run, but with 2009 it does. Other than that the game is fully working, I might have to restart the game because of that lag issue, but when it does run after you know 2-3 restarts. I did indeed purchase the full version because of the major issues now are gone. I can deal with the minor issue of the few restarts I might have to do. I found best that if I system reboot the bottle and restart my computer ( not a big deal because of my solid state drive) the game does work after only a couple restarts. Thanks again. If I have anymore problems I will let you know, but as of right now this is the last you have heard of my problems, lol. Well, Fifa problems that is. Good Luck on future upgrades to this game. Cheers.


Awesome, glad we got it sorted out in the end!
Yeh the tattiboggle software for Xbox controllers is really good- you can check that a controller is working normally by plugging it in, then going to the Xbox 360 controllers preferences pane in System Preferences and pressing all the buttons.
VC++ 6.0 probably doesn't take up much space, so it shouldn't be too much bother...
Yup that freezing thing just happens I'm afraid- but I don't think you have to restart your computer- On mine, I just force quit the game, re-open CXG and run it again until it stops freezing. I find that repeatedly clicking on the screen helps, but that's probs just me haha.

Yes do come back if anything's wrong, I'll be glad to help!
Thanks, and enjoy your gaming!

It took me a while but was able to get running with some minor problems. Installation was confusing. We need a Crosstie for this game ASAP.

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