I gather most of you have used some newer version of Family Tree Maker when you've gotten it to work. I'm testing out v7.0 under both CXO 5.0.3 and 6.0beta3.
Under 5.0.3, FTW will install fine, will give an error for it's initial video, but then the app starts up. However, if I attempt to open a file, it never actually opens the file, and all the icons along the top of the screen turn monochrome. Tried this with the FTW demo file as well, same problem. (Win98 bottle).
Re-tried the in 6.0beta3 (both win98 and win2000 bottles). Both installed correctly, introductory video would not display but the dialogue was ther efor it, and then I tried opening a data file. Under both 98 and 2000 I got the standard "Cannot obtain version information for OLE2NLS.DLL" error message many others have been getting. Even after copying the file over from a regular Windows installation, it still failed at the same place. The data file will open, but I subsequently get other errors which make me uncertain of it's reliability.
This is one of the apps I need to migrate my brother over to Linux (with eBay offline auction posting being the most critical and the most unlikely to ever be solved). I'm sure I could eventually move him over to GRAMPS, but for the interim I'd need to set up what he already has (fortunately he's already using Mozilla, OpenOffice & Gimp).