I picked up this title during the Holiday Steam sale. Yesterday I decided to give it a spin. I followed the guide posted in the Tips&Tricks section (thanks guys!). Everything goes fairly well until the .NET 3.0 reinstall. Since .NET is still a hairy subject, no install seems to be like the previous one. Sometimes stuff goes well, sometimes it does not. Since I'm a very lucky dude, I needed to kill the dotnet*.exe once it said it had failed. No matter what I did it still insisted to send something to MS but failed to do so...
Apparently, just my luck, steam was trying to sell me the new deals of the day and the effin' window appeared just when the game was starting. I could not shut it down except by doing Alt+F4. This caused some errors and my desktop to become unusable. Something prevented clicks to go anywhere. X.org was fine, and none of the apps crashed but I did have to go to one of the ttys and killall wineserver.
After a few of these stunts I ended up with a bunch of Steam.exe, zombified Fallout3.exe and some wine executables that could not be killed by using "Terminate Windows applications" menu entry. I decided to logout and then back in and then I could play the game just fine...
Silver, because the install is not seamless and depending on other things it may become quite irritating.