Game installs correctly (see below) and runs great -- requires the
installation of Microsoft Directx Runtime - Modern into the same
bottle. The online GameSpy client also works well. Silver straight
away, but it's probably better than that - a bit more gameplay time
will tell...
To install the GamersGate title, use Crossover Pro/Std -- if you don't
own either of these, download the demo of Crossover Std and use that.
Add a new winxp bottle using cxsetup (Manage Bottles) and give it an
appropriate name. Go to the following C4 page and download (not run)
the C4P profile from there;
Open the file 7854.c4p that you downloaded in a plaintext editor, and
look for the following lines up near the top on the profile;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app appid="com.codeweavers.c4.7854">
<cxversion product="cxgames">9.1</cxversion>
<name>Microsoft HTML Rendering Engine 7</name>
<name lang="en">Microsoft HTML Rendering Engine 7</name>
Edit the product tag from "cxgames" to "cxoffice" and save the file.
Now open the edited 7854.c4p with Crossover Pro/Std(demo) and install the
Microsoft HTML Rendering Engine 7 package. Next, install the GamersGate
install stub you will have already downloaded into the same bottle as a
'Other' application, and the installer should contact the server and go on
to download and install the game content correctly.
At the end of the actual game installation, you will be given a choice of
whether or not to keep the downloaded installer files in case you wish to
run setup again. The choice is yours -- the game installer files are kept in
a temporary directory in the bottle itself, so if you do choose the keep
these it will double the size of (and the creation time) the cxarchive
being created, so it's really up to the user here - I would keep them.
If the GamersGate title you have comes with a serial/key to enter, [b]start
the game at least once in Crossover Pro/Std(demo) to register the game[/b]. This
may not work in Crossover Games at present, so you must do this while still
in the Crossover Pro/Std environment. Once you have registered/activated the
game content, move onto the next step.
Make an archive (.cxarchive) of this bottle in cxsetup (Manage Bottles) -
once the archive creation is completed, delete the bottle in Crossover Pro/Std
and exit that Crossover version.
Now start the Crossover Games cxsetup (Manage Bottles) program, and restore
the archive created above into the Crossover Games environment.
Next, install the Microsoft Directx Runtime - Modern package into the same
bottle (this is available in the 'Runtime Support Components' area of the
cxinstaller GUI), and you should be good to go.
Hopefully in the future we can work out why CXG can't do the online
negotiation part properly, and not have to rely on Crossover Pro/Std
to get this done -- we'll do it via C4P instead...but for now you
have to do it manually, but at least it's not that hard 8)