I have had great success for 9.1
Created a new bottle (winxp with DirectX modern), I then started the installation from the downloaded installer (Reinstall EQ2 from the EQ2 Website)
The install failed (LaunchPad crashed). I quit the bottle and then viewed the package the bottle created. The installer created the right directories, so I copied EQ2 (freshly patched and updated) from my Bootcamp partition. Started the Launcher, and it worked perfectly!
I have a 2009 i7 top o' the line iMac and I run it in semi full screen 1680x1200, just the dock is visible on the main screen. I play with Balanced performance settings with the rendering distance maxed, making it custom. I get between 10-30 FPS depending on what I am doing.
Only the I have noticed is that a couple of textures are strange, particularly my guild hall and some instance doors.
I would give it a Silver rating.