First, the patch installation said it failed for me, but it appears to have been fully installed.
If you are unable to get past the character selection screen after applying the patch (and proceed to re-customize your portrait), here are some things you can try:
Manually set your video card memory in the registry (
~/cxgames/bin/cxrun Select the appropriate bottle, and run the command regedit Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine -> DIrect3D. If there is no Direct3D key, add one. Look for a value of VideoMemorySize, if there isn't one, add it as a string value. Once it is added, double click on it, and enter the amount of memory you have in MB. I entered 512.
If you do not manually set the video memory size, it will be automatically detected, but for some older cards, it will detect too low a value, and all you will see is a black screen.
Lower the graphics settings
In the EVE settings panel (on the graphics tab), select "low quality characters" You may also want to change the Shader quality to low if you experience poor performance in the game