I created a ticket a couple of days ago. I'm also posting to the forums in the hopes that someone can give me some things to try.
CX Version: 7.2.0-mac
Application: Apocrypha
Distribution: 10.5.6
Hardware: MacBook Pro 2.4GHz, nVidia 8600M GT
Software: Crossover Games (Mac) 7.2, Mac OS X 10.5.6, EVE Apocrypha 6.10.85476
In game, the display adapter shows as Direct3D HAL 1. Is this correct?
I downloaded EVE Apocrypha (EVE_Premium_Setup_85476_m.exe) from CCP's website and installed it as a supported application via Crossover Games 7.2 (Mac). This automatically created a Windows 2000 bottle. After the install, I added useGLSL with a value of enabled to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\AppDefaults\ExeFile.exe\Direct3D]. I also tried the HDR enable/disable that was mentioned in the Tips/Tricks tab on the EVE Online Compatibility page.
I am able to log in to the game with my preferred character without a problem. I can see the UI just fine. However, the station is completely black. If I undock my ship and go into space, everything except for the UI is black there as well. I got a DirectX error when installing EVE, so when the graphics didn't work, I reinstalled "Microsoft DirectX Runtime" into the bottle. This completed without any errors.
In winecfg, I have tried setting ExeFile.exe to Windows XP under applications and I have also tried to emulate a virtual desktop in winecfg's graphics settings.
I have the same problem regardless of whether I use the default Windows 2000 bottle type for an EVE Online installation, or do a manual Windows XP bottle installation.
If anyone has any thoughts or comments, I'd really appreciate it. I will probably try another one of the supported games to see what happens.