Running the latest EVE client(Quantum Rise) on the latest Crossover Games(7.1.1) I seem to have a small glitch or a bug when it comes to sound.When I run EVE on Crossover Games it seems that the music and the explosions sound a liitle bit metal like.This is kinda annoying to me because I like to play this game with my nice speaker set-up that I have.
Anyway I know this has nothing to do with my speakers or anything else,even when I run the official Mac client from CCP the sounds are perfect and have no problem at all.So I think this has something to do with the setup between Crossover and Core-audio maybe...?
At last I don't know if it's any worth to say but I run on a Alu iMac 20" with Mac OS 10.5.6.....Keep up the good work CWeavers..;)