I m using CrossOver GAMES 7.0.0
Zenkaku Alphabet is shown as SQUARE
Zenkaku Alphabet is Multibyte Character. and is Alphabet but with Multibye Code.
Its Font is in Japanese Font like MS Mincho.
I copyed msmincho.ttc and msgothic.ttc to ~/.cxgames/win2000/drive_c/windows/fonts
And Started EVE. but Zenkaku Alphabet is not showed correctly.
BTW. KANJI and KANA is showed correctly.
Maybe this is EVE specific problem because notepad shows Zenkaku Alphabet correctly.
Fonts Tweaking is needed, I think.
And 1 more thing.
Wine 0.9.58 can show Zenkaku Alphabet correctly.
I wish this problem will fix in CrossOver.