I play on a MacBookPro with a 1440x900 screen, with EVE graphics set up like this:
- Fullscreen
- 24-bit color
- 1440x879
My Mac dock is auto hide at the bottom.
I see the Mac menu bar at the top of the screen, and EVE filling all of the remaining screen with no gaps. EVE windows minimize to the bottom of the screen and I can click to restore them no problem. When I hover at the bottom of the screen the dock pops up normally over EVE, and I can start or restore other Mac applications on top of the EVE window. If I click on the EVE window (which is where the desktop should be) it doesn't come on top again, so I have to hide or minimise other aplication windows to see EVE. When EVE has focus, the cursor appears only on EVE and not on Mac apps, but if you move the mouse so that the cusror should be over a Mac app and click then it appears.
I quite like this setup, as both the Mac and EVE are perfectly usable, and I dont mind seeing the menu bar all the time.